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Posts posted by (PSN)DEATHrocket777

  1. Fix the RNG!

    I had all week last week to grind the Empyrean content, which I did with my buds, and we had a blast. Now our ships are fairly well built and we're starting to feel the grind set in, some more than others, especially me today since while I was out getting groceries and being a responsible adult for once in over a week, they all got Predator and Fire Phoenix, two avionicss we were grinding for all week last week, and they just happened to get it... while I was out. This has me feeling pretty burnt. The RNG is bad enough without the disconnects, lack of crew ship spawns, and myriad other issues and glitches, we hardly get enough of each enemy type per mission to warrant the 0.101% drop chance that a lot of the more desirable avionics get. Then there's my buddy who still can't get ahold of  a Vidar or Zetki Bulkhead avionic to save his life, while several of us, myself included, have a Zetki Bulkhead and are now looking at over 6000 health, but not enough avionics capacity. Now we're looking for a Vidar bulkhead (or whichever is the 4 slot avionic) and they just WILL NOT DROP. Meanwhile we keep getting these utterly worthless Archwing avionics that no one in their right mind will use until the Archwings get a SERIOUS overhaul, because nothing, not even the Amesha if you miss your window to recast your powers and a few missiles slip through, can save you from being 1-shotted in the Railjack missions.

    Essentially, the RNG chances for rare (or rather essential/needed) avionics need to come WAY up. Solid digits, no more of these fractions of a percent. THIS IS NOT BLACK DESERT. Give us at least a solid, whole percent drop chance greater than or at the ABSOLUTE VERY LEAST 1%. Even with the Cryophon, you can't kill anything in Empyrean at a fast enough rate to warrant chances of roughly 1 in 1000 for a specific enemy type, especially when said enemy might only spawn 10 times per mission. This is turning into how Archwing dropped when it first launched, you had to grind it to play it, it was a massive slog, and it just wasn't fun. Grinding for hours on end just to get heaps of garbage, even after putting in a solid 10+ hours a day for an entire week, is absolutely not worth it.

    Speaking of garbage, at least a third of what does get dropped by enemies gets left behind because nobody can see the faintly glowing blue, yellow, or purple drops when they're far away and surrounded by space clutter. There needs to be a better system in place, drops should be marked, especially if they're avionics or components/armaments, just because they hardly ever drop, I'm sure colorblind players have an even worse time seeing their loot since you can't even make out the shapes until you're within vacuuming distance. There should also be a dropped items recovery system where any Avionics and Components get sent to your inbox.

    Speaking of not being able to see, there has got to be a better method for marking enemies than just " diamond" and "diamond with curves." I suggested it on another post, but I think Tenno-fied playing cards house symbols would be perfect for distinguishing what enemies are where. Diamonds for general trash enemies, Clubs for outriders, Hearts for crew ships (because of that damn healing bubble!), and Spades for elite enemy types and the inevitable Kuva/Corpus/Infested Lich (or just personal rival ace pilot from INSERT ENEMY FACTION HERE).

    Lastly, GLITCHES! Two biggest and most game breaking glitches: Not enough crew ships, and infinite healing. Crew ships seem to spawn in depending on A) how many crew ships are still up and B) how many fighters you've destroyed. I have CONSISTENTLY been in missions where we've failed because we killed all the fighters before we were even halfway through the crews ships. I swear it seems like their spawn cycles are related to each other, and it seems the only safe way to proceed is by prioritizing the crew ships above all else. If you're at 2/6 crew ships, and you've already killed 56/90 fighters, expect to abort the mission/restart the game. As for that accursed healing bubble, without the Cryophon, enemies become almost impossible to kill. With the Cryophon it's entirely impossible to destroy the healing bubble because it functions just like Nulifier bubbles and requires something with a high rate of fire to be dumped into it.

    TL:DR: RNG is unreasonable for how long missions take to complete and how few required enemies spawn to farm Please stop making drop chances below 1%, whole-number percent chances from now on, this grind is getting unbearable. Archwing avionics shouldn't even exist until Archwing is actually viable, or at least severely reduce their drop chances so we can find something else for once. Improve visibility of drops, at least mark Avionics and Components so we can see exactly where they are/Implement a loot recovery system for your inbox for Avionics and Components. Fix the crew ship spawns and infinite healing bubble nightmare you've created!

  2. Why is it that the deeper you go into intrinsics, the less worth it they become? Also, who seriously thought snap aiming was a good idea for Gunnery rank 10? Have you not played Elite Dangerous? Just give us the gimballed turrets, that's what a lot of people thought you meant by that sad excuse for a description, not this CoD style snap aim that only lasts 0.5 seconds. This just has people spamming aim to use it like an auto-aim function, and it only really works with the cryophon since they can one-shot just about everything with the right stats and avionics.

