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Posts posted by FanZeroEx

  1. 2 hours ago, AM-Bunny said:

    This statement has me really puzzled. So, take for example my Lith M1 Relic:


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    So - from what's been written - after Mag Prime goes back into the Vault, this Relic's Rewards will remain unchanged, and can still award the Mag Prime BP.

    Does that mean that Lith M1 Relics will no longer drop then? If so, where would I get the Soma Prime BP? Will it be included in a new Relic Type that houses Nekros Prime? That seems needlessly cumbersome.

    Will I be able to possess multiple versions of Lith M1 - some with Mag P BP (from before  being Vaulted) and some without (after being Vaulted)? That seems confusing and ridiculous.

    I'd love some elaboration on this.

    Lith M1 is not the only relic that drops Soma Prime BP.

  2. I was just curious. Cause I been reading blogs and posts on forums and half of the stuff doesnt make any sense. The stuff posted is saying that on europa about missions, well hell half of them missions are not on europa :P. So is there a true method on obtaining these blueprints or just run around and hope for the best.

    The real story is they didn't have time to properly implement drops and some other stuff.

  3. Pretty sure the OP wouldn't be *@##$ing just about HP and Shield mods if he thought this was an issue of customization progression.

    Why not? In update 6 you could rush the nodes what give you hp and shield and it was your choice. Now were are robbed of this choice, now the game decides when you get what you want. If OP likes to play with increased hp and shield why would you stop him? It should be his choice in the end.

  4. The pistols are a blatant balance issue, but not really the problem that is the topic of this thread. They have the best mods atm so there's no avoiding using them atm until DE decides to fix mods for other weapons.

    Every single thread on shield and HP mods have a lot of people saying they were able to at least get a vitality mod after some grinding on mecury raid, sabotage, or spy missions.

    You automatically earn a common mod or a health restore which gives you a better shot at getting vitality or redirection because it's out of a smaller loot table than during the missions. You can speed run m prime in ~2 minutes so people that haven't gotten at least a vitality mod after hours of grinding mprime have probably missed the point of grinding that mission and wasted time kiling mobs. Killing every mob you see even when you're one shotting them all can double the time for each run.

    And even if we ignore that, the simple fact is that you can progress without shield and hp mods.. I don't need a sample size for that, I've done it. That's the main problem with the OPs argument. He'd have a point if shield and HP mods were actually necessary to progress, they aren't though, thus luck is not the only thing keeping people from progressing.

    Additionally, there are plenty of survivability alternatives to HP and shield mods. Armor mods are not nearly as hard to find. Same with shield recharge rate mods. The guardian precept on the setinel effectively gives you more shields.

    People just think HP and shield mods are necessary because they relied on them so much in previous phases. We saw the same kind of *@##$ing when shield mods were nerfed in cbt.

    While I agree with some of your points you seem to misunderstand one thing. This topic is not only about progression through missions, but also about progression of warframes, weapons in the context of leveling them up. Right now what part of the system is solely based on luck. Your playstyle is solely based on what mods you get. So if you want to be more on a tanky side you can't until you get some mods. Want to be a glass cannon with high damage? You can't until appropriate mods drop. Where is no customization whatsoever until much later when you have a good pool of mods. And what's the main point - customization. Players should feel they are in control of how they want to play, it should not be forced on them.

  5. I dunno, maybe when the mobs are level 30+? Good mods for pistols drop all the time, you don't need much luck for that. The akbolto is one of the easiest, cheapest to mod weapons in the game and one of the best atm.

    How does the new player know it? What if the player doesn't like pistols? Can he still progress? How do you know you don't need much luck for that? What sample size you used to to determine that it's not much luck? Are you so self absorbed and norrow minded that you think your own personal experience is enough to determine the probability of something? Your own experience is yours alone and you can't say it's ok because it's ok for you. What's not how statistics and probabilities work. Repetitive and time consuming activities are not challenge nor are they hard. Luck based drop is not challenge it's just luck. The game didn't became harder, it just became luck-based. I'm playing every evening after work since update 7 hit. I'm yet to see shield or hp mods. Many people have the same experience. It's not fun. If things won't change people will leave. Do you want people to leave? I though you're enjoying this game.

  6. No one is. The game is a bit harder without shield and HP mods, but it's not even close to an issue to later levels where you should have well modded weapons which can make up for lower shields and HP anyways.

    And? The only point at which not having those becomes a problem is at the levels where you should have level 30 stuff by the time you get to it anyways.

    So tell me now how do the new players judge they have level 30 stuff? They just magically now the RNG gods granted them the right stuff along the way right?

