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Posts posted by (PSN)Fizzer_XCIV

  1. Gammacor sure, but amprex?  The only time I really see it is on (relatively) low level missions for clearing out huge groups quickly.  In which case 4 spam would be better anyways.  The question is when are they going to nerf soma / boltor prime?

    I hope they never do. Not because I use those weapons(I don't), but I'm afraid the Synapse would then become FotM and I don't want my gun to be FotM...

  2. I'd like the idea of having a ship that isn't the Liset. Something completely different.

    Just as a purely cosmetic thing.

    I don't mind the Tenno architecture, but I find that it doesn't have much character to it. Its all so... predictable.

    Even the Corpus have some "odd" design features compared to the "stereotypical future" look that some senno stuff has. They have the Roman/Greek pillars and the crazy looking computer terminals.

    A Grineer Frigate?

    A Corpus Hauler?

    An Infested Liset? Probably not too lore-friendly, but a biological ship is basically what I'm saying. We use living weapons after all, so why not a living ship?

  3. Do people not know how to barter?

    Its so easy!

    Do you think the item you want to buy is worth 20p? Offer 15.

    Do you think the item you want to sell is worth 20p? Ask for 25.

    Don't be rediculous about it though. Most people will just walk away if you do that.

    But don't say any Pawnstar stuff. No "the best I can do..." or "I'm only willing to spend..."

    Leave some room for the imagination on their side. Say things like "I'd like to get..." or "I'm hoping to get it for...".

    By leaving it vague, you leave some room for the deal to settle on a happy medium.

    I've never left a trade station feeling like like I got ripped off. I've always felt it has been a fair trade, or one in my favor(people that don't understand bartering get worse trades, generally)...

  4. Its because the weapons and movement are overall unsatisfying compared to the standard type of play.

    Movement is difficult, unintuitive, and the scale makes everything feel really weird. It feels like everything is much smaller than it is so the end result is that you feel like you are actually shrinking as you get closer to walls and stuff. Things that look like they are touching you can end up being 20-30m away...

    The Melee is clunky, at best. It feels like CODknifing in space, with the way it zooms to the target.

    I can't speak for all the arch-guns, but the first one you get feels like a pea shooter. It is in no way satisfying to fire.

    I honestly think its mostly a scale problem. We go too fast, and the maps are too big...

  5. I didn't ask for a dragon frame, but I was familiar with the requests for one, and no one was asking for a seahorse design for a dragon frame. The people who wanted a dragon frame wanted something that was based on a dragon with clear features that were dragon-like. Chroma isn't it. DE said that this frame was being made because people requested a dragon frame. So, by DE's own admission, this was being made for those people. DE messed up by saying that they were giving them what they requested, because this isn't what they requested. And that's the bottom line.

    Nobody was asking for a Cowgirl, but yet we got one.

    Nobody was asking for a Pirate-Kraken, but yet we got one.

    Nobody was asking for most of the frames. Most were surprises.

    Just because people didn't get exactly what they got, doesn't entitle them to throwing hissy fits.

    People should be happy that they are getting what they asked for. Period. Even if it isn't exactly what they wanted.

    This is equivalent to a child screaming on the ground because their parent got them a package of doughnuts instead of a full cake at the grocery store. Literally worse than the ones screaming because they didn't get anything.

    And honestly, if you can't see the obviously dragonlike features on Chroma, even after they have been pointed out, numerous times, you either have visual impairment, or are so biased and stubborn that you shouldn't be listened to anyway...

  6. You forgot the part where "typical" (and by typical you mean traditionally eastern or western) is what people actually wanted, and you forgot the part where DE said they were giving the community what they wanted.

    Stop speaking for everyone.

    I didn't know that I wanted Chroma, or that we were even getting a Dragon Frame, until I saw him.

    I want him. So bad. To me, he looks awesome.

    So really, only a portion of the furom-going community wanted a dragon frame.

    How can you pretend to speak for the people that didn't even know what the next frame would be?

    You are coming off really pretentiously and whiny.

