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Posts posted by RhibeRhino

  1. I had voiced my concerns about the switches to endo and energy and.... well... I'm sad to say I was right.


    I had a fully maxed out RJ (All Avionics maxed, all weapons and equipment maxed for all manufacturers), and now, I can't use more than 2 battle avionics before needing energy (Rhino P w/ Primed Flow), I need to Forma yet another thing, I had, even with the Tier 3 early adopter rewards, and the refunds, to spend 7M credits and about 90k Endo to... get my avionics where they used to be.

    Also, my RJ had great survivability, and now has the strength of wet cardboard, since, even in the T3 rewards, we did not even get a Mk1 Plating...


    So to sum up :

    Added credit cost + More endo than Dirac to level up avionics => No, please don't. If we got a 1:1 Endo to Dirac conversion, the costs should be identical.


    Plexus needing Forma (And avionics drain Increase) => Definitely not. That endangers what was an otherwise great opportunity for build diversity, since everything went everywhere, and given the increase in costs, and decrease in capacity, we HAVE to spend formas where we did not need to before.


    The energy economy is terrible and will create a meta with only 3 or 4 Energy Olympic pools frames to take in RJ, where before we could literally take any frame, since the energy was tied to the ship. Even with personal energy, I would GLADLY have Flux energy tied to my Plexus instead of my frame (Plus, as some people mentioned, we have a reactor, why are we using our frames?)

    And given the drop rates of Platings, T3 rewards should have AT LEAST included a Sigma MkIII Plating or something....

    Also for an update that was supposed to simplify the mode to make it accessible, the cost of entry might have been reduced, but the added investment far outweighs any reduction. The new personal resource systems and the crafting are extremely confusing, and the energy cost to battle avionics will inevitably bring a new meta with a few frames, something you have been trying to eliminate from missions for a long time. Also, one last time for good measure, We. do. not. want. formas. in. every. single. part. of. the. game.


    Apart from a few progression breaking (known) bugs, and what I pointed out here, I'm really happy about the update

    • Like 8
  2. This has already happened twice for me, and many more times for my friends. It could just be a graphic bug, harmless, but the issue is, if you happen to die with no HUD, you simply can't revive. And if you can't revive, the squad can't exit the plains, unless you abort the mission, losing all those shiny cores you stole from your friends.

  3. I've got two bugs, and those are annoying ones.....

    1 - It seems like the credit booster isn't boosting anything

    2 - The most annoying one ( for me ) : Fragments codex entries remaining unfinished, and skipping to the next level of the planet fragment, completing the scans and being left with an unfinishable scan.....




    The screenshot says it all..... just look at the Mars Fragments

  4. I loved archwing. I was excited when i saw a new update, new movement and stuff...

    AND WE GET THAT?! More inertia, making trench runs even more difficult ( which could be nice..... if there wasn't all the other problems)
    (And you think that with all tenno technology we couldn't get dampeners on the wings....)

    I don't now how they messed that up, but for the first time ever since i started gaming, i had motion sickness and had to stop playing. I played a lot of space games with *similar* movement,and just games in general, and never got sick. So one question (two actually) : How? and Why did they do that?

    I understand that DE wants to get more players to play archwing, but as far as i can see, there's not that many new players, and old players are leaving archwing now.....
    ( And on that topic i need to add the fact that, they want new archwing players, BUT, you now need Plats to buy slots for wings and arch-weapons. Oh, and obviously, you'll need either plats or friends to get all arch-weapons, since parts are in opposed syndicates. That could work IF people actually wanted to invest plats in archwing.....)

    At least i can still play the free space missi..... oh, wait. We also have all the other issues. Welp, no more archwing for now!

  5. Nausea?  That's a 6

    Disorientation : 15

    I used to love archwing, but first, they added inertia. It was painful and useless, but we got kind of used to it, and now that?
    It's a joke right? I usually enjoy the updates, but this one.....
    One one side, they do good things (*cough*Removing Arch-Defense) but on the other side we get a flight model that's only good for free space missions.

    That makes me sad because i like Archwing, but I am not playing corpus archwing until they fix it ( Or at least remove the stupid inertia ) , i don't want to be sick each time.....

  6. I had the same problem than you people, and the problem isn't the android version, but the signature of the APK. I managed to make the app work:

    1) Go to ( http://apps.evozi.com/apk-downloader/ ) And paste com.digitalextremes.warframenexus in the field "Package name or google play URL", click on "Generate download link" and then download it

    2) Download java 6 JDK ( http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/java/javase/downloads/java-archive-downloads-javase6-419409.html#jdk-6u45-oth-JPR ) and download x86 or x64 depending on your system, then install it

    3) Move the com.digitalextremes.warframenexus.apk you've downloaded at step 1 into the bin folder of the Java JDK (for me it was C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.0_45\bin)

    4) Run command prompt and paste this command: keytool -genkey -v -keystore my-release-key.keystore -alias alias_name -keyalg RSA -keysize 2048 -validity 10000

        It will ask you for a password and some infos, but only care about the password

        Once done past this command jarsigner -verbose -sigalg SHA1withRSA -digestalg SHA1 -keystore my-release-key.keystore com.digitalextremes.warframenexus.apk alias_name

    5) Now you're done, the .APK is signed, just put it on your phone, start it (using a file proswing application or such) and the installation screen should pop up.

    Or you can just download the .APK i just made to get the app: http://uptobox.com/s1pvu3e84zwm

    If you encounter installation problems on the .Apk, follow this link to know how to be able to install the APK properly http://www.ubergizmo.com/how-to/how-to-install-apk-files-sideloading-on-android/

    THANK YOU I can finally use the app. Worked ont both the galaxy s3 mini and the galaxy tab 2.0

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