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Arachne, Spider/manipulator Warframe


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This is my first forum post so bear with me and suggestions are very welcome. ;)


This is Arachne, the manipulator, the spider.


Arachne specializes in manipulating her prey and retaliating when they least suspect it.


Power 1- Ensnare

 Launches webbing at an opponent, slowing and jamming their weapon in the process. Casting this ability on an enemy multiple times will cause them to move slower and slower until they cannot move as well as having a greater chance at jamming their weapons.


Power 2- Scented Lure

 Projects an aroma that will attract all enemies in range to turn their attention to Arachne. Enemies in this frenzied state will ignore everything else and target Arachne with reduced damage, providing a swift revival of a teammate or a distraction when needed.


Power 3- Cocoon

Completely protects Arachne in a tight cocoon while slowly draining her energy. In this state all status effects will disappear and her health will slowly regenerate. All other abilities besides ensnare can be used in this state.


Power 4- Arachnophobia

Instill the fear of spiders in your enemies, Tenno.

Arachne launches spiders across the battlefield that induce deadly venom while wrapping them tightly in cocoons. Enemies will be immobile for a short period while receiving damage from the bites, toxin procs and reduced armor.


Arachne’s arsenal can be improved with mods. Duration mods will affect ensnare, the area that scented lure covers as well as the duration of arachnophobia, Range mods can benefit cocoon and arachnophobia with increased range. Strength mods will greatly improve all of Arachne’s abilities.


Let us remind our enemies why our ancestors feared arachnids Tenno.



Spider and Manipulator



Crowd control/ Enemy manipulation/ Distraction



Health: 100 (300 at rank 30)

Armor: 100

Shield: 80 (240 at rank 30)

Power: 200 (300 at rank 30)

Sprint Speed: 1.2

Aura: Naramon(dash/bar) – excellent for energy siphon

Polarities: 1x Naramon(dash/bar), 1x Madurai(V)

Passive: Enemies have a 15% chance of panicking when affected by any of Arachne’s abilities or attacking her with melee. (Only applies once per enemy)



-        Arachne shoots out a web projectile that will slow down the enemy

-        Web has a 20%/40%/60%/80% chance to jam enemies’ weapons

-        Multiple casts of this ability will increase the chance to jam weapons

-        Duration of weapon jam is 15s/20s/25s/30s, affected by duration mods

-        Recast of this ability on enemy will NOT reset initial duration of weapon jam

-        Jam chance not affected by power strength

-        Slows enemies by 10%/20%/25%/30% affecting move and attack speed

-        Multiple casts of this ability will increase slow rate of enemies

-        Duration of slow is 10s/15s/20s/25s, affected by duration mods

-        Recast of this ability on enemy will NOT reset initial duration of slow

-        Once the enemy is 100% slower they will stop in their tracks

-        Slow rate is affected by power strength

-        Casting on ground will create a trap that lasts for 5s/10s/25s/35s

-        When trap is activated the initial slow and jam duration begins

-        Only affects one enemy, even if two enemies step on the web at the same time

-        This ability has unlimited range but travel time; targeting enemies at distances will be more difficult but possible

-        Ability uses one hand and will not interrupt reloads, shooting or charging weapons

-        Ability costs 25 energy


Scented Lure

-        Arachne projects a scent that slowly envelops an area

-        The area is affected by duration similar to Nova’s molecular prime

-        The scent cloud travels at 3m/s

-        Travels for 3s/5s/7s/10s

-        Affected enemies solely focus on Arachne due to increased threat level

-        Duration affects enemies for 15s/25s/30s/50s

-        Enemies attack with reduced damage during duration of ability

-        Attacks are 5%/10%/15%/30% weaker

-        Scent area is based on where Arachne was standing when cast and does not move with Arachne

-        Duration mods affect scent cloud travel time and duration of enemy weakness

-        Strength mods affect the strength of enemies, the greater the power strength, the weaker the enemy

-        Enemies outside of affected area will not be affected in any way

-        Ability cannot be cast again until duration of initial cast has worn off

-        Ability costs 50 energy



-        Arachne spins a cocoon around herself to block all incoming damage, clear all procs, and regain health

-        Arachne regains 50/100/150/250 health per second upon cast, affected by strength mods

-        All existing status effects on Arachne are cleared as soon as Arachne is at full health

