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Posts posted by De_Kappatated

  1. Having heard that the Netracell rewards were looked at, I was very excited to jump back in and do my weekly Netracells to get on that "3 regular shards per Taushard" grind. I was very upset when the only haul I could muster was a single blue regular shard and 4 Melee Adapters. After getting dunked on by RNG like that, I almost wanted to call quits on this entire update. I am hoping that the extra challenge added next week can give me a little redemption on my terrible luck, but Melee Adapters should NOT be a reward in the limited Netracell run. It feels honestly so terrible. Its not exciting to get shards this way, when its the primary way of getting them. It just feels like I wasted my time if I don't. Get me excited about rare tau shards, sure, but at least guarantee me the bare minimum. I dont know how many weeks it will take me to get the three red shards I need to finish my build for Dante. Theres over 50 Warframes now, and I do want to have them all upgraded to their best potential. I am sitting on 16 Melee arcane adapters now, after having installed one in all of my favourite melees. Its enough.

    • Like 9
  2. As Amps go, I suggest doing the following setup:

    Any prism, Shraksun Scaffold(Cetus) and Certus Brace(Fortuna)

    and yes, the Prism doesnt matter when it comes to meta. You'll be using the Shraksun Mode 90% of the time when its relevant.

    I personally went with the Shwaak Prism, because I like the Arca Plasmor-like shots.
    Or, as the cool kids say it: I use a 227

  3. It heavily depends on what mission you are running.
    For the certain fight at night on the plains, I suggest a heavy crit sniper rifle, like the Vectis Prime, Rubico Prime and Lanka.

    For running random missions, ANY weapon is meta.

    For running Sanctuary Elite Onslaught, ANY weapon is meta, since you will be using your Warframes abilities mostly (i.e. Saryn Mains will bomb everything anyways)

    The Big Bossfights on the Vallis can be done with similar Equipment as the Plains bosses, although it wouldnt hurt tanking up with a warframe. By a lot.

    To sum it up, most of the "Meta" is now dominated by Warframe abilities, especially Damage ones. So as you said, take any gun you like, since Warframes Meta has shifted towards DPS warframes. But like, thats just my opinion or smth. 

  4. I ran into a problem today where my game would freeze up and hard crash my pc. Since I dont know how to provide more information, I will just list the things I did prior to the crash.

    -I was not host, played with a friend

    -Only I experienced the crash as far as I know

    -After dropping into the plains, I used the archwing launcher and flew into the air

    -It just got night, so we heard the eidolon spawn

    -I scoped while in the archwing to mark an Iradite outcrop, at the same time I heard the sound cue that the eidolon finished spawning (describing this because I think this may be related) 

    -upon scoping out my game froze.


    I dont know how much of this is useful but I hope this was helpful. I am not sure if this crash is even reproducable and I wont test it out, dont want to reset my pc 😛

  5. Hello,
    today I was farming a Void fissure survival with a random squad in which I wasnt the host. During the beginning of the Mission everything was perfectly fine. But after the first Rotation (after equipping a new relic) I noticed that I was slowed by something. I didnt thought of it as smth special, its just an eximus I told myself. But when my teammates started to flame me over my inactivity, I noticed something was wrong. I was fighting with along side with them, playing as Hydroid with my pilfering swarm augment, but on their screens I was afking on some Icefloor jumping up and down. That was the reason I was slowed, I realized. I've noticed other things after that, for example doors that wouldnt open in my presence or enemies that ignore me entirely. When my team realized I wasnt lying over my desync problems we immediately extracted. I tried /unstuck and I tried dying. Nothing helped. After I was back at my ship and the squad disbanded, I started up a new mission, with those problems gone (just to see if this would stick around, to ensure it wasnt on my end). I have no Idea if this was because of the host or because of some error after selecting a new relic, but I want to point out that this happened. I dont know if this was a one time thing, but hopefully this just never happens again, neither to me or to anyone else.

  6. Hello,

    Reb and Megan just told us on PrimeTime that DE is working on removing the Prime bits on Prime Warframes when using a TennoGen skin. 

    I request as a professional Fashionframe Expert ;) to not remove our looks, but instead give an option when equipping the TennoGen skin. Or a toggle option.

    I love the look of my Valkyr Prime with Graxx skin.

    Do not change my Orokin/Grineer Hybrid. It fits Valkyrs torned persona.

  7. This Post is containing spoilers for TWW. If you read this you are already too late. Here are some gameplay suggestions regarding the new system:


    As we know, you get to play as the operator outside your Warframe in normal missions after you finish TWW.

    I love the idea of the operator since it came out with the second dream. Now we actually can play them!

    Here i have some ideas what else we should be able to do:

    -use Emotes (was temporaly possible)

    -Operator specific emotes (two operators hugging or other activities between operators)

    -use custom Idle animations (Warframe animations maybe?)

    -custom facial expression (goes together with the idea above this)

    -Tie the Tenno Focus school with the Operator form (no cooldowns. No one likes cooldowns. Maybe the Active Ability on Secondary fire binded?)

    -More Slider customization (Something like in The Elder scrolls, but without Hair and other misc. traits)

    -Interactions as Operator (Petting your Companion in your ship, extracting a mission outside your Warframe(bug?), mission objectives like datamass, etc.)

    -a better HUD indication on how much "Void energy" we can use, the bar at the radical is good, but not enough indication( more specific/numbers)

    -Use Tenno focus school to upgrade the new Operator Abilities (decreased cost, increased range, custom effect on Void blast for each school)

    -(You could also give the Operators a Modding system, but meeeeh. Better use the focus system)

    -Transference into weaker/ stunned enemies (like in TWW with the golden Maws) [i would like to control a lvl 130 bombard >:) ]

    I want to take my time to thank you DE for working on Warframe, i bought the 60$ prime access a while ago and i feel like my money is mooooore than well spent (and i dont mean the value of the Platinum). I will continue to support this Free2Play Triple A title until i fade away into the void.

    Greetings from Germany

    Daniel L.

  8. 15 hours ago, [DE]Rebecca said:
    • The Zarr has received a balance pass:
        - Crit Chance increased from 10% to 15%

    - Status Chance increased from 15% to 20%

    - Barrage range increased from 12m to 15m

    - Barrage reload time now matches Cannon reload time

    - Added Punch Through to Barrage mode

    - Removed Self Damage from secondary cluster bombs

    why tho?

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