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Posts posted by VoidJumper

  1. Thanks for all of the comments guys :)
    Ill take everything into consideration when i come up with new ideas about reworks in the future or just new ideas in general. Really glad it this post made people argue as it means that its on the right path. Just needs some work is all :3


    Ty so much for taking the time to read and comment on what u think, thats the whole point of these posts ❤️

  2. On 2019-09-30 at 9:15 PM, (PS4)IIFrost_GhostII said:

    Mm nah i think this type of ability is over done, i think something cooler is allowing abilities to be so hot that reduce the damage of enemy projectiles flying through fire, and furthere reduces the enemies damage output if the enemy is on fire

    Kind of makes her more offensive and a little more unique know?

    Oooo i like this!! No increased energy drain though please, a hate trying to be an unstoppable ball of fire with ember and then run out of energy because her abilities take so much of it lol. That makes her feel like youre turning on and off light switch or stove instead of something like a forest fire.

    Make her fire! Not a short lived flame lol

    An excellent idea. I saw a few people try to make a volcano warframe using this though, lets try to stick with her being gas fire instead of solid molten rock, like how frost sticks with being solid water and instead of liquid water, leave that to hydroid and leave magma to our lava warframe yea?

    The visuals of this, would be absolutely amazing. But i think hydroid takes most of the "impressiveness" out of the ability, and leaves it looking like someone ran out of ideas. I personally like the affects of her current third ability, and wish for a smaller change to it than this. Her current ability is visually pleasing but the visuals do not live up to the damage it deals. She be looking like a gigantic meteor just fell out the sky but dealt baby damage to everything. Like how does that work? lol

    Pretty.... freaking.... awesome!!!

    It makes it easier to stay in this form but keeps it from allowing you to stay in this form for ever. Ohh it just looks, delicious. Id want it to be more powerful like what if the for every percentage of health ember loses, enemies being hit by wof have that same percentage of their own health dealt to them as additional damage? Making this ability really powerful, mmmmm

    Nice rework! I have a few probs with it bit for the most part it's pretty nice, especially that ultimate, its lovely

    She just needs to be able to stay a powerful roaring fire imo, only extinguishable if shes not spreading fast enough instead being extinguishable for spreading too fast (using a lot of abilities). Your rework sort of nails that which is why i think i like it so much

    Thank you ❤️
    Yeah it is a work in progress if you will. Which means it can be improved ofc. I didnt realise there was a lava frame concept so yeah having some sort of fire skin damage reduction or some sort of damage reduction would be nice. Hmm maybe make a wall of fire in front of her that melts projectiles and turns it into an even stronger defense. Would be interesting to figure out more unique ways to make her feel like an actual fire based frame. Ty for reply i didnt think anyone would be able to sit down and read such a large text. Im glad at least 1 person saw it :3
    Hopefully it spreads like fire xD

    • Like 1
  3. passive: the more heat ember releases the stronger her armor is and her abilities get stronger

    armor increases by 350 at 100% passive bar
    abilities get extra 35% power strength at 100% passive bar

    1: Flame Thrower - shoots flame through embers hand increasing her energy drain the longer she channels and her damage increases along with her flame levels for passive (cannot proc heat CC *flailing around in panic for enemies*) but can proc heat procs that stack and increase in damage and duration the longer they burn enemies, while using this ability ember can only use pistols (1 or 2 handed - she always holds 1 pistol and uses her other hand to flame throw)

    Energy cost = 3 per second (can be affected by efficiency and duration for less drain)
    strength= increased damage
    range = increased radius (normal radius= half of ignis cone)

    2: Magma Skin - Gains damage reduction % that is stronger the higher her passive meter is starting with 30% and going to 90% damage when meter is full. Every Bullet or attack that hits ember when shes at 90% damage reduction has a small chance 20% to release a fireball that flies towards the enemy direction that shot ember. Balls have a high AOE zone and cause short stun that opens enemies to finishers or causes them to flail for 3 seconds