  7. In what way would they clean it up? It is an open beta test... You expect perfection?

    No, I expect a test version that is atleast properly tested internally first before realeasing to public. The update was rushed so they could attend PAX, it's not a secret.

  8. I think the whole open beta thing is more tied to business side of the company and not development. To be honest the current implentation of the warframe(update 7) is a mess and I doubt the devolopers themselves willingly released this update. I just hope they will be quick enough to clean it up and won't lose many potential customers.

  9. I beg to differ, considering I farmed mercury, saturn and venus for 3 days when I was on, with a minimum of 5-10 mods per run(none of which was a skill mod for a warframe, and very few were warframe mods), and then did one infestation mission and 90% of the mods we found were skill mods with warframe mods thrown in.

    More to the point, we went to jupiter and decided to farm there for a few hours. Same deal. Majority of the mods found were skill mods with warframe strewn about. We found some weapon mods too, but in a much smaller quanitity.

    Went back to mercury this morning. Complete opposite. Massive amounts of weapon mods.

    Hey, nice find! I'm doing solely Jupiter now and almost all mods are either skills or warframe mods in general.

  10. Another bump.

    The last time I've played this game was about 1-2 months ago and it ran smooth (60FPS+) everywhere, no matter how complex the scene, now I got back into it and as soon as 2-3 enemies pop up it gets almost unplayable, especially in the infested levels.

    Win7 x64, i5 2500k @4GHz, 8GB RAM, GTX 570 (314.07)

    Yeah noticed this, infested levels are a bit choppy now.

  11. I dont see what all the fuss is. With this new system I have complete control over my warframe and how I want to play it. On rhino, I only take two of his abilities and use the other slots for more stats to increase my general game play success. Having blank frames that I can build up is awesome. It hasn't been very long since U7, maybe OP should give RNG more time. It just seems to me that OP doesnt like that he/she had to start over at low lvls with a lvl 30 frame. Which, I admit, was not the way I thot it was going to be. But after a few days of farming mods, i've recovered a lot of my frames potential. Although I can't face roll stuff anymore, I am able to run high level missions again. I just have to be more careful of how I play. Its fun xD

    How do you have control of something what totally depends on a dice roll and not yourself? And again we're not arguing what mods system in U7 is bad. It has potential for some cool customization. We're arguing what total power level of your warframe is dependant on luck. You get the mods - it's good, you don't get the mods - here comes the middle finger. Where is no middle ground. I fully understand you. You got your mods, customization is nice and it looks good for you. What about people who didn't get the mods they need? I got the loot radar should I be happy now? Well farm a bit more then, right? What if I already farmed quite a bit and didn't get what I need? For all I care I could farm for a month and still wouln't have what I need to do higher level missions. Tho it's highly unlikely it's still a possibility because where is luck involved.

    Srly. Do you guys really argue about the one man army god mode.... This is ridiculous. Its jsut boring to run through everything and kill it by just pushing a button. Maybe im just a bit hardened by dark souls and that stuff but a game should not feel like "god mode always on". And in update 6 i solo-ed every god damn boss without problems. It´s a co op game and if you dont go coop to fight a boss, you die. So easy.

    I too own Dark Souls. It's a good game, but you really can't compare it to Warframe. Hell in Dark Souls you can beat the first boss with your fists if you don't make any mistakes. Almost all monsters in Dark Souls have an exploitable weakness and things like 4 shockware moas spamming their shockwave while I'm in the corner permanently staggered do not happen. If game is too easy you can adjust powers, enemies, introduce new more challenging enemies, etc. The point of this topic is that power now comes through luck thus creating artificial difficulty. Enemies are not challenging in this game they just have more damage and more survivibility later on. They are not using some clever tactics they just out dps you and outlast you.

  12. Why are you people even farming Mercury so much? Just don't go solo on the other planets, mods will drop eventually, I already got tons of mods and even maxed out some (not using fushion cores). For f-s sake I've even farmed Saryn bp parts with only 3 mods on my Paris and 2 buddies again with weapon mods only (Excalibur to clear trash and blind and Rhino for revives).

    I'm liking the new system so far.

    The other problem after U7 you don't know your own power level anymore. For example I have level 30 Excalibur modded (no shield, hp mods tho) and my weapons have damage mods respectively. So how do I know if do enough damage for Earth system mission, how do you perceive your own power level compared to mission information now? Are these mods I have really enough you ask? What if you get the ice level and your shields are halved and you don't have shield mod? If I have 30 level Excalibur with full mods are these mods enough to handle level 30 enemies or do I need better mods? How do I know? It's good it you have constant group, I don't and to add to that I'm more of a lone wolf type guy. If I can't play solo and progress why the option is even there?

