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Posts posted by DeltaPavonis

  1. TYPE: Ingame, sound
    DESCRIPTION: Archwing movement sounds are swapped for Titania Prime.


    REPRODUCTION: Equip Titania Prime, move around either on foot, or in a standard archwing.
    EXPECTED RESULT: To hear archwing movement sounds when in an archwing, and not hear them on foot.
    OBSERVED RESULT: Heard archwing movement sounds on foot, and not in an archwing.
    REPRODUCTION RATE: One hundred percent of the time.

    Note: while only demonstrated in the simulacrum and a standard archwing mission, this behaviour also presents itself on the orbiter, in submersible, open world and railjack missions. Razorwing's archwing behaves as normal.

  2. Hi there, my IGN is DeltaPavonis, though I go by a couple different names depending on what I feel like calling myself when I'm signing up for something.


    I honestly can't pick one movie I like. I'm particularly keen on Inception, Pacific Rim and Cowboy Bebop: Knockin' on Heaven's Door.

    As for food, does Taco Bell count as a food?

    On the subject of games, I'm looking forward to XCOM 2, played a ton of XCOM: Long War mod, and a smattering of Metal Gear Online.


    I'm not a super-competitive player, I'm just looking for some people to hang out with online and play some Warframe with at the end of the day and PGO seems right up that alley.

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