    Energy cost = 60 (cannot be changed bellow 50 energy points no matter the efficiency)
    strength = increases only fireball damage (normal fireball = 400 damage ignoring armor)
    range = balls are not limited to range of flight but have limited explosion radius(more range=larger explosion) normal explosion radius 6 metres


    3: Fire Storm - Creates a ball of fire above heads of enemies where ability is charged (charging increases zone explosion of ball and upon explosion the tics of damage is also increased the longer it was charged). Upon explosion the ball creates a flame zone and every tick of damage can not stun enemies or make enemies panic but it does lower their armor. Every tick removes 10% of armor which can not be scaled by strength and always stay the same, damage tic does 5-8% hp damage to enemies (10 tics of 10% = 100% hp bar of enemy (killing said enemy) Ability normal tic count is 5 but can be changed with duration to have up to 11 tics.

    Energy cost = 75 energy normal/ cannot be changed(charging increases energy cost per second 2 energy up to maximum 10 seconds = 20 energy charge)
    Duration can increase charge time to be longer and reduce energy to charge as well as increase tick count from 5 to 11 tics *in case an enemy tries to heal up*
    Efficiency does not have any effect on this ability
    Strength - does not affect armor stripping but increases damage ticks from doing 8% damage to doing 15% damage depending on strength number.
    Range - increases radius of explosion and the cast range. as well as increasing cast speed slightly
    up to 10% increase in cast speed for said ability



    4: Phoenix Rage - Ember can only activate 4th ability when her passive meter is 100% full, upon activation instead of using energy she starts using her own HP. While in this state ember can only walk (no rolling available like ivara) and gains several abilities from her other first 3 skills.
    She gains 90% damage reduction, releases fireballs with 50% chance, has a large burn radius similar to world of fire and and flamethrower idea that burns enemies that get too close lowering their armor and stacking flame procs for further damage. This ability also makes her guns use the fire element instead of physical IPS damage (other elements stay as is- so it is possible to run gas/magnetic/corrosive or blast elements + fire from ability). Every second she stays in this form drains more HP from ember and drains her passive fire bar in turn increasing the damage and any fire damage she does she gets healed by with 5% from the damage. Her fire bar can still be replenished if she uses her 1 or 3 ability while in this form.

    Example, ember has turned on 4 and is losing 10 hp every 3-5 seconds (depending on duration and efficiency - higher duration and efficiency = more seconds till she looses said hp), which further increases the longer shes in this form can reach 50 hp every 3-5 seconds, If enough enemies are present at the time and they all have procs of fire ember can potentialy heal through the damage she does and keep herself at 100% hp at all time. Turning off the ability completely cools down ember and gives her 2 seconds of invincibility but not CC resistance and completely drains her passive fire meter even if it was at 100% before the ability was turned off



    With this rework idea i wanted to hit a few marks.

    I wanted to keep ember a caster frame as she should be but still offer her a possibility to "endgame" as currently apart from her unreliable CC she has no real way to keep herself alive thats why i feel Magma skin is needed.

    Her first ability Flame Thrower needs to be something that feels like an adition to her gun and run style that she has and a reliable way to stack damage numbers more quickly and her passive and i mean that his ability can just be animated as her extending her arm as if shes holding dual pistols and one has pistol while the other has a jet of flame coming out of it.

    Her third ability is there to help her reliably remove armor and cause enemies to take damage without her having to run across the room to nuke them with her first ability and there are some enemies that can even with % damage reduction still gun down a warframe if it gets too close or just cancel their abilities. Plus it adds to team play as the ember can in a sense show the team what shes going to nuke next and remove armor from so team mates can focus on those enemies as soon as the ball explodes.

    Her 4th ability ive made in that way as currently ember doesnt feel that effective in what she does. this is sort of an ability thats a double edged sword when the ember feels like she needs to go over the top and take things up a notch she can use it but if its used in a wrong time and place can mean that ember will pay the price as she overextended and the enemies caught up to her. However activating the ability at right time and place can turn a tide of a battle. Its also made so its not just a bass boosted world on fire ability that players just turn on and run around with. But as a last resort or a sacrifice if you will, to sacrifice all mobility and chance to run in order to go all out. Plus it gives players an incentive to use all abilities and does not impact them so they feel they dont need guns or need something like an ignis to make an ability work so they have more of a variety.

