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Posts posted by LordViper4

  1. I agree, Ember needs a rework badly. There are other frames like equinox, sayrn, vauban that outperform her.

    You need to build all aspects; duration, efficiency, strength and range and cant even keep your energy up. Your range is so small on your fourth ability that your main weapons are useless and your melee is useless because your 4th ability is killing mobs close.

    It needs an entire rework, but the community just love Ember for who she is which is the problem.

  2. 4 minutes ago, Babellon said:


    coincidentally, accellerant also applies to fire damage on your fire based weapons.

    I did not think about that before, however your still going to be fighting enemies in melee range, still wielding your abilities ineffective.

  3. Ember may as well not even use weapons, because her abilities are all melee range anyway. If you build range, you cant build duration, efficiency or strength. You literally have to build everything and when you do, you dont even have enough range to use the abilities.

    Finally, I'll be surprised if DE don't fix or rework Ember any time soon because its impossible to be unaware of the issues explained in this thread.

  4. 14 hours ago, (PS4)Taishin_Ishu said:

    The hell is with this "She's useless" crap?   I use Ember Prime all the time, and she still kicks plenty of butts.  I never have an issue with energy at -all-.   Her WoF, along with Firequake augment, makes for amazing CC at -any- level.  In fact, I use her in Sorties with little to no issue.

    I honestly don't see the issues people are complaining about.   She's absolutely fine.   

    I think people are just stuck on this mentality of "I can't make my ramen while Ember is AFK winning for me" somehow translating to "Ember is trash".   That's b.s.

    Its not the AFK that is the problem. The range on her fourth ability is melee range so you may as well just not use it. Its really pointless and needs a rework. You can build full range but then you have no survivability, no duration for energy cost, no strength, and go back to square 1; useless.

  5. On 2018-07-26 at 8:31 AM, Oreades said:

    Pretty much unless you mod Ember for max range (sacrificing, oh lets say survivability mods)

    You can't do that though because you need to build Duration (for energy), strength (for any damage), and max energy. You need to build everything to be viable. You even need a primary weapon to set you on fire to maintain your energy. Why do you need to build so much just to use the warframe? It needs a rework.

    On 2018-07-26 at 5:08 AM, SenorClipClop said:

    Well, there are at least three other players on this page of this thread who seem to share my opinion that Ember is still viable and usable. I can also link you to videos of people using Ember successfully if you like. 

    This sounds like a you problem. Share your build and we can help you.

    I agree partially with you that it could be a user error but if you look and analyse ember carefully the majority of people can clearly see that Ember is in a odd position and scaling is a big problem, and really just needs a complete rework. Just like the following people said:

    On 2018-07-26 at 8:20 AM, Obviousclone said:

    Ember is bad because she's supposed to be a caster warframe. A DPS caster specifically. She can't realistically fulfil that role though.


    Nidus is a good example of a caster warframe that can do DPS. Is self sufficient, doesn't depend on weapons to cater to the caster playstyle and is capable of dealing relevant damage at all phases of the game.


    Ember needs a genuine rework to make her good. Right now the best one can be with ember is a janky damage buff support.


    On 2018-07-26 at 6:43 AM, tripletriple said:

    No, it's an ember problem. She doesn't scale, has mediocre cc and needs to be nodded for everything. She belongs in a dumpster. If you think she is viable your experience with other warframe is abysmal.


  6. 2 hours ago, SenorClipClop said:

    Maybe you personally can't, but others can, and we all have the same tools to work with, so it's gotta be a you problem. Please share how you're building her and other players (who are finding success with Ember) can help you.

    Your the only one who says it works...

  7. 2 hours ago, Sannleikur said:

    I use a build and setup very similar to this one. I have arcane energize so I don't need flow, so I use another ranged mod, and I repped intensify with flash accelerant since it's much much more useful. Don't use Firequake, it's redundant since you'll be spamming accelerant and WoF has very high proc chance for fire which will also CC.  I also have a synoid gammacor for energy but I rarely need to use it. My melee weapon is my primary source of killing damage. It's a Plague kripath pole with a condition overload corrosive heat build, so it gets a major boost from flash accelerant. 

    I get majority kills in most content with this build, and only struggle with lvl 200+ normal maps or lvl 100+ eximu stronghold sorties since the energy drain in them can be killer. It does alright in onslaught, can't quite keep up with saryn or mesa since the energy reset hurts her more than it does those 2, and her dps is reliant on her boosted damage weapons. 

    Her range nerf did nothing at all really, except force a change in mods to get the same exact results. Her other changes were effectively useless too, since an ember that stays still is a dead ember, or one that runs out of energy, so the damage bonus you get from fire blast is unusable in any content you aren't already effectively 1 shotting. Her 1's charge does ok damage if you headshot with it, but again slowing down to charge it and throw it is not nearly as fast or as safe as using her 2+4 combo with weapons going. You ask me, her 1 should leave a trail that also burns, all of her fire damage abilities should be doubled in damage or more, and her 3 should move with her. Since scaling is the thing these days, the longer she's in active combat the hotter she should get. I.E her fire damage goes up a lot like saryns spore damage goes up, only instead of spores its determined by heat procs. 


    This is the only point thats valid. Yes this build works. But why should you have to waste your primary slot to harm yourself with fire?

    34 minutes ago, (PS4)watt4hem said:

    Then you're probably playing her wrong. Try a flash accelerant, high raange, strenght, and eff build with an atomos.

    Please play for yourself and you'll see. Thats all I can say.


    But I literally play the two warframes, and ember just feels like a pre-mature equinox. Why should you have to have such a specific build to just about match the usefulness of equinox. This game promotes the opposite to this. Its not like The Division 1.2 where only supreme teams/players could run certain missions. Everyone should be able to play any frame they want. Ember is personally not my cup of tea, however I'm just trying to give a point to why this frame feels like an outcast to the game. Its strange; useless.

    Part of it I can understand that its marketing and achieving money from players, but Ember is just way to weak. I'm pretty sure everyone will invest time to get Equinox Prime, dont worry DE.

    Devs need to look at this, and establish what player experience they are trying to promote.

  8. 3 hours ago, Orblit said:

    Why are people allergic to pressing a button more then once every 10 seconds?

    Because you can't. You run out of energy. Even with mods to fix it. Which stops me having armour or health. 

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