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Posts posted by elecEmperor

  1. <Operator Shinai.>  A cool, soft voice wafted through the speakers of the Liset.


    "Yeah, yeah.  What's goin' on, Murph?  We get a new alert or somethin'?"  Unarmored, a young-looking man practiced in the small space afforded to an owner of a Liset, a pair of Heat Swords in his constantly moving hands.  "Come on, talk to me."


    <Message from a Grineer Captain.  Says it's urgent.  Reading...>


    The blades stopped singing through the air for a moment, the man hopping from foot to foot in anxious anticipation.  "Come on, come on...."


    <Message, translated.>

    "Hit me with it."


    <==Tenno, this is Captain Lek'Tress. The Grinner Empire is in need of your aid. Should you accept this contract, this message has enclosed a set of coordinates to the Cruiser Brutus, as well as a clearance code for you to be permitted to land on board this ship. Your assistance is of the utmost necessity, and you will be rewarded handsomely should you complete your task.==>


    This threw the young Tenno for a loop.  Grineer requesting the service of Tenno? Alright, seen it happen before.  Not unheard of.  But not with this kind of formality.  A surprised, yet impressed face flickered over his features, before he wordlessly padded over to the Arsenal of the Liset and punched some holo-buttons.




    "Good performance.  Murph, punch it for the Brutus.  Keep shields up in case of any misfortunes.  Keep in contact with me, memorized?"


    <Affirmative, Operator.  Setting warp for Pluto...>


    The man stood upon the circular platform of the Arsenal, feeling the suit of the Excalibur frame fasten around him.  The normal few seconds between the helmet folding closed, and the microcameras and sensor array upon it firing up - still got him every time. 


    All systems nominal.  And thankfully, with the speed of the Liset, not too long to wait.  A Boltor rested on his right shoulder, packs of Kunai on his hips, and his trusty blades hung from their hardpoints.


    "Well, got some time to burn.  MIght as well..."


    He returned to practicing.




    It was strange to be accepted onto a Grineer ship, of all things, with somewhat open arms.  Verification and clearance codes passed between the Cephalon Murphy, and the ship's communications.  Wordless to his ears, but still effective.


    <Arrived at destination.  Please stay safe.>  Murphy reminded Shinai, akin to the countless times she's repeated the same phrase.


    "Safe isn't a word in a Tenno's vocabulary," was Shinai's reply, as before.


    He exited the Liset, Boltor reassuringly in his hand.  At the entrance point, he was shocked at just how many Grineer were here - was a very strange sight and sensation to not be cutting through those that stand around you like butter.  Especially these cloned defects.


    But his mind, and his vision, drifted to the other Tenno.  Welcome sights, with their lack of defined faces and smooth armored carapaces standing out from the bulbous masses.  He wandered over, trying to at least act casual.


    "Did I miss the party yet?"

  2. NAME: Shinai
    GENDER: Male
    WARFRAME: Excalibur
    WEAPONS: Wyrm, Boltor, Dual Vipers, Dual Heat Swords
    PERSONALITY: Shinai typically's a bit of a hothead.  Cocky and self-assured, though he's still technically an initiate.  Enjoys the cleansing of those that threaten the survival of the Tenno - namely himself, less the others.  Once he's cooled down from a mission, though, he can be a pretty likeable guy. 

    +- Lack of fear when going up against an enemy.
    + Courage
    + Effective, if a bit rough
    + Willing to work with a team, if the situation requires it.
    +- Excitable about the prospect of missions.
    +- A bit of a smartass.
    - A lot of a smartass.
    - Doesn't respect enemies.  Or a lot of the other Tenno.
    - Inexperienced.

    Greetings ElecEmperor!


    If I may ask a question, Do you think it is wise to use Ordis as a character? Usually -and forgive me if I sound a bit snobbish- Some Role-players in this part of the forums do tend frown upon using ordis being part of an RP character's Cephalon, mostly because there's only one Ordis and he's kinda a lore character in the unknown lore we have on Warframe.


    Sorry about that, I thought Ordis was the model name of the Cephalon that the player character used, not an individual cephalon.  Changed his name accordingly.

  4. Meanwhile, on another Liset floating around the orbit of Mercury...


    "Operator, I've received a message.  It's from the Lotus."


    "Mmm?  What's it say?"

    "It's an invitation - a party of some sort.  Hosted by the Syndicates, came with coordinates for a location not in my memory banks - the Erisian Mantle? Are you interested, Operator?"


    The blue and black-colored Excalibur frame stands up, stretching a bit from his prior meditation on his knees, on the main deck of the Liset.  Bones crack and pop, and a grunt of effort.  A crack of his neck, and a rolling of his shoulders.

    "Set a course, Sagan.  Engage."


    The ship folds the space between his orbit and the location of the Erisian Mantle, split seconds instead of months or years of lightspeed travel.  The Liset, the color of dark wine and cream, floats in orbit.  The Tenno aboard speaks, and the cephalon aboard the Liset transmits.


    "Tenno Shinai, Brave of Steel Meridian, requesting docking access, upon the order of the Lotus herself."

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