    All abilities have higher numbers as ember has a decently high energy pool and seing as one ability will use hp instead of energy its good to make her other abilities more costly to grant a feeling of using more energy for greater power.

    If you have any ideas do write them down in the comments so that hopefuly someone in DE sees this and gets an idea or inspiration on what to do with ember or what needs to be done. My idea is not there to tell DE what to do or must be done. Its there to in a sense inspire and give feedback on what shes lacking. And much like Vauban ,Ember has been neglected for far too long and left in a state of decay.
    Make Ember Great Again

    • Like 1
  4. Please for the love of god i will kill myself if i get a crash again due to the fact that my teammamtes dont want to end the game onslaught when i ask, and i either disconect after 30 minute game or i crash and loose literaly all my progress, and dont give me that excuse that its game mechanics and its nothing you can do. Please add an option to leave game if we choose to do so. I dont want to play in public missions precisely because of this reason but new game mode is forcing me to do so because i cant keep up killing so many enemies on my own. Please again FOR THE LOVE OF GOD ADD A LEAVE GAME OPTION WHICH WILL SAVE MY PROGRESS I HAD SO FAR LIKE IN DEFENSE MISSIONS >.< Like after every 2 waves give us that option please PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE IM SO TIRED AND ANGRY YOU CANNOT IMAGINE HOW TILTING IT IS TO WORK FOR SOMETHING AND GET #*!%ED BECAUSE OF OUTSIDE INFLUENCE ITS FRUSTRATING TO NO END

  5. How about some synergy between her abilities and change the current passive into more damage when she is in the air, and increase in damage done to enemies in the air. But not as a default number , but a percentage one since it should have scaling. *all warframe abilities should be affected by percentage imo but that seems like a sort of a project that de probably wont have time to implement in such a short time*

    Her first ability needs to be changed into divebomb with a bit more interaction, for example where she dives she should be able to create a upward vortex that suspends enemies for a short amount of time.

    Her second ability could give some sort of boost to help her stay in the air. Either by giving her small time to fly without restriction or act as a ability to give her air time sort of like a double jump or triple air jump similar to Dante's double jump in DMC.

    Her third ability is fine. In fact its the one ability everyone can agree is great AND DOES NO NEED CHANGE THEREFORE LEAVE IT BE DE PLEASE FOR THE LOVE OF GOD DONT TOUCH THE ABILITY.

    Also her fourth ability needs a bit of a change. Since without the upgrade she gets from the syndicate mods. The ability causes more problems then helping out. Yes it does crowd control, but in some cases (more like most cases) forces players to look up to shoot enemies (which doesnt always work as sometimes damage doesnt apply (as in feels buggy or unfinished. Like you see the body but the hitbox is all over the place)). Imo it should provide better crowd control like keeping enemies at the apex of the tornado and not move them as much. For example spin them arround 360 degrees but not ragdoll them.


    I'm not out to get anyone especially not trying to make DE look bad. Just stating my honest opinion. As i've talked with a lot of people about this subject and everyone agreed. That zephyrs current kit. Does not need change like tweak. It needs A FULL REWORK> and an actual rework like Ember or Excalibur. Tweaks aint gonna cut it for this one since currently out of 4 abilities. In actual fights ive never seen anyone use anything more then air shield 3, and to troll or afk her fourth ability. So if you do a percentage from my personal usage of these abilities. Im lazy to bullet jump most of the time so i just use 1 to move around because i cant think of any reason why i would stop shooting to jump into enemies with 1. Knock some of them down and get killed by something else since i just got into its face and got stomped to death. Her second ability is useless as slam attacks are stronger and more efficient at coming down from the air. So in actual usage in a single exterminate (for example) her ability usage goes from

    first ability - 5% usage

    second - 0% usage

    third - 85% usage

    fourth - 10%


  6. Yeah like i thought of Norse mythology only because we have a few frames that in more ways shapes or forms are similar to actual mythological figures or objects (Excalibur, Ivara, Banshee etc.). But yeah i meant as a whole new weapon class. And the mentioning of Thor's Hammer (Mjölnir), wasnt like an idea to straight up steal the thing. But as a concept for people to be able to associate with and understand what i meant. But yeah I just opened this conversation so that people might have it as a idea when drawing new ideas for weapons. 

