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Posts posted by Mahamani

  1. The grinding was actually fun in the early years. At times though, it can get overwhelming. For example. still have not got that Harrow systems, and it is a game mode that actually penalises you for playing in a group. If that was the only thing I wanted, it would be a frustrating and disappointing experience. It can eat up all your time, and you have nothing to show for it at the end of the day. 

    Same for Rivens, you can be stuck in trying to roll for a better mod practically forever. 


    Now look at the other AAA games that you can spend a lot of time in, and have a rewarding experience, (say Borderlands, Skyrim, Witcher or POE are some other titles I can think of. Some of these are also grindy, and also have rare drops). They have a lot of replay-ability, you can spend hours immersed in these worlds. They are compelling and fun, and give you plenty of reasons to keep playing, other than the need to get one item.   

    I've been playing constantly for more than three years (6,500+) hours, and seen a lot of people step back from the game over the years for this very reason. Many of them come out of the rafters during major content upgrades, but also, feel bad for those who don't. DE needs to give these players some reason to come back and play the game, apart from the grind as a hook. Don't mind if the grind is actually increased, the new resources for the Railjack for example, are very easy. Sure this is a matter of opinion, but the main issue here is finetuning how the grind is implemented, not the amount of grind. It is better if the game is not entirely about the grind. 

    Ember was my favourite frame, and I actually like the new kit, even though I'd prefer the old one given a choice, because I had spent hours in formas and stuff, and getting the build together. Wish DE could track the number of Formas sunk into each build and return them after a kit rework, or just give away at least eight formas. 

    I am going to continue to play, and continue to support DE. 

  2. was just fooling around when it happened by mistake, then figured out the reproduction steps


    So there is a way to get the old style navigation menu

    slide to the navigation console in the liset [shift] + [W] then [V]

    activate the navigation console [X]

    this is the crucial part, as soon as the console activates, and before it pops up hit


    this is to turn around and face the other side before the menu comes up


    you have to be sliding till the third step and till the menu comes up for it to work




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