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Posts posted by Gasnix

  1. Onkko

    Likes: Guiding, Gilding, Working with children

    Dislikes: Warframes, Destiny

    Life in Cetus can be hard, but living in Unum's shadow does have it's benefits. You heard about the beautiful sunsets of Cetus, why not come and see them for yourself, with me. We can walk the beaches together, or have a picnic in the noon shadow of The Seaside Ruins. The universe does not always have a good ending in mind, but I've seen that with you, it's different. 

  2. Not just Valkyr, same issue experienced with Harrow and Nidus.

    Not dependent on Skins, then, neither other cometics or frames themselves.

    There also appears to be some more visual glitches. For one at least, the equipped attachemts are doubling and hovering little bit off of the handle itself. 

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