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[Warfame] - Phantom / Ghost / Specter


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Other frame concepts I've designed:





Not sure which name to go with, I kind of like them all, but to make things simpler I'll refer to him as Phantom in this post. I did actually consider calling him 'Nightmare' in name of his abilities making him elusive and terrifying but felt that it didn't match Warframe's naming style.




Spectral-Energy / Mind-Nightmare / Terror-Fear



Character (Quotes that define him):

¤The body is so Sturdy, yet the mind Breaks so easily. (Humorous threat)

¤I'm a Nightmare... -A real One. (Serious Threat/Introduction to his Victims)

¤An Assassin once told me he could kill a man without him realizing he'd been killed. I said I could do that to.

I said I could kill a man while leaving him Alive. The Assassin said he could't do that. (A joke, he has a weird sense of humor)




Phantom uses his abilities to step in and out of reality/our dimension while striking at the minds of his enemies, capable of leaving them dead without a scratch.




Health: 150

Shield: 75

Energy: 125

Armor: 100

Speed: 1.0





Phantom Strike


Phantom strikes out against the minds of his enemies disrupting their defense.


¤Energy Cost: 25

(Efficiency will reduce the energy cost)


¤'Phantom Strike' has two sets of functions. One Normal and one for when 'Phase' (2 Tier ability) Insubstantial effect is active.


¤Normal One:

¤¤Phantom attacks every target within a X/XX/XXX/XXXX radius staggering them.

(Effect Radius Suggestion: 4/6/8/10)

(Power will increase the strength of the staggering)

(Range will increase the radius of the effect)

¤¤'Phantom Strike' can be activated at anytime without interfering with the currently performed action. 


¤When Insubstantial from 'Phase'

¤¤Upon use Phantom will not disengage from being insubstantial which would usually be the case.

¤¤'Phantom Strike' can be activated at anytime without interfering with the currently performed action. 

¤¤The next attack made will not cause Phantom to become substantial immediately, instead he'll only turn substantial after the attack is made.

¤¤The attack wont deal any damage and will instead Debuff the target for X/XX/XXX/XXXX seconds to allow the attacks of Phantom and his allies to penetrate the targets Defenses to a certain extent.

(Debuff Duration Suggestion: 3:4:5:6)

(Duration will increase the length of the debuff)

¤¤¤The Debuff works in the following way: The damage that would usually have been removed by the Defense becomes the penetrate value for the duration of the debuff.

(Example: Your attack does 100 damage, the enemy would resist 40% (40), so you deal 60 damage. This ability will cause up to 40 resisted damage to not be resisted for the duration of the debuff.

If for example your ally then attacks with 200 damage, the enemy has 40% resist (80 damage is resisted), but the debuff causes 40 of that 80 to not be resisted so the attack deals 160 instead 120.)

¤¤¤This debuff works with the normal damage that would be dealt to the target if it didn't have any defenses what so ever. Therefor this debuff won't base its penetrate value on Crit.



Author Note's:

Phantoms abilities doesn't deal damage, that's one of his 'Things' so to say, but that doesn't mean he can't use his skills to make things easier -was kind of how I felt when I created 'Phantom Strike'-.

I also really wanted Phantom to have a Dual set ability that worked differently when his Signature effect Insubstantial was active without breaking things.


In its first form of 'Phantom Strike' allows Phantom to create a gap in his enemies, it has short range so it might seem inefficient for ranged combat, but since it doesn't interfere with other action it can be used at anytime, in order to stagger enemies when running, sliding, jumping or when enemies get to close you can stagger them in order to make a safe retreat.

The second form is intended to play on his insubstantial effect without being to powerful, I felt that Phantom was missing a single target strike from his arsenal  and there simply wasn't room anywhere else -or to be more precise, it had to be on the 25 energy since 'Phase' has to be active and that's 50 energy right there-.

This form allows his and his allies following attacks to be more efficient making it useful against bosses and solo play against heavier units.






Phantom allows his physical body to fade away leaving only a phantasm behind.


¤Energy Cost: 50

(Efficiency will reduce the energy cost)


¤'Phase' is personal Buff which drains XXXX/XXX/XX/X energy as long as its active -IF its active for longer then X/XX/XXX/XXXX seconds. Its deactivated by using the ability again (0 energy cost).

(Energy Drain: 5:4:3:2)

(Duration Suggestion: 3:6:9:12)

(Duration will increase this time)

(Efficiency will NOT decrease the energy drain)


¤Phantom becomes INSUBSTANTIAL (not invisible), he can not be hit, take damage of any kind, be exposed to any effects, or collide with enemy units.

¤¤Phantom can't deal any damage while insubstantial.

¤¤Will still be detected by enemies and security cameras.

¤¤Doors will NOT react to Phantom when he's insubstantial and he CAN pass through them (NOT Red ones).

¤¤Phantom CAN'T move through walls or any other Objects.

¤¤While insubstantial and interacting with an Object like Consoles and such he will become substantial.

¤¤Phantom can still pickup items while insubstantial.


¤If Phantom tries to use any abilities or attacks he will instantly become substantial right before the ability or attack is performed.

