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Posts posted by (XBOX)GentlestSpy99

  1. After 40 minute rotation the next set overlaps the orginal items gotten sooo. Yeah I found out the easy way hitting the 45 minute marker instead of the 40 minutes marker my group always leaves on. I just think some of the invisible rules and states are crap, but I go with the flow saying whatever because I'll believe any crap at this point for a free to play game just to get a volt prime. What do you know? I have a Volt Prime :D

    No but serious the tedious activity of grinding survival has a senseless act of being favored then most Tower runs because of the lack of items recieve from capture, mobile defense, extermination, sabatoge Etc etc.... It was like a minimium effort ateempt in changing the balence of items of near impossibility.

  2. Remeber the days were host migration was the thing when the host left? Not anymore because the connection gets dump and auto fails during a tower 3 survival on 35 minutes. Well atleast they fixed the bug were you get the items from the orginal Beta testing on PC or maybe Alpha testing.

  3. Well there's your problem, your a rhino spamming the ankyros like myself. It was funny when I couldn't sprint either after using melee then I looked in the codex and saw Rhino Prime only have 8 Stamina. Seriously needs to lay off the space Jam because rhino prime is a fatty which is depressing. Instead of rolling and jumping I end up squatting in the middle of a mob while slowly walking trying to get out of harms way.

  4. Combo is locked in a narrow pathing system only allowing to strike in a straight line with the standard combo crunching BBB.

    Rhino Prime is fat I know to much space jam, but did you have to put so much restrain on movement when using him? After the ankroyos or the guanlet majigger combo my frame is to fat to slide so he looks like he's taking a dump, "i mean duck" while trying to get away from heavy swarm.

    Stance animation, completely broken and a few of them are offsetting the syadana. Then again really i think their all the same which is noble and agility but based on difference class of warframe...

    The codex of Rhino Prime says he has 8 stamina.

    Everyone hates the spurs from void trader.

    The boltor prime animation of bolts sticking in mid air looks cheezy.

    People fall off the map who are caught under an elevator that is damaged on the Orokin vessel or the corprus map with the verticle elevator except that one has a trap at the bottom that sticks players.

    Insta kill happens without reviving process.

    ancient abilities stack doing massive energy drain or toxin damage.

    AkBronco doesn't hold a candle of lighting things up compared to the syndicate gamma core. Based on a reload spec of 90% vs a damage of 0.2 something which is speed comparison not sure if it pertains to a second and that is a milacycle which me 5 hits a second. Or I'll go with one of the hustling under dogs word for it seeing that the gamma core does 2 hits a second.

    Tenno Clock twitter is mixed in with a rap post gang which isn't suited for 18 and under lol. I thought it was a friendly UK post but it rubbed me as a anarchy front. So I walked away without even questioning the scene.

    My favorite one is survival on earth for life support on a planet which had none...

  5. Ehh you ain't missing much just a bunch of gangster yapping. Do what i did(DE said to go to apps and game hit the start button, scroll to manage game, then delete the 4gb reserve.) hope that helps. All that will happen is that you'll end up downloading the patchwork again from their server.

  6. Everytime I crash I know someone is dropping my connection so they can fit their character in. Get rid of your hackers from the DDos atk on the PC version. That's all I'm asking for. It's not the game it's the fact they are using the purging command in a access xbox gamers don't have access to.

  7. The ash on pc did that quick animation without the camera following it was just a holo of him diving into different mobs with the bug that a few of them would stick on a map permanently. There was no camera motion, but now I wont complain much because I notice different hosts kept corrupting the game so those cool camera tekken rotation on the finishing move made it quiet the speculation.

  8. So were can you tuck these bad boys away and summon them? I'm thinking magical gems on the fist and they just poof, phase in using the same light as channeling? I dont think it would look cool to have butt guards with the ankyros prime which would mean negative stats on that knock dow gold ability I can't equip because I would be weaker if I was faster on bouncing back up.

  9. The mission Alert doesn't coordinate with the App again... It seems like Xbox One is on the Rogue again and the Aura for Loot detector is.... Useless? Wasn't that a regular item attach for the warframe like Hack and why isn't Mesa on the app as an applicable warframe seems like the service provided doesn't like to keep the communication scripting to a global connection hence the crash and the ERROR! I think the DE might be farting around with easter eggs mods again with Garry.

  10. Can we get a map of our own choice for pvp raiding? Conquering the play ground then next moving into the Dojo for raiding if they have a vault. Also above that idea can we add defense turrets and shield for the price of credits and scraps with a leveling system based on donation of dojo exp from guild free signa?

    If so I want a beach map for my Dojo because really, no one said I couldn't relay to a relay from a beach.

  11. Some maps they walk in one line like it was a colonial war. Might wanna think about adding 2 to 3 pathings for non linear spawn activity. This mainly happens on maps that are survival when they are chasing down the warframe from one area to the next. Then again anymore scirpt work and the whole game will crash from all the spawn activities.

    Throw some drop pods on the planet based maps that are based out doors. Maybe throw some drilling pods delivering some squads or opens up new temperary spawn points. I notice the idea is kind of being used during the corprus vs graneer extermination.

    Phobos doesn't have a top side map still uses the basics from pc beta. The ice maps are being used on multiple planets nothing orginal.

    No Mars top side planet missions. Unless those desert mission was it, can't remeber who uses the duplicate maps.

    Mercury should be like that planet from Rid$&*^ "Crematoria prison" hellish jagged rocks some lava and a 2 minute window to find cover from the sun.

    That is pretty much it except the cache box levels and only being able to find 1/3 with no signals to any other ones even being close in the vincinity.

    Add a water planet since you have hydroid which seems like a fish out of water.

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