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Posts posted by Metalharpey

  1. I got to the second rank of the new Nightwave standing (after reaching rank30 before), but my Wolf Credit balance remains 0...

    And no I didn't spend any lol. I should be on 30 now. Is it a bug?

  2. Just killed the Exploiter for the first time with a squad (same loadout as for fissures so it was a little slow).

    The explanation needs work. I had no clue what to do. Lucky for me my squad paid attention to what the narrator was saying (which i cant because i have limited hearing, and i cant read subtitles and keep them alive at the same time). We figured it out together eventually XD Not smart to type while you're playing the healer btw lmfao.

    The loading also took a very long time compared to other loads, but maybe thats a Fortuna thing.
    The cutscene also took its time to show up, we were humping doors for a few mins before the narrator started explaining stuff in the first place XD

    Anyway, I gotta say the fight is pretty epic. I also like the fact you get fishing loot from it? XD
    Hildryn Neuro in the pocket... Gotta do it a few more times 😄

  3. I keep the quest only frames (also goes for weapons btw), and primes obviously. The normal ones can go, however not the ones I forma'd or put a potato in.
    Eventually I want enough slots for ALL the frames, that includes the non primes as well. Just because I'm a hoarder XD

    Everyone plays this game differently. If the primes are enough for you and you want to spend the least plat possible then just trash the normies I guess?
    The ones not from quests are easy to obtain again after all (well maybe not Equinox but he doesn't have a prime anyway sooo).

    You can make plat fairly easy in the game, just sell some prime stuff, rivens or even prime junk. There's plenty of people buying that stuff in the trade chat.
    Some login rewards give 50% discount off, that's pretty decent as well if you need plat fast. It's not pricey at all imo. I mean I'm not rich I have to watch what I spend but with the discount I spend maybe 9 euros and get so much back for that compared to other games (fyi thats 170 plat x2, enough to buy a decent prime that's been vaulted).

  4. I don't understand why you're so against aoe weapons... There's also aoe warframes...
    At some missions I don't even need a weapon at all because of a Saryn for example or Equinox or Volt just bursting the crap out of everything wave after wave.
    So, are you against aoe warframes as well?

    Sure, if you're unlocking stuff or trying to follow the lore then it can be annoying if someone rushes... But that is why it also has a solo, friends only, and invite only options...
    If I don't want to be rushed, want to take my time (like finding Kuria for example) then I put it on friends only and ask my friends to come if they like. They don't rush me (they wouldn't dare then I won't carry them anymore lmfao), nor do my clannies.

    There's plenty of ways to get around it...

  5. Oh my... Clearly you've never had to hand in an essay before a certain date? Or study for a test on a certain date?
    How is Nightwave any different? These challenges aren't even hard for "veteran" players. As a new player, just party up with your clannies or ask someone in the recruiting channel for help. Dailies don't even take up 30 mins of playtime, weeklies not much more. All you need is like 4-5h playtime a week (lets say 1 hour a day?) and some friends. Yay.

  6. 60h of kuva survival without using life support is really easy....
    I kicked some clan/friend butts and got them to do it with me. Our squad consisted of:
    - Max ranged, Despoil Nekros (for the life support drops)
    - Trinity (not even EV or blessing built, she was new and I just told her to spam 2 all the time and 4 if we need it)
    - Saryn for the dot and ez dmg overall
    - Rhino (this was a newbie random but I think he built on the 3 buff so that was nice)

    We constantly remained above 70% life support because of Nekros, our dmg was plenty because of Saryn and Rhino and our Trinity kept us alive most of the time.
    And even when we did die, she ressed us anyway. Good sentinels/companions and obviously good primary/melee weapons. Honestly me playing as Saryn the first 30 mins I was half AFK falling asleep because it was boring as F. Only in the last half hour I got my ass moving around and started playing for real.

    Still, not hard. Challenging? Yes if you don't have good mods in your frame or weapons this could be a serious challenge.

    Honestly I would like to see more of this. So far the kuva/survival challenge was the most fun.
    The dailies are done under 30 mins, its so boring and easy XD

  7. For new players it could show to be a little difficult to do yeah, but for "veteran" players these challenges are easy.

    As for the Simaris excuse, you know you can also just go for the community targets on the left behind him in the room?
    Unless of course you've already done it, but hey. Isn't that what friends and clans are for?

    If it's hard, or slow, just party up and GO!!

    So far I don't think I've spent more than 30 mins on any DAILY challenge. As for the weekly, well the kuva/survival were done in 1 go so that was 1h of playtime...
    As for the rest I think you can do it all in 4-5h per week. Again, if you think its too hard... Kick some clan/friend butt and make them help you. 

  8. As for Nitain, yes this is more reliable. Why? Well because some people have lives outside this game so they don't have time to sit around and wait for Nitain Alers (dw im a no lifer too you're not alone). Anyhow, they said the rewards won't be forever exclusive to just this event. So even if you can't get it all this time, does it matter at all?
    Eventually the stuff becomes available again, so its all good no?

  9. I kind of like the friends part actually, its stimulating to go and find new friends in Warframe.

    That being said, I don't think the event is particularly hard or anything... Maybe for new players it can be a challenge (so party up with veterans? idk lul), but so far the dailies have been doable in less than 30 min. And the weekly, well me and my clannies did the kuva 1h and survival without life support in 1 go, so that was 1h? XD

    Seems to me that anybody who even has a life involving work, school, family etc. can miss like 2-3h of warframe playing a week at least?
    Don't need much more than that... Sure playing more gets you the captures and perhaps a wolf spawn if you're lucky but hey i play 6h a day and i only saw him once too so... RNG?

  10. My inspiration comes from the Kuaka, a small kangaroo rat-like creature on the Plains of Eidolon! (see below XD)

    I honestly feel they are adorable and I always feel bad for killing them. But one must do what one must do... I guess?


    Since the challenge is to create a Venetian Mask, I left out the bottom part of the face.
    I wanted to keep that visual of the head splitting open over the spines, and so its symmetrical.

    It really was the first thing that came to mind when I read Warframe + Ostron XD

    My clan leader also gave me some ideas to work with, but this is what I eventually came up with 😄


  11. Tbh I think the dutch playerbase is big enough for it but the game doesn't support the language XD (and honestly I hate playing games in different languages other than English, even though I'm dutch and we usually get left out on it).

    Still... If you look at the other languages, Turk only have 8k posts >.> I'm pretty sure we Dutch can top that EZ.

  12. tumblr_pmxs6mxNXZ1xe18t3o1_500.png

    Happy Valentines Day!!

    I'm not very familiar with the Warframe lore, but my brother Pandamaxxie told me Oberon and Titania have something in common.
    They are a king and queen and both have something to do with nature. So hey, why not XD

    Background ended up as a bit last-minute since I wanted to finish this before the day ends (I got 20 mins left in this timezone lmfao).


    Anyhow, my new website is finally up and running 😄 So I'm open for commissions once again!
    (also accepting plat/in-game items if no paypal)

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