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Posts posted by TheWolfish

  1. Recently I decided to use Captura for the first time and thought that a picture of my Operator standing in front of my Warframe would look pretty cool.. However just like outside of Captura my Warframe stands there in a pose with their arms by their sides and sadly my Operator walks around like it would in a mission instead of how they do inside the Liset.

    I was hoping to take a picture that shows my Warframe in this pose while my Operator stands normally in front or by my Warframes side.

    However I cant do that as this is what it looks like when I go into Operator mode:


    I cant exactly take a picture thatll look good with the Operator in it.. I was hoping for the option to allow us to pick which stance our Warframe and Operator are in while using Captura.

  2. Holy sh*t fix.... This was an issue back when I started playing this game and I'm sure it was an issue before.

    Mozzy bites are less annoying than this! I shouldnt have to type /unstuck about 5 times a mission I swear!

    Maybe i should name this "NERF VOID DOORS" cause people complain about something needing a nerf and it gets nerfed :/


  3. help


    "Update failed!

    The content servers are temporarily unavailable.




    This is what im getting right now. Its a really annoying time to get this. If this doesnt get fixed for me then I wont be able to get the Saryn Skin Pack that I really want.

    Im sure there will be alot of angry people if they have to miss out on "Limited Time" stuff all because the updater is bugged.

    Iv tried reinstalling. Didnt work. Takes me straight to the "cant update" screen. Iv even deleted ALL my warframe files completely from my computer. Nothing is working. Please PLEASE fix this soon DE.

    Dont want to miss out on Limited Time stuff cause of this bullsh*t. Cause that is just... yep

  4. Yep same. It even did that first part of telling you how big the update is then it tells you that you cant connect :/ Relaunching just gives you the screen telling you that you cant update.. Fun.. Not like I want to get the limited time Saryn skin pack or anything.. ugh

  5. That is indeed a decent strategy. But are you noticing the problem? A very specific and conspicuous absence?

    His 3 and 4


    His 3 only benefits himself, doing nothing for his team. His 4 is actively detrimental to his team, even when using your strategy

    Yeah his 3rd is completely for himself but other frames do also have those abilities that are just for themselves. As for his 4th, that can be handy in Defence, MD, Intercept and for taking out groups of enemies and it also regens a little energy over time.

    Edit : Also his 4th damages enemies when entering and leaving. Im pretty sure power strength effects the damage.


    You certainly wouldn't bring Limbo to an Excavation mission instead of Frost. Someone might bring a Limbo in addition to Frost, but Cataclysm is far too fiddly, what with causing Tenno to drop power cells when they enter and not actually impeding enemies very well.
    A number of people posting in this thread seem to believe they're Limbo experts and that anyone who thinks Limbo needs a rework doesn't understand how his abilities work. In actuality, Limbo's abilities are very straightforward and self-explanatory once you understand how the Rift works, and understanding the Rift is easy once you've played Limbo for less than an hour.
    I guarantee that approximately zero of the "Limbo experts" in this thread have ever brought Limbo to their own Triton core farming sessions.


    I've used Limbo a few times on Excavation missions. I'd never use my ult unless I'm taking out a group of lower lvl enemies. I cant think of 1 reason why anyone would think using their ult as Limbo around the Excavator would be a good idea.

    Yes Limbo's abilities are very straightforward but you'd be surprised by the amount of people I've come across playing Limbo that still dont seem to know how to mod him nor play him properly. (People with a maxed Limbo and decent MR. Wouldnt count those that are still leveling him nor have a decent MR cause I assume those with a low MR wouldn't have all the mods needed)

    Why would you ever banish a Trin when she can have Link up? Additionally, most people who EV Trin pop the enemy they tag right after casting to immediately gain all of the energy that would be provided over the ticks. 


    Finally, isn't relying on powers for 100% of your damage the kind of power spam that people are pining on about making the game not fun?


    Why would Trin need to Link if Banished**

  7. But you can rework Limbo's powers to be more conducive to actual teamwork, as opposed to his current powerset which is tailor-made to just frustrate your team without actually contributing


    Why do you think so many people voted Limbo? We're having a nice thread here talking about actual quality-of-life suggestions, things to make frames more user-friendly (not overpowered, just user-friendly), and all you seem to be saying is "deal with it and get gud"


    Limbo's abilities can be used for Teamwork. Use your first on an Ev Trin. They can still ev things. If everyone else is in the rift they can still receive the energy. The Rift doesnt effect abilities at all. You could rift a Trin and Excal in survival and have the Excal using their Ult the entire run. They wont pick things up yeah but I'm sure the other 2 (assuming there is a full squad) can pick up LS.

