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Posts posted by Cylush

  1. 2 minutes ago, PiethekidRS said:

    IGN: PiethekidRS (But I* prefer to be called Bachoo)

    MR: 6

    TIME ZONE: Eastern Time (UTC-5:00)

    ABOUT ME: I like video games and I love to participate in various gaming communities, after seeing how friendly the warframe community has been I've wanted to join a solid group. I am a full time student trying to get a part time job over the summer, but for now I tend to come online after school.

    I OFFER: I am a very social person that can get along with anyone, so I'm* looking to make more friends and to have to some fun ruining some Grineer's days.

    Hopefully I'll* hear* from you soon.

    The wait begins....


    I can vouch for Bachoo, know him personally and he's a pretty skilled player. Fixed your errors, by the way...

    Oh, and his internet connection shuts off at either 9 or 10 PM every weekday. It doesn't shut off on weekends, though.

  2. Alright, not sure how to start this. I suppose I'll start off with some important information.

    1. I'm a grammar nazi. If you make a mistake, I will likely correct it.

    2. Big one here. I'm autistic. High-functioning autism is what I have. It used to be called Aspergers Syndrome, but that was changed to what I said before.

    3. I can't take insults very well at all. If there is one thing that truly upsets me, it is my intelligence being insulted (read: please do not call me an idiot). I have an IQ of 135, so I don't like it when people play it down.

    4. I have ODD, or Oppositional Defiance Disorder (not to be confused with Orokin Derelict Defense). I'm not good with authority, although I'm much better at keeping my cool while playing games.

    5. I love to help out people. If I have a spare something, or something someone wants/needs, I normally will not hesitate to give it to them for free (or, if they want to give something, for whatever they deem necessary. I like getting 1x R5 Fusion Cores).

    6. Being autistic, it is often quite hard for me to catch jokes or know when someone is being sarcastic. I'm often extremely formal when I first meet someone or a group, but I eventually get better.


    Now. I may or may not be staying, as the clan I'm currently in belongs to my little brother. If he's upset that I left, I may have to go back. I'm fairly certain he'll be somewhat nonplussed, so this shouldn't be much of an issue.


    Hmm. What else can I add? I've read all of the spoilers of the first post, aside from some of the clan pictures, as I want to be surprised. The clan seems close-knit, something I like. Having a game family is always something very helpful to me.


    Oh, yeah. I'm MR12. Been playing for roughly two years, or a total of 1350 or so hours. I have one request, though. If I join, I'd like a friend to join too. He is above MR5, and actually quite skilled. I'll be informing him of this, so if both you and him accept, everything should be fine.


    Sorry for this wall of text, but as you can likely see, I don't like to leave information out. Thanks for reading this, and I hope you consider me a potential candidate.

  3. Alright, thanks.

    About the "Enemies can't cause damage to others when sent flying" thing... Enemies shot by Bows can be sent flying and kill enemies they hit. You can see the proof in this video, at 2:39. The Corpus enemy's foot flew into the Tech, killing it: 

    Mogamu also said that enemies ragdolled by the Paris Prime can kill enemies they hit in the same video, as well.


    Yeah, it's Apollodorus on Mercury. I'll play there. Just to be certain, I solo, right?


    P.S. I've never played Force Unleashed, heh.


    Thanks again for the help.

  4. Say I have Blast and Toxin installed. I shoot one enemy, proc both Blast and Toxin, and the first enemy hits another one. Since the first enemy is now a projectile, would it be able to act as a shot and proc Toxin on the second enemy hit?


    Same goes with Blast and any other element, like Cold. Could I proc Cold on the enemy hit from the blasted enemy?


    Sorry if this was a stupid question, but it just popped into my mind.


    Question Number Two: Where do people go to test out strategies or learn new weapons? I used to be pretty good with the Paris Prime, but I kinda stopped using it and I'm not as good. Where would I go to relearn how to use it again?



  5. Alright, thanks.


    Thanks once more for the combo, I didn't think of it before.


    One more question: Would this combo work with any three of the regular elemental mods? If so, what combinations would you choose for each Faction (Yes, I know that's kinda off-topic, but meh)?


    EDIT: Removed a random "/" from my second line.

  6. What I'm asking is, say I use 6 Forma on a Prisma Gorgon, and add four V and two --. If I use three elemental mods... Let's say Cryo Rounds, Hellfire, and Infected Clip, along with the regular damage and crit mods, there are some combos I can't get without switching the order of the polarities.



    The "_" means no Polarity.

    Gas + Cold

    V V -- V

    -- _ V _


    Blast + Toxin / Viral + Heat

    V V _ V

    -- -- V _


    So, with the three Config loadouts I can have, would one be able to have the Gas + Cold polarities where they are, while the second Config has the Blast + Toxin polarities where they are?



    Sorry if this was confusing, and thanks for helping.

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