-        Cocoon does not have hitpoints, it is invincible

-        Cocoon size is 1m/1.5m/2m/2.5m across, affected by range mods

-        Allies that stand inside cocoon will not be protected unlike Nyx’s absorb

-        Can be cast midair

-        Synergizes very well with scented lure to attract enemies while taking no damage

-        All other abilities besides ensnare can be activated while cocoon is active

-        Once deactivated, Arachne will drop out of the cocoon leaving it as a decoy for 3s

-        Decoy duration is not affected by duration mods

-        During this phase the cocoon will have a higher threat level than Arachne, keeping enemy fire concentrated on decoy

-        Ability initially consumes 20 energy, later taking 2.5 energy per second until deactivated by casting ability again or running out of energy

-        Eximus enemies cannot drain Arachne’s energy during cocoon



-        Arachne releases a horde of spiders from her webs to attack the enemy

-        Upon activation, spiders will swarm the battlefield biting and wrapping enemies into cocoons

-        A total of 10/13/15/20 kubrow-sized spiders will be released; the number of spiders are affected by strength mods

-        The spiders each do 500 damage per bite, affected by strength mods

-        Spiders can bite an unlimited amount of times

-        Each bite inflicts a 100% toxin proc on an enemy

-        The toxin proc does 20% of base damage per tick for 10 ticks over 8s, affected by strength mods

-        Each spider can wrap an enemy in a cocoon immobilizing them

-        Each spider can only immobilize one enemy before dying

-        Immobilized enemies will not be able to move or attack until the duration of the cocoon is over

-        The duration of each individual immobilized enemy is 10s/20s/30s/40s, affected by duration mods

-        Stronger enemies take more time to immobilize ie. Heavy Gunner, Corpus Tech

-        Spiders are invincible and cannot be killed

-        Spiders will only attack within the range of the ability, affected by range mods

-        The spiders will attack for 15s/20s/25s/30sbefore fading away, affected by duration mods

-        The area the spiders patrol move with Arachne

-        Ability costs 100 energy


Additional Notes

My idea for Arachne was originally an all-out offensive frame, however I realized that we already had a few of those so instead I researched how some spiders hunt and came to the conclusion that many spiders prefer to lure their prey and attack when they least suspect it. That is how I came to create this warframe with this specific skillset. Thanks for reading!


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A nice start. some ideas from the peanut gallery:


Spiders primarily 'hunt' by laying traps (various webspinners) and performing ambushes (trapdoor spider and i'm sure others). Anyway, here's another possibility:


Armor: 150 or 190. While slight of frame, Arachne has a hard, plate armor-like exoskeleton, and performs as a tank and battlefield manipulator.



Wall Cling: Arachne is capable of wall latching for extended periods of time.  say... 1.5 or 2x as long as normal. This modification is treated as part of base value for the purpose of mods that affect wall latch leading to some excessively long periods of time she can remain attached to walls. fitting, I think for a spider themed warframe.




1) Weave:Toggle ability. Arachne launches a silk-like cable from her palm. 
Energy Cost: 10 activation, 5/4/3/2.5 per second. 
Range: 15/20/22/25m (cast),  25/35/42/50m maximum cable length
If it hits a enemy, they are wrapped in the wire and the ability slows their movement and prevents the target from attacking or alerting other enemies. Weave deals no damage on its own and is silent. Enemies can still be alerted if they see a target ensnared.The effect accumulates over time. Within ~6 seconds, the target is completely cocooned in webbing. The exact speed varies depending on the relative level of the enemy compared to Arachne. If for example, shes trying to cocoon a heavy gunner that's ten levels over her, it might take something like 10 seconds, if she's targeting a Grineer that's ten levels lower, it might only be 4 seconds. Maybe affected by power strength? 
While tethered to the target, Arachne can still move and use one handed weapons and actions. For example, she can snap off shots from a pistol while ensnaring a target. Holding down the quick melee button, however, sees Arachne reel the target in towards her, causing the target to stumble about. The speed at which the target is pulled in is dependent on power strength, but its not going to be as fast as Pull or Ripline. If Arachne comes in contact with the target while reeling them in, she'll instantly end the power and perform a melee finisher with her equipped weapon. If the power is toggled off, the status effects on the enemy persists for ~15s, affected by power duration.
If it hits the environment, it tethers Arachne to the target location. While toggled on, Arachne can still move and can use the fact that she's tethered to her advantaged for mobility (yes, she can webswing with it). If Arachne is not on the ground -or touching another surface- and holds her quick melee button, she reels herself in towards the point she's attached to (compared to Valkyr's ripline, she moves much slower. say, 2/3 as fast). While holding the crouch button sees her increase the slack allowing her to drop at the same rate.  If Arachne ends the power while airborne, she''l fall to the ground and the web line will disappear after a few moments. However, if Arachne is wall latching or otherwise making contact with a valid surface when she ends the power, she'll instead attach her end of the cable to the surface she's attached to. The cable will persist and functionally be a zipline (though enemies/AI won't recognize it as such, so they won't attempt to use it). If set at too steep an angle, the webline disappears after a few moments, otherwise the webline persists for 30s, affected by duration mods.