    Literally the only two Intrinsics branches that seem worth the grind and effort are Tactical and Piloting because teleporting to your crew members can be infinitely useful, especially since you can teleport back to the ship once you're done, and considering how incredible the Particle Ram is (and the fact that enemies tend to just suicide themselves right into the side of my ship, ticking up the score and awarding a whopping 0 exp) I think being able to ram them for another 2k dmg sounds like a great idea!

    Lastly, Engineering rank 10 doesn't seem worth it at all. Remote repair should just be a thing you can do now that you've put in the effort to get here. But noooooo, let's make it cost extra instead. No thanks, I'll walk.

    • Like 2
  3. Been thinking about and discussing this topic all week with my buds and just thought of this: What if rank 10 Gunnery functioned like gimballed turrets/Mesa's aimbot vision cone when you weren't aiming, and only for a few hundred meters out? Like right inside of each weapon's falloff range (which would actually make the Vidar Carcinox pretty broken with its 2km-4km falloff, I'm thinking just make the aimbot within the 400m that most of the weapons are effective at, or maybe just 200m, not sure since there's no indication of how far away you are from your target in normal flight), but when you're aiming it gives you full control and acts as more of a sniper mode for picking off distant targets. This way the dogfights don't drag on so long, as they shouldn't for someone who's invested the time and effort to get Gunnery to rank 10. You get something of an autoaim, which a lot of people who had initially read the description thought we would get without constantly zooming the camera in and out, meanwhile the zoomed in aiming is still skill based and precise for the players who would rather line up their shots, with the option to turn the "aimbot" on or off depending on their preference available to them in the intrinsics menu. I think that would accommodate everybody.

    Edit: Maybe also enhance the zoom magnification at rank 10, that way the sniper pilots/gunners can actually get some use out of it.

    • Like 1
  4. I know there's another post about it, but I feel like it should be brought up here too. Gunnery rank 10 gave a lot of people the impression that " Aim snaps turrets to the nearest lead indicator." meant it would function like the gimballed turrets from Elite Dangerous, or Mesa's current Peacemaker, where anything within a certain vision cone would get auto-targeted. Instead we get this CoD style "snap aiming" where "Aim will only snap to targets for 0.5s, after which it will resume manual aim." Considering a lot of people are already having a hard time with this content and the sheer cost to rank that up, spamming aim for a half-assed aim assist is pretty awful.

    On 2019-12-26 at 6:50 PM, Awazx said:

    In general, it is a bit embarrassing to know that this ship belongs to one of the most advanced civilizations in the galaxy.

    ^ This.

    About the enemy markers though, I think what would help everyone, including the color blind, is making actual distinct differences in the enemy ship indicators, besides just "diamond" and "slightly curvier diamond," like say maybe Tenno-fied playing card houses. Diamond for the Cutters, Club for Outriders, Heart for Crewships (because of that damned healing bubble), and Spade for any Elite variants or if we get any ace enemy pilots (think Kuva Lich, but fighter pilot/dreadnaught commander).

    • Like 1
  5. 3 minutes ago, (PS4)Kakurine2 said:

    Frame abilities are locked. And only melee weapon.

    So a stealth feame doesnt help.  And the ai hsve been buffed to spot u easier.  So the test was made far harder.  Many video guides no longer work as the ai will now spot you.

    Can't use archguns till do the rep grind to get the ability.  So newer players can do it that way.

    Only i was able to do it again was to use banshee and a gunblade and snipe from a distance.  Which still has its problems.  Sine the ai can more easily see you at absurd distances now.

    That suuuuuuuuucks!

  6. 26 minutes ago, MirageKnight said:

    Because game balance /s

    Seriously though, there should be a way to install a subsystem that'll allow Railjacks to have some kind of missile defense system, be it a CIWS turret or two, a chaff dispenser, or a decoy launcher.

    It could be easily balanced by needing to reload after a while.

    They could still at least have it function like Mesa. These dogfights are a slog to get through no matter how good you are as a pilot/gunner just because of how tough the enemies become. All my armaments are Mark III and getting through one mission where I have to kill 90 fighters still takes forever. My buds and I figured out how to make them go by faster by just hugging the side of the objectives like the Shipkiller platform, Pulse Turbine, etc. and just letting the fighters crash into the side of it, killing themselves. It's great for farming resources crazy fast, but it doesn't award you any intrinsics since you didn't actually kill them. For how many points you need and the time you spend to get to that 512, we should have something better than CoD style snap aiming. People are already going to spam the aim button to treat it like an aimbot, may as well just give us Elite Dangerous style gimballed turrets.

