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Posts posted by BeeEmJay

  1. The Vala Sugutra Prime seems to have its first segment appear rigid (usually loose at the joint) and the second segment just floats in space (usually connected to the first at the round end).

    This seemed to start at around the release of 22.7.0 (Mirage Prime update) and effects all melee weapon types both holstered and active.

    Examples of varying weapon types below:








  2. "Recent Players" has disappeared from the friends' UI.

    It was quite useful for adding players from recent matches if you didn't have time to in game.


    Also I'm hoping we can get a solid answer for the Nikana conundrum?

  3. It's also rather inconsistent. Magnetic and corrosive don't affect colour at all. It seems to only use a new colour if the elemental combination mixes with the base heat damage (blast, gas, radiation).


    I really just want my old blue/green flames back. It was one of my favourite parts of the Ignis.

  4. Infested defense and survival missions never get past 5 waves/minutes and a lot of people AFK in the battle pay missions. It's interesting but I hope it doesn't stay this way.


    Also I'd be okay with everything if you just give me back my energy coloured Ignis!

    Seriously one of the best parts of that weapon was being able to use blue or green flames.

  5. Okay, little feedback...


    There appears to be a glitch in the damage system.


    I have my Lanka doing ~2500 dmg sometimes it does the blast part of the dmg sometimes it does not. This may be because of split chamber however.


    So, in efforts to provide good due diligence I tested my Orthos Prime.


    Sometimes it does my FULL charge dmg, sometimes it does only the non-elemental damage. When the elemental fails it can take 3 swings to kill; when full dmg is delt... Insta-gib.




    I have observed the issue with my Lanka even without Split chamber.


    The procs like Blast and Magnetic act in the same way a crit does.

    You'll notice the "status" chance on the weapon stats. This is modified by Status mods (what were previously stun mods).

  6. Will those of use who bought the restraints seperately from the bundle (since they werent included) be reimbursed for the "double" purchase?


    I'd also like to know if those who simply bought the bundle alone will get the restraints added to their inventory.

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