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Posts posted by Henteko

  1. The most useless rooms are the clan great hall and clan greater hall etc.

    I built the reactor, then saw that only one node was available- so I built the next clan hall-

    only to find that the clan great hall also only had one node- so I started construction on the clan greater hall.

    Now I just have a bunch of empty space and now, FINALLY, I have two rooms, so I can construct something useful without it leading to a dead end.

    What am I doing wrong?

  2. Still recruiting. Send reply if your name meets the requirements and you are interested in joining Batsu.


    Current members: 



    Current state of Dojo:


    Reactor, construction complete

    Clan Hall, construction complete


    Clan Great Hall, construction in progress

    approx. 8hrs until completion

  3. When you built the Odonata, did you get the weapons that came along with it in your inventory?  You were suppose to obtain the default weapons for Archwing when the Odonata was built and claimed, but it seems that it may have not been for you.  


    Go check your Archwing Mode (Arsenal, right bottom, Select Mode button, click Archwing) for the weapons, you may need to equip them.


    If they are not there at all, go to support:  https://warframe.com/zendesk


    I have done the quest before, and it gave me the default weapons equipped.  It may have just glitched due to introducing the Select Mode option with PvP 2.0.  DE can look into it too for you if that is the case.  Also make sure to reference this forum topic in the support ticket.


    I did indeed receive them and now have equipped them, thanks for the help.

    Seems it was just another glitch after all (surprised I am not)


    Was I supposed to receive a secondary as well?

    The game is a work in progress... it will be grand in time


    I really, really hope so.

  4. So, I built the odonata, I started the mission, I got flying-

    felt really great btw, but then I got to the point where I have to to destroy the Zeppelin-

    Oh, what fun- but wait...





    I googled it and found out I need to have a certain kind of weapon-

    really woulda been grand if that had been part of the tutorial-

    way to leave out a crucial component.


    This game is already 70% game and 30% glitch-

    major oversights like this don't help it.


    This game has the potential to be grand!
    Which is why this infuriates me so much-

    potential wasted by incompetence.


    Consider this constructive criticism-

    just presented angrily.


    I know this stuff ain't easy, but you decided to do it, so buck up and do it right or pull the plug already.

  5. Name requirements: Japanese words- written using english characters, naturally.


    You can use this:



    LF People who play often.

    LF People who are kind and patient,

    or at least not horrible in their treatment of others.

    LF Loyalty and Integrity

    LF Expertise and Advice

    LF Resources and Wealth

    LF Fun and Community

    LF Humor and Oddness

    LF Intelligence and Perseverance

    LF People who need help
    LF People who want to help

    etc. etc. etc.


    If your name meets the requirements,

    send a reply here on this page-

    I'll friend you and send you an invite when you come online :D

    and you can friend me as well :D if you see fit

  6. This is revolting and annoying.

    I just placed it unwittingly in the Dojo but it wouldn't let me remove it-

    so I googled how to, and here I am, on one of many forums with people voicing the exact same complaint.


    Why has this not been dealt with?


    Also, side issue- I just started building the oracle in my base-

    forma and all. Then I started heading over to the other side about to create the next hall.

    It says I am out of energy and need a reactor- but If I build one I'll have 2 dead ends and no more nodes.


    I can't cancel the Oracle :P

    Will the energy replenish over time, like farmville or something? 

  7. Uck, I only see two kinds of posts on this thread right now


    The idiotic entitled pricks

    and the reasonable human beings.


    So far, neither side is winning-

    The reasonable human beings aren't dumb enough to agree with the ludicrousy of the entitled idiots-

    and the entitled idiots aren't smart enough to realize they've already had their arguments riddled with holes so they keep on going-

    this is the kinda thing that can just go on forever.


    Yuh huh, Nuh uh, Yuh huh,

    Nuh uh, Yuh huh, Nuh uh

  8. A reasonable assumption.

    Consider the following, though.

    What is the point of logging in on anniversary to get the anniversary present...

    If you can just wait for the next anniversary?

    Seems like an anniversary present is like an incentive for people to log in on that day. But... then the incentive fails if you're just going to regift it next year along with that year's gift.

    If Anniversary Gifts are indeed supposed to be login incentives, I hope DE doesn't intend to continue this trend or they'll defeat themselves.