  7. On 2019-12-21 at 6:01 AM, Gnohme said:

    I dont much care about flying upside down that was basically useless although neat - though it's kind of strange to have it gone in space now, the one place where it might actually be useful and there is no up or down (or shouldnt be) - like it was useless in the plains but out here where enemies do loopty loops while I'm shooting at them, hitting the "bottom" or "top" of my turning arc is a little strange but its w/e 

    Being able to fly upside down and perform loops definitely needs to make a comeback. I hate it when an enemy I'm trying to shoot decides to fly above or below me and now I have to stop and turn around because I can't look any further "up" or "down." Experimental flight needs to be an option again, and it needs to drop the "Experimental" monicker for "Advanced" and stop being treated like it's going away. They also need to make the auto-alignment for Railjack optional since up and down orientation does not work or matter in space.

    • Like 1
  8. 15 hours ago, Fleuretty said:

    Gimballed weaponry is what gunnery 10 should be, where you point your crosshair onto a target and locks the gun's aim to its lead indicator (or for hitscan/beam weapons, the actual target) until the enemy moves away from the crosshair. That way you still need to acquire your target but you don't have to squint into the distance just to land hits on a tiny pixel. It's essentially mesa's peacemaker when at minimum reticle size.


    This is EXACTLY how it should function! You put that much time and work into getting 512, it better be worth it. How are you gonna tell me that we have CIWS on our navy ships today, but thousands of years in the future our turrets have to be manually aimed, or the best we can do is 0.5 sec snap targeting?

  9. If you're in a squad, and your Kuva Lich spawns, please do everyone else a favor and fight it. If you win, you win. If you die, you and everyone else gets a murmur, and someone else gets a chance at having their Kuva Lich spawn in. Also there's an achievement/trophy for killing a lich at rank 5, so you might as well let it grow, they're not that hard to kill, especially if you're taking advantage of their weaknesses.

    Now, if you're on the receiving end of someone who just absolutely will not fight their Lich, there are a few things you can do:
    1: Accept it and move on (but why would you? Someone's wasting your time now, why not waste theirs?)
    2: If you're in a party/voice chat with the rest of your team, just don't go to extraction. Turn the tables on the selfish little bugger and waste their time instead. Time-out the mission if you have to, screw that guy! They're cutting into your Kuva Lich hunting, if you have the time to spare, give back what they're giving everyone else they meet: wasted time.
    3: Block/ignore and report if you're feeling froggy, especially if they blatantly don't care that others aren't getting their spawns.

    Been putting up with this kind of behavior since the update dropped on console and it's driving me nuts. It's literally no big deal if you can't kill it now, just kill it later and let someone else get a shot.

    Put on a show for us and JUST DIE ALREADY.

    • Like 1
  10. 7 minutes ago, Datam4ss said:

    This is not an epeen thread anyway, but I didn't know Plasmors could shoot through walls.

    The fact is that Ember still falls short to so many frames even though she offers less than them. This is what I need to establish.

    I learned today, and hell yeah I'm gonna stroke my epeen!

  11. 4 minutes ago, Datam4ss said:

    Don't be silly, I can outdo a squad of 2 Mesas and one Saryn with a Khora on Sortie. Nobody is gonna nerf Mesa further.

    That being said Ember really either needs more utility, or more damage. Right now all she has is damage ... which is less than a lot of frames that offer utility too.

    Those Mesas probably have no idea what they're doing, most of the ones I meet can't keep up with mine at all. 😛 Also that's on sortie, more moving around a full map than sitting in one tile. If you're running through faster than the rest, then yeah, you're going to outkill them. From what I've seen with Khora builds anyway, there's nothing you can do running through spamming Whipclaw that someone can't do with a properly modded Arca Plasmor.

  12. 15 hours ago, Loza03 said:

    Brozime also says that the Twin Rogga and Scourge are useless MR fodder weapons, so take with a grain of salt. Though, yes, he's probably right on Ember.


    On-topic, this idea sounds great, and fits right in with her theming of fire. Fire is extremely aggressive, yet Embers abilities have never really inspired much in that sense. Most of her abilities are kind of passive. Having her be this raging ball of damage and power would be great and fitting for her. On the topic of 'one hand' abilities, maybe that could tie into the overheat? As she gets further into combat, she becomes faster and more powerful as she becomes more fragile. Also, given how prevalent fast kills are in Warframe, and considering how the strongest fires are the hardest to extinguish, maybe if she's past a certain level of overheat, she can save herself from death once by expending her whole gauge - kind of like Nidus, but a lot more punishing and with less HP restored when saved - 25% at most. Lots of incentive not to get to that level, but she does have a way to escape. Plus she does have a slight phoenix vibe going. 

    I second the self-revive idea. I think the hotter she gets, the more health she should be able to restore. Hildryn can restore all her shields and go invincible after they drop, no reason a fire-based frame shouldn't have some kind of phoenix-like self-res.

