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Posts posted by (PSN)midnightwind

  1. What Is A Clan Leaders' Role?


    So, some developments...


    A barracks has now been built, pretty much all the research is done, and we have some very knowledgeable clan members to help noobs, (like me), advance in level and skills.


    Also, I have been informed that there is a traditional clan administration deal that implies my duty to police, and control other peoples' actions in the clan.

    This seems both disrespectful, as well as ridiculous to me, and I will explain. I am an adult, and responsible for my actions, and I play games for fun. If you want a 'Daddy-Figure', this would not be the clan for you. I respect the opinion of the experienced gamer who informed me, since I have no experience except Destiny and Warframe with online gaming, but I have no intention of controlling clan members ethics or behaviour, unless it turns to actions that make other clan members uncomfortable...


    Then I come down on you like a thunderbolt from Olympus.


    But everything you do in the clan is with other adults, and even if you are young, or near senility, I have confidence that people can make their own judgements as to what is right, and what is wrong.


    That being said, the barracks have been built because we need the space for new members, a clan emblem is in the works, and a Solar Rail will soon be built.


    We invite you to join a non-authoritarian clan for people who want to have fun, learn, and NOT be treated like children.

  2. Well, I find it necessary to 're-clarify' here... ;-)


    When trying to add a player who actually wanted to play this game regularly, I found that I would have to build a barracks, and therefore increase research costs, because people had invited other people, who played once and then vanished.


    To my way of thinking, THIS is what those large clans are there for, so if you want to play once a month, this clan is NOT for you. We are looking for active, helpful people, who want to have fun, learn the game, and collect equipment. We are not the clan for people who get bored, play the game, and then put it aside for a month or two. Other larger clans don't care,.. We do.


    I learned my lesson though...

    Join us if you want to help build a small, but lethal group of players who actually play this game.


    (Clan Emblem coming soon!)

  3. A little update to my 'further clarification' post...


    Another thing I would like to do is to invite all OLDER gamers to check us out. And when I say older in all caps, it is to emphasize that, to me at least, 35 is not that old... ;-)


    Are you 45 or 50+?

    Do you want company on tougher missions, or a chance to learn and play without stress?


    Most important, do you play for fun, and do you want to play more than once every two weeks?


    Consider these questions, and if it fits your needs, send me a friend request, and an invite to 'Nightwind' will follow!


    We now have about a half-dozen members, most research done, or at least started, and the DOJO is now painted, and no longer looks like a gray-walled office building inside!

    We'd love to have more 'Geezers' here!


    A Clan emblem is being designed, and will be available soon.

  4. A little clarification, and specifics...


    I thought I might expand upon the post I started this with, to perhaps explain what I am looking for here. 

    I want people who are available for contact, i.e: online at least a couple times a week minimum. I would like to find people who want to collect parts, and build new warframes, and preferably with mics, so we can communicate.


    Now, obviously, we all have different schedules, demands on our time from family responsibilities, etc. (Well, I don't. ;-)


    I live on a sailboat, with my MAC set up inches from me, with a PS3 and PS4 just as close, and all the time in the world to play video games. My point here, is that I am flexible. Want someone to do a particular mission with you? Send me a message, and I'll be there, on your time. I play for fun, not as work.

    I want to build a small, and effective clan, with all the best gear, and as active as we can all manage to be, within our own constraints. I have been having the best time with this game, that I have had in around 40 years of gaming, and I'm looking for people who share my sense of wonder at what people are capable of creating, and want to go play in those sandboxes of the mind...


    Hope you join me.

  5. Fun video!

    Glad to have you...The same direction I gave to OrangeMonkey, send me a friend request, and I'll send you an invite. Personally, I want people who want to progress in the story line, and want to get and give help in the more demanding missions. I have built a good functioning DOJO, with the intent of finishing all the research. I have done the research for a Solar Rail, but have not financed it yet, and intend to wait on that until I have a good crew to execute those Dark Sector wars...

  6. I completed a color, and noticed that the enemy kept dropping the colour pigment. Then, after completing the research on the pigment, and having installed the colour in the colorizer deal, I found it wouldn't let me switch to another color. 


    Anybody else having problems with this?

  7. Well then, this might be just the place for you... :-)


    I just spent, (or wasted, to use the correct terminology), a lot of time playing Destiny, which I had watched come into being over years, just to find a pointless bait-and-switch hamster wheel at the end, which bored me stupid. I think Warframe is what I was waiting all that time for, and what Destiny wants to be when it grows up! 

    Send me a friend request, and I will send you a Clan invite!

  8. I just started, built a DOJO w/Labs, and posted here a topic with 'Gamer Geezer' in the title. I want to learn the game, and have fun while doing it, and have been gaming for over 40 years. (Yes...I'm THAT old! LOL)

    So, if you want to be a part of starting up a new clan, feel free to friend PSN midnightwind, send me a message, and I'll send you an invite.

  9. So, here's my deal...

    I'm a 67 year-old gamer, who after being bored stupid by Destiny, discovered Warframe, and I love this game. So much that I have started a clan, built a DOJO with all the labs, and am looking for people to join the clan, which is named 'Nightwind' by the way. I am new to the game, but have learned a fair bit, and have a level 30 Excalibur, as well as a Nova Prime, and Mesa in the middle of levelling...


    I would love to invite anyone learning the game to join me so I don't rattle around in my empty DOJO, and also so we can help each other in this fascinating game. My PSN name is MidnightWind, and I would encourage anyone who wants a low pressure, fun-based clan to join. 


    No age restrictions, no experience necessary, let's just have a good time together!



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