  7. Hello, im back again after brainstorming about what warframe has and what it doesnt have. And ive noticed that all hammers we have are heavy two handed monsters that destroy anything left and right. But what we dont have is 1 handed hammer/hammers. As a new weapon type not just a re-skin over an existing mechanic. Like im thinking of a 100 brutal ways to smash grineer or corpus face (infested faces are already looking pretty smashed). So my idea is a hammer similar to Thor's Hammer. And just using it with 1 hand to perform brutal combos on bodies of grineer. Like pushing them off their legs and then grabbing their heads and smashing them with the hammer repeatedly. Now as brutal as this is keep in mind that we are doing quite brutal things already so adding 1 more thing isnt so much to ask for right?

    Let me know what you think. And if you like the idea or you have some better idea. Write it down. Hell i will support you if its serious and good. Heres to hoping someone in DE actualy gives this a look. Considering they are hard working on Plains atm. Cheers  have a good day. Yours trully



  8. Arrr there lads

    How be the rng plunderin' goin?

    Just wanted to talk a little about ideas for hydroid rework seeing as we need a 100% rework of hydroid and his kit. Not just a little rework like we got for oberon or some other frames.

    1. His current barrage ability should remain the same as it is. Just needs to have better mod synergy then it currently does. As the current ability doesn't work well if modded for range. Because he looses a lot of the damage and it doesn't hit as hard as it should and it affects the ultimate by spreading the tentacles too far from each other to be effective.

    2. His second ability wave charge should be changed how it works completely. I believe that it should still remain as him becoming a wave of water but to work as an expanding almost form of water that drags enemies together into 1 spot and leaves them there. No additional CC is required just needed to pull enemies in 1 spot to make it easier to damage them and kill them faster for the entire party.

    3. His third ability puddle. Well i don't want to sound like a bad person so ill put it another way. Its simply bad. No team synergy, no efficiency in killing, not a proper cc as it holds the enemies but keeps them save as well from your own team or abilities. I think that we should have a barrel bomb or some sort of bomb that does area of effect damage and a short stun. This ability should also give hydroid a shield buff that lasts for a short time giving him an overshield temporarily.

    4. His fourth ability tentacle swarm. Its not a bad concept but i believe that that ability should be improved in its overall mechanics. My idea has a sort of a synergy to it with the second and third ability as a combo as well.

    Current tentacle swarm spawns the tentacles on enemy locations. I believe this should be changed. And this is how:

    First the tentacles should be able to hit 3 times, but with strong attacks. First time they spawn in a circle around hydroid and slam the ground in the middle of them(where hydroid was standing as theyre spawned in a circle around him) the slam should knock down enemies and flatten them for a short time (flatten: unable to stand up for several seconds), the second atack would be arround the circle to pull enemies inside them much like current tentacles work. Then the third attack would be done in the middle of the circle again, flattening everything again for a set duration. (ofc any enemy killed this way can provide drops if used with the augment mod). 

    Now if you're still here reading this. Thank you for taking your time. And without further ado here are the numbers i have in mind. Without any changes to stats so all stats are at 100%.

    1. His first ability should have 300 damage per hit.

    2. His second ability "wave slam" [Insert name here] should do 600 damage.

    3. His third ability as it is an explosion should do 3000 damage and give 500 shields + 50 for each enemy hit by explosion (max 10).(this could over-shields depending on what the frame needs at the moment of detonation)

    4. the first tentacle slam should do 4000 damage + shield amount the frame has at the moment of cast. (for example if frame has 1000 shield + 1000 over-shield so 2000 value it would add 2000 damage to the attack of 4000 in other words 6000 damage per hit). The second attack around the circle should do default 4000 and be unchanged in its damage numbers. then the third attack would do 4000 damage + half of current shield and over-shield values + 150 for each enemy the tentacles captured (max 10 enemies).

