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Posts posted by kuaikuai

  1. I was doing my MR11 rank test. Finished my test, went to the progress report screen, then suddenly got logged out.

    When logged back in, still MR10, says I already did an MR test today, have to wait for tomorrow.



    EDIT: Something happened again, I got logged out of 3rd round of draco, good job

  2. Was doing Triton with a steady squad. At ~1200ish cryotic mark, me and my mate (host) in the squad got logged out , not sure if the other 2 dudes got logged out too. 

    Already got 15 Fusion cores at that point ;---------------------;


    Edit: Logged back in, and connected back into the mission and got my fusion cores <3

  3. Does T4D has this broken S#&amp;&#036; table as well? I'm farming trin bp and thinking that i should farm it at odd since its easier. even if it's rare in t4d atleast i still get prime parts, but not these assplugs i can get from Lua right?

  4. Title. over 10 runs on ODD of 20mins and I get T2 Survival keys for every @(*()&#036; time? Are we even supposed to get void keys on rotation C?

    Edit: RNGesus pitied me, I got my Trinity Prime BP on 20+ ODD

  5. Been trying all the setting and I realised, it's the incapability of my machine .________. running everything at low and offed and it works wonder.


    Right so, PhysX and runtime tessalatation is first you need to switch off, they murder the framerate.


    As i recall, reflections also influence the FPS greatly.


    There is no "cure" for liset loading screen, seems to be laptop issue.


    Multithread rendering in launcher settings should be enabled if possible, it helps slightly.

    Also this, runtime tessallation hurts the framerate alot, and dynamic light/local reflection/shadow takes up alot as well


    Anyway thanks people!

  6. I currently joined the game just a few days ago and I have already "fell in love" with the game play and graphic. But I'm having a relatively low frame rate (~20 on heavy load).


    I'm running a "not good but not that bad machine" and the specs:

    - Win 7 64-Bit

    - Intel Core i5-2467M CPU @ 1.60GHz (2 cores)

    - 6GB RAM

    - GeForce GT640M (1GB)


     and yeah it's a laptop and the temperature is okay 70~80c ish


    1. Is there anyway that I can increase the frame rate without having much lowering the graphic setting?


    2.If not what's the highest graphical setting I should set if I want to have highest FPS possible.


    Thanks in advance!

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