    • Like 1
  13. Like seriously, I can mow down a level 100 Nox eximus in seconds, and as soon as the Juggernaught opens his mouth he's as good as dead. No, I'm not putting my build up, and no I'm not showing off my numbers, because I love my Mesa and I don't want her getting nerfed. Just saying, I'm OP AF and I just think the other frames should be able to compete besides just Saryn.

  14. To be fair, if I can go into Elite Onslaught with my Mesa and absolutely clean up shop, only to be outdone by a Saryn who can also absolutely clean up shop using just her Spores, then I think a LOT of the other "weaker" warframes could definitely stand to have their damage output cranked up a few notches, especially old girl Ember. She used to be one of the baddest *@##$es of them all, and now she's just awful. She needs to go back to being a walking inferno of wrath and fury. I dig the "Overheat Gauge" concept, that sounds like it could be interesting. I think it definitely needs to be multiplicative so her damage can spike up with the best of them. This game needs less nerfs and more buffs all around, especially where late game is involved and especially if DE is serious about seeing more build variety and overall just more variety in what warframes are getting used. Even the CC frames are getting left in the dust these days since everybody knows the best CC is just overwhelming devastation. It isn't like the old days anymore with the tower key system where CC was actually necessary for certain game types and difficulties, especially when you can just cleave your way through absolutely any mob type with one of two of the top damaging warframes out there.

    If I can walk through literally any mission at any difficulty with just my Mesa, then why not make Ember the powerhouse she once was?

    Do it for the Mesa players!

    We're getting bored...

  15. With the reveal of Plains of Eidolon, I got to thinking the game needs more vehicles besides just archwing, for variety's sake. I was thinking motorcycles and tanks. Have the vehicles be faction based, of course. Something along the lines of compact, high tech Corpus crotch rockets with reasonably light weaponry, more emphasis on speed and mobility. For the Grineer, something a little more rugged, rat bike/chopper oriented mixed with their rugged and bulky space marine equipment. One Idea I had was a (reverse) trike with a cannon and/or a battering ram, with a boost that was a little less "hold the boost button for an extended burst of speed" and more " press the boost button to charge forward and plow through your enemies". Big. Ugly. Slow. Grineer. Lastly, tenno motorcycles would be a nice versatile middle ground. Sleek and luxurious cruisers armed with forward mounted machine guns and "saddle bag" guided missile launchers. Each faction gets their own variety of boost, and I was thinking for the Corpus bikes, make more or less a wall of death (or just really nice damage should an enemy NPC or player [should there be open world PVP, which would be sick] happen to run into it) like the lightcycles from Tron.

    TANKS! 4-man tanks would be awesome. You and your squad pile into one vehicle and take on the world. Again, armament and stats would be faction based. Probably photon cannons and laser weaponry with some nice arcing electricity for close anti-personnel for Corpus tanks, massive, brutal, slow-firing artillery for Grineer with some big machine guns and land mine laying capabilities, and a well rounded and dependable happy medium for Tenno.

    Possibility for customizable weapon loadouts for each vehicle (torpedoes, mortar launchers, miniguns, flamethrowers, etc.) and of course, more mods to level, and skins and attachments for fashion frame.

    Now some of you probably are asking "why motorcycles and tanks? What about cars or buggies?"

    Well, in a game that relies as much on mobility as it does firepower like Warframe, I thought "why on earth would I want to be caged up in a car when I could have a motorcycle that I could leap into the air from and descend onto my enemies with?" Basically, I want a huge boost to how high and how far you can bullet jump when you eject from the vehicle while in motion, because it would be awesome and you could rain down hot death onto roaming mobs. "But what about the bike?" Smart A.I. bike can park itself... except for the Grineer ram bike, it crashes into things and makes them dead until it stops.

    While I did entertain the thought of space dune buggies/rovers, I didn't have as much inspiration for ideas since it was more of an afterthought. Cars are out of the question.

    I also thought walker units of varying crew capacity could be neat, whether for scouting or artillery, maybe a couple hovercraft. Again, an afterthought.

    Tanks because tanks.

    How to acquire these vehicles would probably be your usual lab research, rare loot, or, perhaps, some missions to recover and/or steal/hijack (new purpose for hijack missions?) blueprints/parts.

    What do you all think? More vehicles in Warframe, at least for open-world maps? Reasons for, reasons against? I like the idea of seeing some ground units for once.

  16. 12593829_10206684177955629_8170510428640

    I combined some arts in photoshop on him into what I think he need to looks lik...

    I'm glad we agree he needs a coat.

    Oh! Feet claws! That reminds me, I also wanted a longer glide/wall hang time as a passive, because bats!

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