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Posts posted by (XBOX)bigttgothgrl

  1. Ok, so I need help deciding on a new war frame. I enjoyed using Limbo, Nyx,and Mirage. Are their any frames that are similar to one or both? Do any other frames fall under the same category as them. I was thinking of getting Nekros or Equinox. (I also liked using Excalibur and Ash if this helps.)

  2. Negative, the elemental damage is always added to each shot, you are missing out on A LOT of damage. Even if a weapon has a 0% status chance the elemental damage is still added.

    So should I continue with my critical build but remove two mods to add the elemental damage, or should I redo my build entirely? If I remove two mods probably going to remove shred and piercing hit/ sawtooth clip.

  3. So, I was soloing on t2 surv survival, between 2 and 5 minutes the stalker appears. I used my Paris prime to kill him and it took 3 shots. (I don't know if I got all headshots, and how many multi shots I got but I know I got at least 1 multi shot and 1 red critical hit.) So I am going to list my build for my Paris and I want to know would I get the same, worse, or better results if I used this on my dread? (Replacing piercing hit with sawtooth clip of course.)

    1-Shred: max rank

    2-speed trigger: max rank

    3-point strike: max rank

    4-vital sense: max rank

    5-serration: rank 8

    6-hammershot: max rank

    7-piercing hit /(sawtooth clip): max rank

    8-split chamber: max rank

    I don't know how the stalker leveling and health/shield system works but I know his base level 30 stats and that his level changes depending on the enemies around him and how many times the targeted player has defeated him. So would this work and also any advice on killing him???

  4. Is rift torrent considering the cataclysm as individual plane when you are not inside? Are there any other rules in the cataclysm then there are for banished enemys? But thers a SPECIFIC rift for this augument all of a sudden? Clear bs.

    Rift surge is not a transition into the rift at all. Also, there is only one rift. A cataclysm is just an ability that sends an area into the rift. A cataclysm is different than a banish in the sense that a cataclysm like I said above, sends an area into the rift. Cataclysm Continuum is just like any other augment mod, it effects one ability and that's it. Banishing an enemy or teammate sends that one individual to the rift, nothing else, and it is not tied directly to the ability cataclysm, yes you can kill banished enemies from inside a cataclysm but since that enemy is not inside the cataclysm it doesn't count.

  5. - Banish Energy Drain Enemy.

    - instantly Kill it with your free Ground Finisher, or shoot it in the head, whatever. if the Enemy is SO high Level you can't Kill it quickly, use Rift Surge (yay, one use for the Ability!) and the you're sure to nuke the Enemy.

    You can't banish if you do not have energy.
  6. So, recently I have become really good with Limbo, haven't needed natural talent, I hardly die, and I very little get to the point where I may die. I have also forma'd him 3 times.

    So I have decided to try a new build. (Note: this is made with the mods I have)

    -Energy Siphon



    -Addrenaline Rush

    -Quick Thinking

    -Transient Fortitude Lvl 5




    -Cataclysm Continuum.

  7. Limbo is a good frame, you are just A novice Not using him right.

    No limbo prime yet, He has to wait his turn. If you think limbo is a bad frame, why would you want a prime. It won't fix anything at all. If you want limbo prime, lol just paint the Shiny parts gold and Turn him white/black

    Actually, I know how to use him, I just think in the case of fighting in the rift or if their is an energy drain that limbo should have a little extra base defense stats.

    Do you run natural talent? While I agree his shield/armor values are a little low, I see natural talent as almost mandatory IMO. Being able to shift into Rift Walk quickly has saved me plently of times, that being said, if his powers were to receive a cast speed buff I would at least be able to fit another defensive mod in my load out.

    That would be a decent QoL buff for Limbo that would inadvertently be a buff to his defenses by letting me swap Natural Talent out for Redirection but YMMV.

    It would be nice to see his shield value increased to 100 base instead of 75 though.

    I don't have natural talent sadly, I also haven't run into a point where I needed it.
  8. 1 - you acknowledge that Limbo is basically indestructible 99.100% of the time due to Rift, then proceed to complain that his statistical durability isn't high enough.

    2 - extra Armor? sigh. why do people think this is useful? Armor is useful in addition to Health. but it takes a lot of it to make a difference.

    i don't get why everyone harps about Armor "oh just give it more Armor" is the answer to everything.

    too many ignorant people that don't know about the stats they're talking about :v

    and Rift Surge is a much bigger problem than anything else about Limbo. Rift Surge is basically pointless.

    When you are fighting in a cataclysm or a energy drain enemy or effect takes place, limbo can't really go to the rift, so in this case he needs a defense buff of some kind.
  9. Actually no.

    If the cataclysmic impact penalty kills the enemy that kill does not attribute to the duration extension. It is a DEATH and not a KILL. Sound enough.

    But limbo is limbo. There should be no difference where the enemy was killed only which plane he was killed on.

    An enemy killed in limbo should account to the duration extension like the mod says. Right now its hardly usable, like others have figured out in youtube video reviews long before me.

    Actually, it does. Go to a mission, and when an enemy is killed when it touches the cataclysm, the timer goes up. If you are referring to duration max, it doesn't effect that.
  10. I don't see it happening because of the amount of control you have over who can and can't attack you. I certainly wouldn't say no to some kind of defensive boost while Rift Walk is active. But honestly, I'd rather see Rift Walk and Rift Surge merged and them give us a new 3rd power than a stat or defense boost.

    That would be awesome too, but when your leveling him up and you just got him, never used him before, he's difficult to play as. I've forma'd him 3 times and gave him that new slot. He needs a defense buff.

  11. Limbo if used correctly is an amazing frame and can be a complete power house. (I have a build to support this, message me if you wish to see it.) The only problem is, Limbo is kind of a glass cannon. Yes, I understand rift walk makes him virtually indestructible in some cases, but with only 250 shields and 65 armor, his defense is very good. I believe he needs a buff to armor and/or shields. Even if only 60 shield and an extra 15 armor is added. A limbo prime also doesn't sound to bad also.

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