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Posts posted by NMHJeane

  1. Tennobet as it is already has problems transliterating English in some words (e.g. lack of schwa). It also has no way to indicate tone or pitch for languages that require it (e.g. Chinese). It lacks vowels more nuanced than English (e.g. German umlauts). Tennobet is a very, very simple alphabet system.

  2. Why is there a comma/ emphasis sepratrator between "1200N" and "Serial" in your example as well as in your other examples? Did you just forget to write the corresponding commas in the English translations? Or is there a phonetic rule I'm not aware of at work?


    The examples in the thread's first post come from official game artwork, and are found written along various objects. For 1200N, it's simply most probable that the separator is used like a comma: "Tenno model 1200N, serial 148H" so as to make clear that "serial 148H" is not part of the model number. I'm guessing its use is overall pretty loose.

  3. Ah, yes. I encountered this too, twice in one session.


    You get stuck running into a barrier, and you can't move anymore save for horizontal movement with melee attacks that allows going through walls.




    In the picture below, you can see me in a tied up position as the grineer repeatedly whips me.



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