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Posts posted by agnaram

  1. 12 minutes ago, (PS4)vinster said:

    Well said.

    I'm willing to pay the premium just so I can get the latest shiny stuff, but I won't complain when it gets cheaper later.  I see it as personally supporting DE and the game I still enjoy.

    That doesn't make sense. Most of the feedback was regarding different issues around a new feature, it had nothing to do with a discussion. Why even have a feedback category if everything will be removed making it all look suspiciously similar to censorship anyways. 

  2. 10 minutes ago, markus230 said:

    I don't see how (unless you are talking about Ember Prime PA, then yes, it is unfair by the same logic even more).

    Prime Vaults can exist without 10$ Accessories pack, just like they do now. The entire concept is to bring old primes back, accessories are just an addition

    The difference is that one is available for a long period of time, even after the initial release to be acquired through gameplay, while the other is completely exclusive to the prime packs. When it's been years since the original release, people who played at the time would have had the items already. It feels really bad for those people to buy a big pack of items they already have for what is just a small part of it. A bit in the same way you don't buy a new car after a price reduction because you want new rims. 

  3. That's pretty normal though. You can buy that phone now. Or wait a year or two when it's a couple hundred off, same for the TV, the computer. Basically most things you buy in the modern society. 

    Edit: a couple years is also a lot of time. How many people look at something brand new and think "Oh man! I can't wait to get that in a few years!", when by that time there are several newer and far cooler items to be wanted instead. Of course some people do, but very few. 

  4. Just now, markus230 said:

    Thats 4€ more than normal Prime Accessories pack and you get a lot more stuff, making Accessories cost 10€ would be unfair to people who bought those cosmetics in original Prime Access

    By that same logic the entire deal itself is massively unfair to all people who bought the original prime packs. If that's the logic for denying accessory exclusive packs, then the same logic should deny the entire concept of the prime vault. 



  5. Myself and I many other people I've heard from would really like to have an option to only buy the prime accessories in the prime vault packs. Lots of people decide not to buy the packs at all because they'll end up with umpteen prime items they already have, when all they really want are the accessories. Take the current offer for an example. I have both ember and frost prime, most weapons, but none of the syandanas. There is no chance I will buy a complete pack for just the syandanas, as it's simply not worth it.

    Could you imagine buying a big chocolate bag with 10 different types of chocolate only to eat one type and throw away the rest of them? That's what these offers are making people feel. 


  6. I've had the same problem occur twice now. When I finish the challenge, killing all the targets stealthily, I get nowhere. It's not that I'm stuck, it's that nothing happens at all. No message, no animation or anything. Everyone is dead, and I'm trapped there in the area until I abort, which forces the mastery challenge to fail and me to wait 24 hours to try again, so that I can have the same thing happen to me again. 


    This is very frustrating, as I would have had the rank by now, and there isn't really anything I can do about it, especially since there is a 24 hour cooldown forcing me to wait, just to face the same problem again. 


    I haven't found more information about the problem yet.  

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