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Posts posted by Zammmyy

  1. We have several elite players. Quite a few high ranked in ours. We also do daily raids so you might enjoy that. Our raid team is currently needing a few more. Heres the link if you want to check it out. Keep in mind we are a newer clan so all our research isn't quite done yet. Let me know if you want an invite. https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/490379-unknown-odyssey-raidcall-friendly-100-research-already-very-active/

  2. Ghost Clan Unknown Odyssey Recruiting players looking to form the upper hierarchy of a new clan. Must be willing to show dedication and leadership. Looking to recruit as many as possible to speed the devolopment of the dojo up. Please let me know if you are interested. 
    We are wanting to become a mountain clan, and most likely stay around that area. Feel free to add me xxpressyxx in warframe with any questions. I hope to meet you all soon!

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