    - So the combo would be Wave slam - barrel - tentacle swarm.

    adding up this damage it would be a small nuke and CC combined for the frame and not preventing the team from being able to shoot at enemies. While stopping hydroid from doing anything else because of ability casting which in a way could be a sort of "balance" to the frame.

    The damage numbers would be something like this

    600 + 3000 + 6000 + 4000 + 5000 + (enemies captured 10 for example) 1500 = 20100. 

    Now currently these numbers are the ones i decided were ok for the example of the rework i hope would be noticed by DE. Of course i dont make the final decisions and in no way should this be taken seriously. These were numbers i decided would be ok for the idea i just wrote. If you have more ideas please write them down either here or in your own post. Hopefuly DE sees at least some of the ideas and makes use of them. We all love the game and some of us have been playing it ever since it first came out as open beta. If you also love the game or still play it. Make your own choice to write down what you wish you could have and who knows someday it might come true :)

    Have a good grind

    see you ingame :)

  9. On 3/6/2017 at 1:29 PM, Vlada91 said:

    Name: Infamous-Whip

    Faction: Tenno

    Brief Description: Two electric whips that each slash attack shock the enemies, it has high speed and is good for the enemy be disabled in any other impact strike.You can disarm enemies whit good combat combo.And in charged attack is spinning in a circle and destroying enemies around him.... I apologize for bad English  :smile:



    This needs to be up-voted more. Reminds me of the whips from iron man 2. Those were badass

  10. 22 hours ago, -HoB-KurtOn said:

    They destroyed ash..And the irony is "They listen to community". Community never wanted this much of devastation to a frame.

    Thats the community problem. Veteran players dont have time to waste on forums, while newbies got nothing else to do then cry for nerfs. If you think a frame is too strong why the hell do you ask for a nerf. ASK FOR A BUFF TO YOUR FAVOURITE FRAME OR REWORK. Why would you go out of your time to ask for nerfs. Personaly if de keeps destroying one frame after the other id rather have a legion frame where i press all 4 abilities get increased armor and health regen, and then get reload speed and infinite ammo on my current weapon to mow down groups....

  11. Edit Yaerion: Please do not use the Megathread tag. PSA and MEGATHREAD are reserved to the staff and moderators only. Thank you.

     -make the current shuriken into throwing massive shuriken
    that splits into smaller shrapnel or smaller shurikens once it hits a target area or enemy marking all targets and doing bleed(by a small amount only as a mark on which enemy was hit by ash)

     ->removing/lowering % armor for a limited time could be the augment.

     -then his second ability would work like a typical smoke bomb to make everyone arround him
    invisible as well, 
    - >the augment of this ability would be that even alies get a buff to their damage( or just their slash damage) if hit by the invis smoke.

    -then his third ability teleport would work like teleport to target stab them, if killed ash becomes stealthed however if the target isnt dead then the target bleeds and ash jumps back a few metres.

    note* if ash does this ability behind the enemy it will work. however if done from the front then ash will get pushed back and ability will be canceled leaving ash stuned for a second or two.

    ->the augment could be to give ash the ability to recast the same ability without energy cost if kill is successful and ash isnt detected by enemies.


    - his ultimate would work with his first and third abilityevery target affected by bleed from ash abilities would be targeted from ash clones that he will create upon activation of ability meanwhile ash can move and can be seen and can be damaged by enemies while he would be unable to cast other abilities or revive alies or shoot. Perhaps he can even stay in 1 spot meditating or as if he is controling his clones which are currently keeping the enemy stun locked and bleeding,
    - if ally is nearby and shoots the enemy the shadow will hold the enemy still for ally to slay it instead of stopping it with its anoying animations and this would last for short amount of time while ash would have up to 4 clones max that would stab enemies arround him.