¤¤Phantom will then return to being insubstantial after XXXX/XXX/XX/X seconds and consume energy equivalent to the drain value.

(Suggestion: 3:3:2:1)

(Duration will not affect this countdown)

¤¤If the Ability that turned him Substantial had a cast time, then the countdown start AFTER the cast has been performed.


¤Shield won't recharge while Insubstantial.



Author Note's:

'Phase' really makes Phantom, 'Phantom', and that's kind of the point, when I came up with him one of the things that I really felt would truly make him 'come alive' was to be able to move through doors, to me that felt like it just had to be his Signature.


When 'Phase' is active Phantom technically can't regenerate shield because even if he becomes substantial when attacking or using abilities he will usually be under fire and if he takes a hit its 3 seconds until the shield starts to recharge, which by that time he will have either returned to being insubstantial or taken another hit.

This should even up on how he can't take damage but decide when to deal it (only issue would be conclave where I guess you could add some vulnerability debuff while 'Phase' is active to even it out).

It's important to note, -Phantom is not a Stealth unit-, and 'Phase' is not a stealth ability.




Nightfear / Nightmare


Phantom invades the minds of his victims granting them a taste of true fear.


¤Energy Cost: 75

(Efficiency will reduce the energy cost)


¤When activated all enemies that Phantom can see that can see him (are looking at him) within the radius X/XX/XXX/XXXX are affected.

(Radius Range Suggestion: 14/16/18/20)

(Range will increase the radius)


¤Targets will run away in fear for X/XX/XXX/XXXX seconds and be debuffed with X% damage and defense penalties for X/XX/XXX/XXXX seconds.

(Fear Duration Suggestion: 3:4:5:6)

(Debuff Duration Suggestion: 6:8:10:12)

(Debuff Damage and Defense Reduction Suggestion: 15)

(Duration will increase the Debuff Length - but Reduce the Power)

(Power will increase the Debuff Penalties - but Reduce the Duration)


¤¤If enemies at higher level can have a chance to resist knockdowns then it should be possible to resist the Fear effect. The Debuff can't be resisted and also affects bosses who naturally resists the Fear effect.

(Power will increase the Fear strength/reduce the targets chance to resist - but Increase the Energy Cost)



Author Note's:

Nightmare / Nightfear really brings out Phantoms nasty personality while displaying his proficiency in meddling with the minds of his prey, I feel that this ability helps solidify his thematic style as a 'Horror/Terrifying Phantom' while he otherwise might have been seen more as a 'Sneaky/Lethal Phantom'.


The primary issue I had with balancing this ability was that 'Fear' is a very powerful utility -the enemy won't be attacking- which in a way is the same as a stun though in this case the target is still moving, but in terms of CC it still possesses the equivalent of a 3:4:5:6 stun. So in turn I added a Debuff which weakens the target and make the 'Fear' resistible in order to balance it out, and at the same time allow it to keep utility against bosses. 






Phantom invades the minds of his preys, striking at the very core of their entity


¤Energy Cost: 100

(Efficiency will reduce the energy cost)


¤All enemies within a X/XX/XXX/XXXX radius are disabled.

(Radius Range Suggestion: 14/16/18/20)

(Range will increase the Radius - but Increase the cost)

¤¤Enemies will simply collapse and lie there with their shield and health untouched, in terms of game mechanics they are perma-stunned instead of killed.


¤If an enemy manages to resist the Attack they're stunned instead (for higher levels and bosses).


¤If they manage to resist the stun they're knocked down.


¤As long as they resist the initial Attack the targets will be debuffed with X% penalties to 'Rate of Fire', 'Movement Speed', 'Reload Speed' and 'Defenses' for X/XX/XXX/XXXX seconds.

(Debuff Strength Suggestion: 35%)

(Debuff Duration Suggestion: 2:3:4:5

(Duration will increase the Debuff length - but Increase the Energy Cost)

(Power will not effect the Debuff strength)



Author Note's:

'Terminate' is the very skill mentioned in the flavor text 'striking at the minds of his enemies, capable of leaving them dead without a scratch.', personally I can't really imagine Phantom without this ability, to me this ability symbolize all what Phantom is about.

The followup debuff if the initial effect is resist represent how their minds is shaken up form the attack.


The trouble some part is to balance the ability, now there are many 'Mega Kill' abilities in 4th tier and as long as they all are still killing their targets there's no problem, but at higher levels that might get troublesome.

I myself have not gotten to the end game yet, so I don't know how the regular Tier 4 'Mega Kill' abilities do there, but I assume that you won't simply be wiping them all out with it at that point which is why it gets troublesome with 'Terminate' since it entirly bypasses the Damage portion and takes them out directly -true, they still need to be 'killed' but they still can't do anything-.

And so, in order to balance it I thought that enemies at higher level (and bosses) could be able to resist it and only be stunned instead (and I assume stuns can be resisted as well) so since its a Tier 4 ability I added a knockdown if the stun is resisted, I also added the debuff in order to make it worth the 100 energy against a boss and make it worth using on higher levels in order to cripple your opponents.


Edited by Wishdoom
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