  13. Sounds awfully like Conan the Barbarian than Ninja.

    If stealth was really viable maybe it would be other description :)

    I wonder how common this was because I heard quite a different story from most of the people I know.

    Actually the conan the barbarian character is quite adept at stealth....but thats beside the point.

    Considering the way DE has described the type of "ninja" vibe they are going for in Warframe....

    this guys description was pretty inline with their anounced design direction.

    Well I'm playing games for about 20 years now. Started with Elite on my dads ZX Spectrum. Maybe my experience with games helped and there were challenging spots at times.

    To clarify I'm thinking that new mod system is not bad as system itself. It has potential. It's that whole progresion system got shifted towards random, lucky or unlucky things you can't control. If you get unlucky for a long time you start to feel like you're in a cage with no options. It's a frustrating experience. Frustrated people don't buy things, they just leave.

  14. When I just started playing Warframe I never had to do the same mission twice to progress. Never! Solo wasn't a problem too. I did Mercury, Venus, Mars, half of Saturn(including boss) and Earth just fine. Half or more than half of the systems missions were done in solo mode. I have never felt a need to go back and grind to become more powerful. Nor did I have incentive to farm bosses because I'm was satisfied with my Excalibur. The only thing I truly wanted was Orakin reactor, but since I have a job, hunting alerts 24/7 was out of the question. Back then I thought: "What a stupid system. They locked half of my progress behind a thing I can get only if I'm lucky or if I pay cash". Now the whole system is like that and I despise it!

    I want to feel like a badass ninja. I want to feel the power! To rip those grineer and corpus to pieces with my blade. To slice and dice through hordes of infested. To feel like my enemies are insects beneath my feet and then I stomp I crush them. The game prior update 7 just did that. You were powerful in the beginning of the game and your power dwindled later on. It was quest for power. Now you just roll the dice. And for those who say just use strategy man! What about if say I want to use strategy, but at the same time I want to feel powerful. Can I do that now? No you're not doing it unless you get some shield or hp mods plus other mods which are all based on luck. I'm sick of doing Tolstoj runs, and I'm sick of playing defense maps, just because they drop good and I'm sick of praying to RNG gods to grant me my lucky ticket(mod card) to venture forth. It's not fun, it gets old fast. This is bad game design and don't even protect it, it's not justifiable.

  15. A containter, then?

    No, he meant that sometimes when you shot the mob you'll find that arrow stuck inside the energy ball he droped and not the body of the mob. It's not game-breaking, but kinda funny :) Also you can't cancel your attack once you draw the bow.

  16. OP is spot on.

    In Update 6 we had the tree progression system:

    Naked warframe -> filler stats (guaranteed as you level up) -> mods (luck based, mostly crap you would sell, but sometimes you get lucky)

    In Update 7 we have:

    Naked warframe -> mods (you better hope the dice rolls in your favor)

    So now not only orakin system is completely luck based, but leveling up system is too, Which is bad. Lucky ones will feel great, they will feel like a system is rewarding them. The unlucky ones will feel like slapped in the face with wet rug.

    Conclusion: increasing shields, hp, etc with level ups should be reimplemented in some form.

  17. Why does there need to be something the free players can actively work towards? That is what I don't understand. Your assumption is that if you are a free player, it's just harder to obtain the things that paid players obtain. That is not the case. You have the option of perching on your seat waiting for that alert to pop up instead of actually playing, or you can just buy the item. Most people will just pay.

    The way I've always seen it, their F2P model is "hey, you can play unrestricted for quite a while. But if you really get into the game, we just ask for a little in return to continue developing and running it FOR YOU". That is not so unreasonable to me. They make it so that if you are playing the entire game through, you have to give a little bit back. Very little, at that. Giving people a free alternative to paying is not their intent.

    I mostly just lurk the forums, but I have noticed how many people $#*(@ about things that were specifically put in place to help them generate money. I'm not sure why people feel they are entitled to such things. If it is extremely difficult to obtain something as a free user, that means the model is working. In fact, I am surprised they allow people to earn these things via alerts AT ALL. After I found that out I was like "whaaaaaaat? Good guy Digital Extremes"

    Most people won't pay. It's the minority in f2p titles that pays for things. The whole notion of f2p is to form up a large user base. You should think about free players as content and not something else.The large user base creates huge value via social interaction, coop play and competiviness. By creating an artificial wall via orakin reactors, catalysts developers detract most players from actively playing the game and puts players in the situation where hunting alert missions is their priority. In simple words they deny content for other active players. Nobody wins in this. The goal of f2p title should be to actively increase user base as much as possible with expectation what some of them will be paying. When player base is sufficiently large and strong community is formed then you can give them tools to create their own content(see Valve) and this ensures longevity and profitability of your game.

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