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Posts posted by Azzanis

  1. On 2020-03-13 at 11:09 PM, Grey_Star_Rival_Defender said:

    I disagree. Took some practice but I took the time to train myself to toggle sprint when I needed it and disable it when I needed it. Holding down sprint for the awful long distances in Empyrean would be pretty painful.

    I'm sure you're great at avoiding ramsleds and never found yourself without boost because you accidentally forgot to toggle it off. Also, awful long distances like 10km take half minute at most once you unlock the maneuver, I can't imagine how holding shift for few seconds once a mission can be painful.

    Dunno, to me it feels very, very awkward and I have to turn it off every single time I want to play some RJ. You said it yourself, you had to practice to do it well, but you shouldn't, it should feel natural from the beginning. When you're playing as your Warframe, you aren't toggling your sprint on and off - there's no reason to because it's unlimited, boost isn't.

  2. Toggle sprint shouldn't work in Railjack when you're piloting, or at least should have a separate toggle. It just feels very weird, especially after you unlock the drift maneuver.

    In normal Warframe gameplay you just hold a shift for a while in the beginning of the mission and you're set, but in railjack you have to constantly toggle it on and off by holding the button, it's bad 😕

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  3. Enemies all the time have pathing issues and can't climb walls in certain places, resulting in 5 waves taking forever because enemies can't reach the objective and because players have to find every single enemy that's stuck on the entire map. It happens in both Lith and Coba missions.

    It's a shame because it's one of the first missions that new players are going to experience.


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