  7. It think most people would be okay with it if it looked like a dragon and wasn't ugly personally. I think most people could tolerate a dragon support frame. That's just my opinion though. I could be wrong. I do agree though that people would probably be happiest with a dragon-knight type frame. Not sure why that would be a bad thing.

    It doesn't matter that the frame was female, just that it was less rhino looking. You could remove the breasts and it would look male.

    I'd also support a larger more muscular female frame. Could be cool.

    Maybe they could make a Female Dragon Knight, like in the image?

    That would leave room for an interlocking story between the two frames...

    Dragon-knights aren't called that without reason. They typically ride dragons into battle, or fight dragons.

    Perhaps they were a team, or rivals.

    Either way, it could be interesting lore.

    And the reason I think a Dragon frame fits Warframe better than a dragon knight, is that there aren't any dragons.. yet. Usually you need dragons to have knights based on combat with or against dragons.

  8. I don't see what's Rhino-like about that one. I mean he has shoulder armor, chest armor, leg armor, and gauntlets, but those are reasonably common.

    That's just it. People want a "Dragon-Knight", rather than a Dragon Frame.

    They want a Frame based off of an already existing fantasy subclass, rather than them basing the Frame of of just Dragons.

    I personally prefer the route they went with, due to its originality, and that I think it actually looks cool...

    Not to say I don't think the whole "dragon knight" thing isn't cool, I just think that what they went with fits Warframe better.

    And the second image you posted isn't nearly as Rhino like as the concept linked earlier, but that might be because the second image is of a female Warframe.

    Speaking of female Warframe a, I wouldn't mind an actual warrior-woman. Amazonian-ish and muscled, and all that cool stuff.

  9. I think DE needs to learn something obvious: if they are going to take the theme from a very popular fan concept and make their own completely different version, they should do it better than the original. If they can't do that, they should swallow their pride, make the popular version, thank the person who created the concept, and perhaps give them a plat reward. There is no virtue in throwing away great art or ideas and substituting worse.


    In this case Chroma's external design is widely considered to be hideous and inferior to one of the most popular fan concepts ever.


    Here is a poll on Chroma's appearance: http://strawpoll.me/3807541

    Here is the link to the most popular Dragon concept: https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/37089-a-warframe-concept-the-dragon-20-—-final-update-2092015/

    Because DE didn't just want to do "Rhino with wings and fire".

    I respect them for that. Thank them, actually. That fanmade concept was bad, IMO.

    Rhino is painfully boring, and adding fire and wings would only make it a little less boring, but still boring

    Chroma's design is new and interesting in every way, rather than a reskin of a frame we already have "with fire". He looks bestial and raw, rather than a boring dragon warrior.

    I also happen go be lucky enough to be somebody who thinks he looks awesome, so that nice.

  10. I'm so glad they won't be changing him. I think he looks cool,and much more unique than the stereotypical dragon warrior they could have gone with.

    I like the non-typical sea dragon approach they took with him, as it actually feels much more in place within the Warframe universe.

    Forget the haters DE, let them cry. If they hate your artistic integrity so much, they can just go play another game that let's them be the "super leet dragon knights of extreme justice" they wanted. Everyone knows there are enough of those out there already anyway...

    Meanwhile, I'll be rocking Chroma, ASAP.

  11. Synapse: Its a rifle,a psuedo-shotgun, and a beam-weapon all in one. It is amazeballs on Volt. It fires electricity from its face when you tickle its prostate. What is there not to like? Also massive red crits, so yeah...

    Orthos Prime: So many hits so fast! I swear the Polearms animations are just the best due to the amount of hits they provide. It easily beats Scindo Prime in practice, if not on paper.

    I sadly haven't really found a sidearm that I truly like yet, unfortunately. I suppose the one I like the most so far is the Tysis...

  12. I have a score of 25500070 for that mission.

    I definitely didn't do enough to deserve that... I killed a Zeplin, blew up 2 generator nodes, died, and the mission ended.

    I just don't want to be punished for this, because it looks like a score someone would hack or glitch to get, but I did neither of those things.

    I'd be more than happy with not getting the 50k credits if it means I dot get banned or something...

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