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Corrupted Warframes (Cosmetic Skin)


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I was just thinking about the new Corrupted Mods and really liked the idea of something Giving a bouns but with a price. Then I though it would be cool to have something like our Helmets, that when equiped would add a mutation to the Warframe also enchance a power.



Ex. 1


Warframe Nyx


Power: Mind Control 2 Uints at one time.

Negative: + Power Cost of power 30% more.


Ex. 2


Warframe Vauban


Power: +10 Electrical Flate rate dmg to his Bastille

Negative: -3 secs to Duration


Like I said just a random idea wanted to throw out there... Wouldnt say these were balanced or anything just would be cool to enchance our powers in some way is all... while also adding a different look to warframes.


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Oh your god... When will these threads stop.


Alt Helmets are one thing, but we really don't need any more cosmetic items. We're ninjas fighting in space, not ninjas attending a fashion show.

Honestly thats true, but also it's an MMO. MMO's are known for customization options, and in this game, scarves were just added. I also don't see corrupted frame skins as a 'fashion statement' in any way, and it makes sense lore-wise IMO. 

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Honestly thats true, but also it's an MMO. MMO's are known for customization options, and in this game, scarves were just added. I also don't see corrupted frame skins as a 'fashion statement' in any way, and it makes sense lore-wise IMO. 

THIS GAME IS NOT AN MMO!! It's a third-person co-op shooter! We don't need a billion skins and helmets and we have jack all lore right now

Edited by WildToxin
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THIS GAME IS NOT AN MMO!! It's a third-person co-op shooter! We don't need a billion skins and helmets and we have jack all lore right now

Im not saying we need "a billion" skins and helmets, I'm just saying it's pretty cool idea. Also, we in fact do need more lore. Even though the game has great gameplay, the game's universe should have more substance behind it too. 

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