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Posts posted by Cathulhu

  1. Do you even know what you are talking about? That "AMD Gaming Evolved" or "nVidia They way it's meant to play" crap is not any kind of technology you can support. It's just that they gave money to the developer to optimize their game on specific hardware.

    I'd be more happy if the game runs good on AMD and nVidia hardware.

  2. I farmed his parts, after the drop of the blueprints got fixed it took me only three runs to get all three parts. Seriously, i'm not kidding. I was THAT lucky.

    Then i waited the three days and here's my verdict after using all four skills:

    The frame with the most balanced skills at the moment. Not damage wise, but all are useful.

    The first is great if there is some bigass honcho you don't want do deal with for a moment. Freeze his &#!! Even better, if you kill someone frozen with a melee weapon they splinter into pieces :)

    The second is great if something is behind cover, just blast him!

    The third is great for bosses. Slowdown for boss? Yes please!

    The fourth, if you want damage this is your thing. Not as strong as Volts Ulti, but still devastating. And anything that survives is frozen.

  3. It seems there is an EE.cfg file, but it's encrypted. Dunno why.


    There is also a settings file, also encrypted.


    My knowledge ends here, i don't have any idea how to decrypt that stuff.

  4. Well, since Brightness and Contrast settings are finally working, i ask myself, why is there no Gamma option? The game is really dark for me and i use my video driver to enforce a gamma setting of 1.60 to be able to play this game.

    With the Brightness and Contrast settings i just can't duplicate the result, the colors just end up looking bad.

    Would it be possible to add a Gamma option to this game?

  5. change the alert system to where you're no longer afraid to sleep.

    Well, since this game caters players from all over the world, would you explain how this should work? It's practically impossible to do alerts at a time where it isn't night at one place on earth.

  6. They use their own proprietary engine called Evolution.

    They already used it in previous games like Dark Sector and The Darkness II.

    If it would be Unreal Engine 3 it would be relatively easy, since Mac and Linux versions of that engine already exist, but this is not the case with the Evolution Engine.

    As much as i'd like to see this game on other systems, i don't think that DE has the manpower, the money and the time to do a good port. This may become an option when the game has gone live and they are making a solid profit with it. Porting software isn't as easy as doing a few mouseclicks.

  7. Well, we know that Boltor got nerfed and everyone who slaughtered Grineer with it knows why.

    But i think DE went to far and in the wrong direction. They changed it into a poor copy of a Braton with AP capabilities.

    My recommendation is:

    A big overhaul of Boltor is needed. A lot should be agreeing with that.

    I would like to have it characteristics of the Burston, a rifle that lacks compared to others, but with the armor ignore capabilities of Boltor it would be a viable alternative to Gorgon, Hek and Braton.

    Nerf Bolto and Akbolto damage. 25 is too much for a sidearm that completely ignores armor. It does more damage that Lato/Aklato and ignores armor too. To top that, in it's current state the Bolto guns are better than Boltor.

    I'd say reduce damage down to 15.

    General changes for all Bolt guns, increase projectile flight speed by about 20%-30%.

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