    It's not a login incentive-

    it's a ritual gift to celebrate an occasion.


    Like a holiday event or a birthday-

    "Oh, 1 year ago today this game was released-




    "Let's give players something to brag about and show off to all their "friends" who will never have it because they signed up a year later then they did."


    It's toxic BS like that that made me leave my last game.

  9. next year you will get a 3rd and an accompanying BP to make the Dual AK Dex Furis. triple the barrels and empties the clip in 1 second


    and anyone who wasn't here for the first anniversary will be screwed- and while it may not be devastating- I'll be quitting the game if that happens-

    This is the one aspect of MMOs I CANNOT stand.


    Everytime new content is added, it should be available to everyone-

    not just a select few people for a limited time.


    As I have stated before on other forums-

    Limited time items create a permanent sense of regret.

  10. Thanks everyone- most helpful.

    I think Loki prime is now on my "to acquire" list.

    Loki was my first Warframe back in the day when the game was new and I first tried it-

    sadly, he is no longer available from the starting lineup-

    and as tempted as I am to get Trinity- I feel strange playing as a female Warframe.


    I actually kinda wish the Warframes came in male and female versions. *cries*

  11. So, I found the target, used the tamer thingy that snakes out and suspends the target but...


    A: The snake thing never lasted long enough that I could switch to my scanner and

    B: I kept trying to switch to my scanner and ended up with my secondary instead

    C: I ran out of those energy snake trap thingies so no matter how hard I tried I couldn't scan the thing


    anyone have any advice?

    like, how do I fast switch from one gear to the other?

    I tried doing so using the q menu -> mouse click,

    but for whatever reason that doesn't *bleeping* work sometimes,

    and it NEVER works while the target is suspended.

  12. I'll probably only be on the forums when I have something to complain about...

    like, 95-99% of the time, pardon me in advance.


    I played a little here and there when the game was still new-

    came back a few times- new game every time- like, completely different.


    There used to not be much of a story-

    which is why I couldn't get too interested.


    Now, there's a ship, and characters, and all sorts of new stuff-

    my only regrets are

    A: I didn't come back sooner so I missed out on all sorts of stuff-like events that will never probably never repeat and exclusive items-arguably the worst part about MMOs.


    and B: my computer can't really run this kinda game well, even on the lowest settings it cruds out on me sometimes


    and C: even if my computer did run swell, I suck at first person shooters.

    Like, I am abysmal. Terrible, just horrid.

    I like the story and the feel of it though.

    *yawn* I'll probably save up for a PS4, delete my PC account once I get the PS4 and then just play on that instead.

    Yeah, that sounds like a plan.


    Side question: what internet speed is required to run this game at optimal performance on a PS4?
    I got like, 15mbs on a good day.

  13. I just tried once again to retake the FIRST rank up test. My Warframe is level 26 now and my weapons are even higher,

    and I'm on the third main mission (The Kubrow one)




    If I go on a murder spree tomorrow, I'm citing this game as the trigger.




    This game is grand, but DEAR LORD, it needs some serious tweaks.


  14. I agree with this guy and because of your comment below:


    You are not 100% ready. You didn't practice enough so there is no need to remove the timer. It's good incentive to make sure players are actually ready to rank up


    What do you mean "ready"?

    I won a few times on the practice test and as soon as I got into the actual qualifier I ended up failing the mission (on wave 2)



    No. Just no. That's called "punishment"


    The cooldown is ridiculous and unnecessary.

  15. Okay, so, since this is something universally annoying, this can't be the first thread of it's kind.



    Seriously, it's infuriating- at least make it a few hours or something,

    not a whole flipping day!


    What were you thinking!?


    The test is hard enough as is- specially if your mouse doesn't always respond right,

    or if you have issues with hand eye coordinations, or if you're HUMAN.


    I've been trying to succeed for a few days now- yes, I've tried the practice test!


    Right now I am officially at the point where I scream profanities at my computer when I fail the test-

    I am NOT that kind of person! Games, even difficult games, don't normally bring that side out of me!


    Pleeeeeeeease, I can think of quite a few people who would literally snap and destroy something at this point, or someone! The way you have this set up, you may literally drive someone to insanity!



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