    -> the augment can stay the same to give increased melee counter for when the ultimate ends. So that ash can keep on cleaving through any remaining enemies that havent been slain yet. Or arrived to late.

    and thats a whole rework which ofc should be scaled
    accordingly so it isnt game breaking but endgame viable much
    like the saryn or excal rework which were great. Im not really expecting anyone to notice this but if anyone from DE can actualy at least take a read i would be grateful :)

    if youre still reading this and like the idea vote it up so we can make warframe more interesting and fun to play. If you have any ideas or suggestions dont be afraid to post them in this thread :3

  12. Is there any ETA on the new infested frame you showed in PAX. From what i understand you postponed the bard frame and im interested in this new infested frame. Seing as it reminded me of the concept Typhus from a few years ago.

    Also will it be possible to add a weekly mission with guaranteed Riven mod. Seing as RNG isnt as reliable to get anything at this point.

    p.s. Good work on TWW really loved the quest, but i think the operator should be able to scale with enemies seing as they are supposed to be much stronger now after defeating the queens. Will it be possible to give them some sort of scaling to be able to withstand a few more hits. At the current way its set up 1 stray shot and operator is done.

  13. I believe that most people have forgotten about this weapon or don't even care which is why i'm making this thread. I really liked the fang daggers even before the prime version came out. But with all the new critical or status weapons the current Fang Prime cant even compare. Which is why id like to ask the developers and people what they think, because i believe that dual daggers are forgotten because there haven't been any updates on them for quite a long time. Yes on the last devstream we were shown a new stance for dual daggers however seeing as there isn't any decent dual daggers out there id like to ask people for ideas on newer dual daggers or buffs, maybe some cool mechanics we still haven't seen. Feel free to post any ideas and please be friendly :3

    P.S. DE are free to post any future ideas they might have on this case or at least inform us if there's any plans on this area for the future

  14. Ok so first off my english is not that great but ill try to be serious about this and ask this as accurately as i could. Why would you want a weapon nerf?

    Do you not understand that nerfing is not going to get you anywhere? For endgame and early game you need to have fun in this game and actualy make it there in the first place. Recently DE released a lot of weapons which have cool mechanics yes, but are not viable unless you put in potato and or forma to make it work. I read all the comments before mine and i understand that people want a piece of the action when dealing with missions. So my point is do you want your weapons to last and have fun all the time or just play with 3 or so weapons and just brainlessly shoot everything that moves. I played this game since the open beta so i can say with experience  that having more weapons that can hold their own aggainst strong enemies made the game more fun. Untill the nerfs came starting with acrid, hek, Lanka, boltor and so on, you know the rest. So question is has anyone tried these weapons nowadays? Has anyone had fun playing aggainst strong enemies that swarm and dont want to die because your weapon cant deal with them. Mechanics aside why give us a weapon we cant use. Instead of buffing the enemies and nerfing all good weapons how about you give us viable weapons and not nerf them. Then wait a little, perhaps even play with other players, see how they like the weapons and im not talking about hating about OMG THAT WEAPON STEALS MY MOBS OMFG NERF PLEASE, im talking about what they think about it when they have tried it and talk objectively. Curently we can use about 4 weapons or maybe 6 as primaries that can kill enemies on late game, about 2 or 3 secondaries, and melee which objectively speaking can kill the mob in about 10 hits or so.

