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Posts posted by FreakingDuck

  1. This is literally more OP than what Greedy was originally.

    Survival teams would consist of 1 trinity and three disarm mags. Mags continually disarm while the Trinity gives them energy.

    You literally wouldn't have to kill a thing.

    No, Gpull was never the issue. The issue is that defense and the other stationary modes (including survival) are the best modes in the game. If spy, exterminate, and the other mobility modes were more viable, Gmag wouldn't be seen as much.


    Just like survival teams currently consist of a trinity and 3 disarm lokis (rad disarm, 175% efficiency, 235-250% range).

    Oh, wait.

  2. Whether loki stole nyx's thunder or mag's other abilities need a rework are topics for another thread.

    Greedy pull is inevitably gonna get nerfed and for a good reason, and OP is proposing an idea on how to do it without hurting mag, giving her augment a different utility that is not as overpowered as it is now or as underpowered as client-side loot pull.


    EDIT: It already happened earlier today and I didn't notice. My bad.

  3. i could see a change like this (with duration) be awesome for Pull (and well worth it) ... Not Greedy Pull.


    It would make Greedy Pull a mandatory mod for Mags then.


    Kind of like now?


    Yay.  Mag goes back into the trash tier unused frame pile.


    Thanks for that.


    Greedy pull nerf is gonna happen anyway. OP just wants it to be a change instead of a total nerf.

  4. It would make Pull better than Loki's Ult and for less energy.  So no, this won't work.



    Someone suggested something like this in another thread one, believe it or not. Someone suggested that to keep it from stepping over Loki's ult too much, it could temporarily dislodge their guns magazines, making them take some time to reload. Which means it wouldn't be permanent removal like Loki and make his ult look weak compared to a (1) ability. 


    Also, it would need to be strictly line of sight based to be fair. 


  5. This would completly eliminate the need for a loki though regardless of radiation you can just spam the pull and disarm no matter how small the chance is and pull already ragdolls enemies and on top of that giving the mag all the items makes no sense as an augment at the very least they should remain seperate and then it still makes no sense to give mag an ability like that which would require a loki to have an augment to make it better


    Mag's invisibility is too op, I agree.

  6. Someone suggested something like this in another thread one, believe it or not. Someone suggested that to keep it from stepping over Loki's ult too much, it could temporarily dislodge their guns magazines, making them take some time to reload. Which means it wouldn't be permanent removal like Loki and make his ult look weak compared to a (1) ability. 


    Also, it would need to be strictly line of sight based to be fair. 


    How about making it it pull magazines out of enemies' weapons, giving you free ammo and making them reload?

  7. So I did that Eris alert yesterday and at the end of the mission it turns out there was no kubrow egg for me :c

    I died right after completing the mission objective (destroying the three hives), and didn't want to use a revive, so I just let the rest of the team extract. The team took around two minutes or maybe a bit more to reach extraction, because it was pretty far. I don't know, I didn't have a stop watch handy, but it certainly felt like a long way.


    I had no kubrow egg in my inventory, yet I was the only one in my squad who didn't get an egg.


    Can I still get my egg or is it lost forever?


    (I was thinking about it and realized that it may not be a bug, but something much worse: the AFK system at work.

    If that is the case, I'm... not very happy about it. I put in the effort to unlock the node and then kindly taxied a person from my clan and two randoms from the recruiting channel. I destroyed one of the hives all by myself, revived teammmates at least five times and did almost 40% of the damage. But because I refused to use a revive, the game thought I was AFK? That is not acceptable. Do you really think I did not deserve the reward?


    If it was a bug, though, please ignore the above.)

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