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Posts posted by Fr3nki

  1. Hi, im wondering if servers are experiencing some problems in EU region ,whenever information update has to occur eg. Ordis or Lotus speech ,Braking 1st container , Killing 1st enemy , spawning random event or updated event Fisures , game fully freezes for like 10s in public matches it completely kicks u out of game and makes u as host.

  2. Quote

    Very likely that high tune or unhealthy sounds might be coming from mechanical HDD (hard disk drive) that stores nearly all the local data. If data can't be read from C storage drive, then the computer may crash. Back up or copy all your important data to a different storage device, just in case. Upgrade to faster and newer storage device like a faster SSD (solid state drive).

    Search have lots of more information. https://www.google.com/search?q=HDD+dying+sounds

    Using HDD sentinel every few months had experience with losing data of 2tb HDD.When client is optimized its working normally no crashes at all nor that high tune.

  3. Hello,

    Here to report that i get Blue Screen of Death (BSOD) error if game cache is not optimized.Starts by CPU Cooler making some wired high tone sound then after a few mins system crashes.So now if i hear any extra sound i turn off game immediately.There for I'm suggesting to optimize game cache after every update  if u are also running into same problem.

    [Suggestion] Game launcher should give us option to automatically optimize cache after every update.


    OS: Windows 10 64bit

    CPU: Phenom II X6 1090t

    GPU: RX 470 4gb

    RAM: 6gb


  4. Yes , this happens only when i about to return to Fortuna , loading to it is abut few seconds , but when this bug happens its endless , i even went afk for 10min , only way is to close game and restart , luckily all progress is saved when elevator loading starts.Bit annoying to restart game when this happens

    My pc:

    Win 10 64bit

    CPU:Phenom II x6 1090t


    GPU:Radeon RX470

  5. Hi ,

    How unlucky u have to be, to complete 70 Malice runs(got 17 Guided Ordinance,14 Targeting subsystems,34 Focused defense ) and get 0 narrow barrels , anyone else have this problem?

  6. This bug seems to appear when leave EOS and u select loadout that already has zephyr equiped on it , this happened 2nd time now , i got out of EOS , selected loadout with zepyr equped and bug happens

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