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Posts posted by (PSN)freakyassassin24

  1. This belong in "Off Topic" but give it a few hours. Is there some sort of notification on the PS4 website where you can be notified when servers come back up? I know Xbox has but I'm not certain if ps website has.

    Doesn't seem to be psnthat is down only warframe. People on my friends list are online playing other games just fine.

  2. It is much better with energy drain. Use the syndicate mod that makes the enemies fall down with efficiency and duration. Keeps it going forever and keeps all the enemies on the ground adding to her survivability.

  3. What don't you understand that this is a full release to the devs despite the beta still on the forums.


    Besides, no game should be in beta this long, what game is in beta this long? What kind of game is at beta this long?


    It's time to dump the whole beta thing since no one cares but people who like to make excuses.


    And beta or not, it's always on the players to give the devs an insight on what needs to be done.


    So screw beta, this is the full release especially since the devs don't treat it like a beta. No more beta excuse. there is no Warframe beta and that's that. don't let the beta words/logo fool you.


    Honestly, when would Warframe be even considered a full release? When there are no remnants of beta content?

    It is still a beta even if it has been a beta for so long. Some games for example black light: retribution on ps4 was in beta until about a little before half way throught the year.

    I do agree though that we should always give our opinions to the devs when something needs fixing.

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