  8. And you think they should be allowed to continue to troll?


    Are you actually supporting greifing because right now it sounds like you are.

    You cant stop someone from trolling. There will be trolls. There will always be trolls on practically every game. All you can do is report said greifer for throwing the game.

    And you would rather him be a liability in those missions?


    Jesus its as simple as just allowing items to be brought into the rift when cataclysm is used, we aren't saying remove it completely.


    Probably the only thing that Limbo needs. Everything else is down to people learning to play Limbo or changing their playstyle a little

  9. Are you really that far up your own explicitive that you're not willing to consider "hey, Limbo is incredibly unpopular in just about every mission type other than Spy" rather than just focusing on the words "life support" and "excavation"?

    Hell, I'm talking to the same guy who kept telling the thread to "stop relying on Rift Walk to talk damage; play Valkyr" when NO ONE in the thread has mentioned using that as a strategy. I don't think you're reading the same thread as us

    I said if people have to rely on Rift Walk then they shouldnt play Limbo >_> Also you can use Limbo just fine in practically every mission type. Im sorry the Limbo players you come across are dumbasses as you both seem to think they mess things up when playing survival and excavation. Only S#&$ Limbo players or people that just play Limbo to troll would F*** up missions using their ult.

  10. THAT'S THE ENTIRE REASON WE WANT LIMBO TO HAVE A REWORK! He can't synergize with his team!


    Rework a frame all because it isn't needed nor valuable on ONE mission type? Yeah ok makes sense.

    And where are you pulling this from? Official warframe "what frames are used in what missions" statistics?


    I have met many limbos in excavation and survival and had many screw up the mission because of their incompetence.


    Also read the post above mine, slowly.


    Just common sense. Something you seem to lack.

  11. Thank you! Someone who understands.


    Ontop of that you cannot bring power cores into the rift when he uses his ult. Actually you can't pick them up in that area and if it covers your excavators good luck feeding them power.


    Literally no one plays Limbo on excavation >_> Thats where you'd use Frost

    "hey limbo could you uncast?"


    "no" or no response

    Leave the area >_> And this is why I hardly use the forums. Seems like no one can use their brains. This is simple S#&$ guys come on.

  12. I use Limbo for Spy missions cause its just so fking easy and I use Rift Walk to max my energy. Cat on Defence and Mobile Defence missions. Only time you REALLY need to use Rift Walk is when someone goes down or your about to go down yourself. Never rely on Rift Walk. If you have to rely on his Rift Walk to be able to play then you shouldnt be playing Limbo. Play more of a tank frame like Valk.

  13. Limbo, by far, all of his abilities are useless or a waste of energy

    Waste of energy? Have you even played Limbo? Casting rift walk at the start of a match will get you full energy before it has ran out. Putting other players in the rift will give them energy. Putting an Excal, Valk, Trin or any frame really into the rift will do alot. An Excal in the rift while using their ult means that they are doing to deal alot of damage and take none at all.

    You can put a Trin in the rift and they can still EV giving everyone energy. Soo yea... Limbo means you are going to have an immortal team thats going to deal a lot of damage. 

  14. You can still play conclave 1.0 at the dojo.

    PVP 2.0 is simply enjoyed by players who have skill. (Draw your own conclusions)


    Not really. Just 1v1, someone 1 meter in front of me is no where near the same. But that gives me an idea...

    ~Conclave Room~ for Dojo

    A room (about the size of the Obstacle Course) That has a panel that allows you to change the Conclave map within that room. From there you'll have about 4-8 knell pads where anyone in the dojo can knell on. You'll need to have 1 person on a pad for each team at least before a match will start. You can have up to 8 people in the match at a time. All other people in the dojo can then go on top of the map and look down at the fighting players... or have the ability to ghost players???

    Very far fetched but I'd love something like it :P

  15. Who else thinks that the Liset should have some patterns on the floor? I would have mirrored the design and added more but Photoshop doesn't like me today. But it would be a nice little feature right? I'm sure I'm not the first to think of this nor the last
    Obviously not this very design and not so little. I was thinking more and also on the sides there where the Noggles are. I just like this type of design, that's why it is in the example. I'm sure there are a lot of other designs that would suit and look great.

    Half Opacity on the design


    100% Opacity on the design


    Also included both 100% and Half opacity just for more examples. Although I think the half opacity would suit more as its something that shouldnt stand out too much.

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