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Posts posted by CafetaoChamadoMaciota

  1. Level up you base damage mods (Serration for Primary, Hornet Strike for Secondary and Pressure Point for Melee). These should be your first priority on your guns.
    Then add multishot (Split Chamber for Primary, Barrel Difusion + Lethal Torrent for Secondaries).

    Now for elements, rule of thumb is Corrosive (Toxin + Shock) is never resisted, and hits grineer harder.
    Toxin damage (pure) bypasses shields, but is resisted by machines

    So Corrosive for Grineer missions, Toxin (or Gas) on Corpus.
    For Infested, try running Corrosive+Fire or Gas+Cold.

    This should get you through the Starmap. Remember to make better gear as you progress too.

  2. 1. These mods already don't require you to cap them out. At R8/R9 they already serve their purpose beautifully, as most primed mods do.
    2. By design, they're not supposed to be easy to max. You could argue that's bad design, but I don't mind. You can get through most of the game without capped primeds. (Or Primeds at all).
    3. They're not only for Umbra, it would require you to work a build around them, but you're not forced to. They may be great, but the warframes that use all 3 are few (Chroma comes to mind, but it's impossible without the umbra polarity) and using just 2 is...meh. So they're not a "MUST HAVE" as some primeds actually seem to be.

    Yes, I think the Endo grind is mad, but just...don't. It'll burn you out. If you want to, then assemble a good squad. If you intend on both tackling a giant wall of grind and also want to run a poor squad, then you're setting yourself up for failure. It's not like it's a secret, there's a lot of videos on yt, you just need to assemble people on recruit chat.

  3. 6 minutes ago, xPhilip said:

    So with Mesa, I previously used the synoid gammacor. This has innate magnetic damage (which I believe worked with her regulators) and now no longer does

    As a result this has "nerfed" my favourite frame.

    And of course I'm not entirely happy about having to forma everything again (i.e spend plat on something I've already invested in)


    umbra is cool though

    Exalted weapons never scaled with equipped weapons stats, only with their mods.
    This has no impact or your regulators performance, you'll only need to grind more for the polarities (which I'm also mildly annoyed, but it's a good QoL change)

  4. 1 minute ago, Cleesus said:

    Alright well its being looked into on DE's side atm, i have seen some weird workarounds for it but if that isnt working for you hang tight!

    Ty for the response, I'm hoping for a hotfix. It seems to switch the input mode to controller, as you can move the cursor with WASD and the cursor is "sticky" to options.

  5. 1 hour ago, Scythwolf said:


    Since I am not too long a part of the community (2.5 month perhaps) I haven't seen a vaulting and unvaulting process. As I heared Nekros and Zephyr are poth vaulted... but what about Hydroid? He is still farmable? When Nekros gets vaulted does also Hydroid get into the vault? 

    Thanks for answering in advance.

    Her stuff is coming out of PRIME ACESS, which is the bundle for her stuff (Cash)

    Nekros is the next to-be vaulted, since he's the oldest still dropping relics.
    Relics that you've gathered will still be useable, so you can farm him even after vaulting if you stocked up.

    Hydroid is gonna take a while to be vaulted.

  6. On 27/03/2018 at 7:57 AM, Sqecmi said:

    the only way it's competetive with aks prime is via disposition.

    It still works for proc'ing status. Status scales regardless, the dps is close enough. Just ammo economy is bad bc double firerate+half damage. But I never had a problem, because I don't use only it during the mission.

  7. Pretty sure both of their ammo economy are terrible. At worst you'll have to use ammo mutation, but that never happened to me. The gun is still fine. It's not better than the akstiletto, just because of the ammo economy, otherwise it's really solid stat-wise.

  8. 13 minutes ago, Sqecmi said:

    please dont :crylaugh:

    Uh, yes. It has nearly same status chance (2% off), similar crit (1% off) (both are low). The drawback being half the damage, though it has more than double Akstiletto's firerate, this means it procs status a lot more commonly albeit with the ammo cost, but a Carrier usually sorts it out by itself. It's a pretty good status weapon, specially for free and with a catalyst.

  9. 9 minutes ago, HoboMaggot said:

    Should I replace my dex weapons?

    What do I replace them with 

    Sybaris is great, you shoudln't unless you dislike it.
    Dex Furis is a sidegrade to Akstiletto Prime, it's pretty fun
    Dex Dakra is pretty bad, you should replace it if you need the slot.

  10. On 18/03/2018 at 9:54 PM, Zhoyzu said:

    Thats fine, but an inaccurate assessment of the situation. i dont have time to explain that to you either.

    Mind control is strong, and bolts are fine.

    Bolts are not fine. Nyx is a frame that I love, but defending Psychic Bolts of all things?
    Ash can guarantee a Slash proc, strip armor with augment, does over double the damage of PB and costs half the energy.
    And comparing to Nyx other abilities, PB is laughable at CC.

    You're just trying to be edgy "you need to git gud". Nyx's 2 is the only part of her kit I think needs another look.

  11. 3 minutes ago, Airwolfen said:

    as of now munitions scales off of the full damage total no matter if its IPS or elemental.

    Only scaling off of slash was an expected outcome if damage 2.5 was to hit. But that went back to the drawing board.

    Oh, that clarifies a lot. Thanks m8.

  12. 6 hours ago, (PS4)Blazetrain420 said:

    No I havent formad it or nothing. Am I supposed to just have infinite formas or something? And a riven? Really? I have rivens on like nothing. I don't really like the idea of spending 100 or more platinum on one mod. 

    Are you expecting all weapons to be amazing out of the box? No forma and potato?
    Most of dojo weapons come with no polarity, if your amprex is lv30 and no potato, it barely holds Serration+Split chamber. What did you expect to happen?
    Yes, forma is not the easiest resource because of the 24h delay and the resources, but it's what makes meh tier go to god tier, but then it's not "overhyped thrash", you're just being unable to use it correctly.

  13. 7 hours ago, rapt0rman said:

    That elemental damage is it's base damage, Hunter Munition functions just like it would on any other weapon.

    On IPS spread weapons it scales off only by the slash damage, doesn't it? Or I got it wrong?
    Regardless, it's amazing on it, as slash procs can stack and are affected by red crits.

  14. It got "nerfed". They dropped the crit chance, but it's still amazing. If you have argon scope it still red crits, Hunter's Munitions is stupid in it because it has only elemental, so the slash scales off your weapon total damage. It also consumes no ammo now because of the beam weapons workshop. I'd say it's one of the best weapons now.
    If you don't like it, fine, but it's one helluva weapon.

  15. 11 minutes ago, Olianu said:

    If the pattern of primed warframes holds true, I think Limbo should be the next warframe in line to be Primed.  I know it's super early to call it out or say anything of that manner with Zephyr not even being a week old, but I would say try and be patient and hope they bring him out soon.

    It's not early, you're right. As far as I remember, the only time DE broke this pattern was with Nova. Everyone else is waiting in line.
    But answering OP, buying from the market, as you can't re-do quests like that.

  16. The goal is to make your numbers more numbery. Grab mods, better weapons, the prime warframes, or you can opt to devote yourself to the school of "looking good". There's Tenno's focus schools, Eidolon Hunting, PvP (if you're out of your mind), waiting for SoonTM Raids and Dark Sectors.
    The game has loads of stuff to do, it's just if you like doing them, because in a linear path, you've done all of it, as the rest is just questing for loot.

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