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Posts posted by AccrualWorld

  1. I picked up Banshee when I first started in warframe, and the only time I was let down by her was when her sound quake went from god mode to kamikaze. But since then, the stagger has been a beautiful. A good combo I used was pop sonar and then sound quake when with a party and let the team have it. Solo wise shes agile enough to use sonic boom to get out of some tight spots. Personally, I'm happy with the way she is and not worth the overhaul, last time DE laid their hands on her, she nearly became a joke...

  2. Can't say I ever played Realm of the Mad God before but HOLY $#!% ... 20% off platinum.  Protip: create thread about rigged log in rewards.... ???... profit 

  3. I know its random and its probably a string of bad luck now but... Every time I seem to log in, and this is after logging once a day for the past 2 or 3 months straight now,  it seems that my reward is either pistol exp, rifle exp, warframe exp, or 10k credits. Anyone else stuck in this vicious cycle?

  4. So i use sonar at the beginning of a void mission and every time I'm trying to use it, I just get a message saying "Power In Use". This happens even after the enemies affected by sonar are dead and continues until the end of the mission.  Anyone else come across this too?

  5. I just realized this after the hotfix the other day when drawing a bow (I only tried this with Dread so far) and then only sprinting (no flips or anything like that) the bow loses its charge up. Before sprinting had no effect on this. Just wondering if anyone else experienced the same thing yet. 

  6. With my Paris, I started with vipers and found I was just eating through way too much ammo.. so then I gave akbolto a try and love the combo. Rollers and corpus flying bots are a bit hard to hit and a longer range with them but with enough mods it can mow down arush of infested easily or fend off waves of grineer and corpus.

  7. For my load out:

    Warframe: Banshee

    Primary: Paris

    Secondary: Akbolto

    Melee: Fangs

    Overall, I really enjoy running this set up so far. After some pistol experimentation, I settled on the akboltos for the higher damage and higher fire rate (( I did run vipers but I was burning way too much ammo)). As for the warframe... my only gripe is that all the abilities are aoe based. Instead of silence, I wish that banshee had an ability that was more long ranged or 1 on 1 focused.

  8. My favorite combo so far with my banshee has been the paris bow and the akbolto pistols. The pistols do a good bit of damage and have a high enough fire rate to take on some larger crowds. But like it was said earlier, its all about personal taste.

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