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Posts posted by parkace99

  1. I'm not a  artist! 


    Faction- Tenno


    Salvation- Duel Impact Long swords! 


    Grip Type- Any other duel long swords in the game. 


    The salvation Blades represent Light and Dark and Each one has special On Hit Effects


    Light- Blind (mini Radial Blind but can only effect the target) 

    Darkness- Fear  (a  few second period when effected enemy would tremble)  




    (if chosen Feel free to do whatever you want, as stated efore im not a  artist) 

  2. me and a few freinds came up with a idea of a infested warframe.

    Here's what the powers would be

    1st power would be leaper attack, 2nd would be ancient healer radial heal, 3rd would be explode that knocks back everyone, and 4th would be you transform into a posion that does a ton of damage for like 8 seconds, 12 seconds max 

    We would appricate if you could consider it and possibly add it in the future.


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