    Im not talking about a endgame where the survival on t4 is 1 hour im talking above it. So let me dumb it down. On t4s when the mobs get to lvl 100 you surely cant be expecting to melee them since 2-3 shots can probably kill you or 1 nice smack in the face will depending on what frame youre using. Secondary cant be used either because it will either be close-mid range or you will be out of ammo. Primary weapons will probably be Dread, BoltorP, SomaP, maybe even opticor although it would be prety stupid to take that since it is a 1 shot weapon and you wont be able to clear the thrash mobs fast enough and they would swarm. I realize that this is a topic for the SG but think about it. Most of the time the people that cry NERF PLEASE are those that cant get a kill because they are being carried throughout the game from someone else and yes it has happened to me and im not crying am i? I personaly like people that can handle their own and still help their team, if you have a problem about someone else taking your kills then that means you are not a good player. Last time i checked this is a team play game so either learn to play with a team as a team or go solo in missions. SG did not need the ground nerf it was given personaly i think that its damage was a bit too strong compared to other weapons in sindicates the only part about it not breaking the roof was the magnetic damage. And now the firerate was buffed and the damage lowered so much that normal gammacor has more then it. All other sindicate weapons have about 5 to 10 more damage then the normal e.g. Castanas have 100 electrical and the sindicate weapon has 115, akbolto have 45 while the telos version has 50 so my point is they should have made it with 100 damage gammacor and left everthing as it was with a slight nerf to ammo consumption because it was crazy how slow the ammo was depleting. 

    Ty for reading this i just wanted to make sure everyone, DE included understood that ,, Ground Nerfing" is not the only option when it comes to weapons. Perhaps you need to rethink your strategy of giving strong weapons or frames then nerfing them and buffing enemies is not always the right choice.

  15. My game seems to freeze (more like fps dropping rapidly- stuttering) but only on survival mission on jupiter - elara if im not mistaken and it freezes for like 5 sec or so.

    But happens only on certain places. Like when im passing through a door or something. When i play a grineer tileset its perfectly fine nothing of the sort happens (but its only on that one map as far as i can tell)

  16. Seems like an awesome warframe. Some of his abilities are a bit overpowered but with a few tweaks to them it would be rather fine. Excellent idea for a warframe awesome for stealth and run and shoot tactics.

    Dont want to steal your ideas or anything or judge them but to be fair i believe that the abilities would be rather cool. My suggestions would be so that itd be fair for enemies the abilities to be like this.

    1. Shadow strike - do deal high damage to ,,Marked" enemies or unaware and become invisible if kill is succesfull if not spawn a shadow like a clone that attacks the enemy until it dies or the enemies die instead.

    2. Shadow Sight - seems completely fine and useful so no change there.

    3. Mark - a bit overpowered on the teleport part even when enemy is behind wall however it would be fun to try out when trying to cut through enemy lines or just pass the area without much problems. so leave it at that its perfectly fine :)

    4.Darkness - a bit OP ability but since i cant think of anything better i wont coment on it any further.


     Still and awesome idea and id love to see it released sometime in the near future.  Really nice warframe!!! All rights and ideas go to JackStalka  since it was his idea. Thumbs up mate :)

  17. Okay I dont know about any of you, but EVER SINCE the update that released Valkyr into the game, Warframe has been causing my computer to crash at random intervals, and before the update the game wouldnt do this EVER. Devs did you do something to your coding that screwed up the games compatibility with systems running on Windows XP with Intel Core 2 Duo processors? I have plenty of ram and according to the System Requirements I should be more then able to run this game, so please tell me, what are the CURRENT ACTUAL system requirements for the game?


    I have become EXTREMELY aggrivated with how your game is causing my computer to crash when it has NEVER done that before, so something about the Valkyr patch messed up the game for me and probably others. I see no reason to spend further money on this game till this problem is fixed. True that money doesnt have to be spent but there are some things that can only be obtained with Platinum so yeah, not spending anymore money on a broken game.


    Edit: Also I am not refering to Blue Screen crashes, by crash I mean the game causes my computer to LOCK UP, and I cant do anything but restart the computer.

    same problem here my PC was working fine till u11 then after that update PC completely freezes (and i mean completely no response what so ever) so restart only option if id have to chose id rather have game telling me it crashed instead of whole PC crashing

  18. Yeah cry now people you helped the grineer win so now suffer the consequences and stop whining this is what u wanted and its what you got...

    btw i was for corpus till the end.... you cared about the story and not cared about the rewards so now even corpus players are suffering so thx aggain and remember kids no whining now.... but not only is the pistol S#&amp;&#036; but the machete is even more S#&amp;&#036;... gj everyone and enjoy your stinkin rewards now! You see me rooooling and i hate you x)

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