2) Parlour:

Arachne lays down a radial web at her location. moderate size, about the same as snow globe, affected by ranged mods. enemies that are in the area when cast are cocooned and unable to move or otherwise act. Enemies that enter the area are slowed. 


3) Social Pariah:

Arachne attaches web lines to allies within 12-20m (like an inverse of Trinity's link power). While attached, Arachne absorbs 20/30/40/50% of the damage her allies would take and is rated at a high threat level. Healing she receives also spreads to her allies, with an additional 20/30/40/50% of the healing effect spread evenly amongst the linked allies. 



20 additional kubrow-sized mobs? are you trying to kill the crappy end machines? but seriously, that's hideously resource intensive. so how about this instead:


A swarm of tiny spiders (outlined in her energy color) crawl out from under arachne's carapace, covering her and all those she comes in contact with (the spiders are just an effect applied to objects like a 2D version of the infested swarm). 


Arachne gains ~25-50% armor and enemies she attacks or is attacked by in melee have a 10/15/20/25% chance to flee in terror (as Nekros' ability of the same name). The swarm of spiders slowly spread out from her, at a rate of 1m/s, but as she moves around, she leaves a trail of spiders in her wake 1m in width. Further, the spiders instantly spread across any of Arachne's webs and weblines, including those created by Social Pariah. Allies that become covered in spiders become additional vectors for dispersal and gain the same benefits as Arachne. 


Multiple instances of Arachnophobia stat multiplicatively (so 2 Arachnes affecting one another would provide 75% bonus armor and 37.5% terror chance)


Enemies that come in contact with her or an area the swarm has spread to take 150-400 toxin damage initially, and 50% per tick for 8 seconds afterward as the spiders bite and slowly encase them in web. At the end of which, the target, if still alive, is cocooned. 


Overall, Arachne generates the swarm of spiders for 9 or 10 seconds, The spiders themselves linger for 16s. Affected by power duration.


If this power seems like too much, I'd suggest dropping the chance to terrify before anything else.



Cocooned enemies are protected from external damage by the cocoons -which have their own hp values- but take periodic toxin damage while encased. Arachne gains 25% of this toxin damage in health if she's in contact with the cocoon, either physically touching it, or in contact with any of her webs that touch it. 


the toxin damage is affected by power strength, but the overall damage should be fairly low. Even with a bunch of targets caught in her parlor power, she shouldn't be healing herself faster than trinity could using Life Well, much less her allies.


Allies of the cocooned target will attack these cocoons to attempt to free their comrades, though the cocoons have a relatively low 'threat level'. enemies inside the cocoon struggle against their bonds, dealing 25 x enemy level damage to the cocoon per second. The cocoon's health is based on Arachne's level x ~250, affected by power strength. 

Edited by CrashLegacy14
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I honestly like Crash's suggestion better. With his suggestion, the frame would feel more "spider-like" in my opinion. With Weave, you could feel like a spider that ensnares it's enemies and are able to deliver a "fatal bite" (finisher attack), since the enemy is out of the battle.


Cocoon - spiders never usually wrap themselves up. Parlour sounds like a better alternative to this ability.


Scented Alure and Social Pariah both are team based abilities but if I had to choose, I like the idea of Social Pariah better, unless Arachne had better health or life steal. (which lifestrike makes available technically)


Both suggestions of Arachnophobia are good and maybe should be combined. With Crash's suggestion, it doesn't feel much like an Ultimate and like they pointed out, 20 minions could definitely lag older machines. Having a duration based ability with armor boost would synergize with either Scented Alure or Social Pariah....the damage aspect should probably be like effect based instead of minion. Maybe something along the lines of splotches being applied in an AoE, like tentacle swarm and have spiders attack from these patches.


Perhaps fill whatever room you're in, by coming from the most outer edges (like reverse MP/Miasma) and swarming over bodies dealing a decent damage base - while causing panic. So, something like 30m radius, with a 15-30% chance of panic, and dealing like 800-1200 toxic damage.

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Wow those are actually some pretty decent ideas maybe you should've started with this idea instead! I just don't completely understand what the special tab is for though?

Heh, thanks.


Weave came about as a "how do I work parkour 2.0 into this frame?" and combined it with Ensnare. Honestly, while I put together the pwoer I was wanting to use a 'hold button' function instead of a toggle, but hold function for powers don't work well with controller setups that utilize the power menu. .... like the one I use.


I can definitely see DE having a lot of annoyances with the power and would likely have to make some pointed limitations on the range and where it can be used. Hell, the durations I list are for the sake of not having too many added ziplines in system memory at once.


- The Special Tab

Three of Archane's abilities cocoon the target, what that does is listed in that special section. simple as that. the idea of Arachne being able to heal by making contact through touch or her webs provides her with a source of healing, and with social pariah active, she could play the role of discount Trinity to an extent. 


Both suggestions of Arachnophobia are good and maybe should be combined. With Crash's suggestion, it doesn't feel much like an Ultimate and like they pointed out, 20 minions could definitely lag older machines. Having a duration based ability with armor boost would synergize with either Scented Alure or Social Pariah....the damage aspect should probably be like effect based instead of minion. Maybe something along the lines of splotches being applied in an AoE, like tentacle swarm and have spiders attack from these patches.

That was actually the intended effect. hundreds or thousands of spiders crawling around would be too resource intensive. I figured it'd be a effect applied to targets of the power, like Valkyr's Warcry being a mass of horizontal lines. Just here wed have an overlay of little spiders glowing the power color that could be applied to characters, patches of the environment, and Arachne's webs. 


The listed damage is actually pulled from Ember's Fireball, while the durations are drawn from Volts Speed, Ember's World on Fire, and Elytron's Core Vent abilities. So, yeah it's not all that powerful out the box, but its not meant to be. Rather it's an ultimate that you actually have to plan ahead to use to maximum potential and has crazy amounts of synergy. This isn't press 4 to win, it's Arachne declaring checkmate. 


Further the power has a lot of utility. It's another way to cocoon enemies, it provides an armor buff to her and her linked allies, and there the possibility of adding terror to the mix. 


- Some of the cells in Warframe are really big and as such it could take a fair amount of time for the power to creep to targets. but more than that, I really like the idea of Arachne generating the swarm from her own body and it spreading across any of her webs. Tag the boss with with weave, stand at the edge of her parlor, dive headlong into melee, press the button. 

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Concept art WIP:




A bit more thick looking in the limbs then I intended. I'll likely make the forearms, hands, and feet more slender, possibly even make the upper arm and thighs, while preserving the sharp curve of the latter. Her torso is supposed to be that thin in the abdomen and accented with wide hips. 


Beyond that, I've not even touched the head yet, but I'm going to have a multitude of 'eyes' on the helmet and I'll probably end up shortening her neck a little to make the top of her head even with the top of the back piece. i'll probably work in a pair of mandibles or two over the mouth area.


There's webbing under her arm pits and along the inside of the shoulder plates. Arachne's webbing will be shaded by her energy color. The image of Excalibur is to scale with the concept art of Arachne, she's that much taller than him.

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What? Use your words, man.


That spider thing (and the real spiders) calls for a femme fatale stuff... The female EATS the male... Whatever... All the RPG and MMOs evermade ... Otherwise Spiderman... Spiders are girl power.


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That spider thing (and the real spiders) calls for a femme fatale stuff... The female EATS the male... Whatever... All the RPG and MMOs evermade ... Otherwise Spiderman... Spiders are girl power.


You're thinking of sexual canabalism, which is commonly associated Black Widows. 


Seriously though, you're making it very hard to sense out of your posts. Instead of writing an entire thought you're just throwing a few disgointed segments of sentences and expecting me, or others to reason out what you're tying to say.


But yes, if it wasn't obvious from the name, Arachne, or the WIP concept art above, she is a female. 

Edited by CrashLegacy14
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