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Posts posted by Aywi

  1. Hi! I never used the opportunity to leave my own feedback straight in here, because of language issues, but now I overcame myself and I'm ready to leave my feedback on Khora.
    1. ability

    I think, it must be activated directly when aiming on a target, because this ability is being used only as damage dealing ability. There is also uncomfortable delay after ability's animation.

    I have an easy idea to make this ability more useful, then it's now - When hitting an enemy, which is under 2.ability at the moment - damage will be dealt to all enemies, that are "in chains" of 2.ability,as well as the hit will extend the duration of 2.ability.


    Overall,it's pretty good! The only thing i wanted o change is the mechanic of enemies being dragged into chains- not alternately (if there is bunch of enemies), but right away when enemy reached affected area of ability. Maybe, there could be added some range of ability, but overall it's interesting. 


    When i personally used Venari he (or she, sorry if wrong), i was using only healing ability, because damage from "attack'' is very low, and Venari will kill only low level enemies, however "Defensive" mode is too slow, so Khora can die already, when Venari just comes out. So only "healing' mode is more or less useful.
    My suggestion is to add "Attack" mode it's own combo-counter, and to make Venari jump from one enemy to another and not being focused only one 1 enemy, increasing Venari's combo-counter.
    In "Defense" mode Venari also could jump from enemy to enemy, but now not dealing damage but just chaining and disarming them.
    "Heal" mode is good, 50 health per second is enough and the mechanics are good.
    Talking about Venari as a cat as well, would be nice, if there could be used ALL of Kavat mods, Adarza's and Smeeta's mods as well. Then Venari would become a really useful, off of value kitten!

    4. ability
    It's really interesting, but it's not that powerful and useful as other Warframe 4th abilities, which can do a CC or deal any sort of damage because of little damage and range of the ability. Increasing them- and it will be very good!

    Thanks for the opportunity to say my own thoughts straight to you, guys, hoping, that my suggestion will be examined.

  2. -MEMETIK- 

    Depending of weapon you hold in your arms,one of stats gonna be increased : 
    -Main +10% power strength 
    -Secondary +10% power duration 
    -Melee +power range 

    Passive DOES not increases but multiplies you stats,for example,if you have 200% power strenghth 
    then you will have 220%,or if 50% then you will have 5%. 

    Stats on 30 lvl: 

    Health : 200 
    Shields: 200 
    Armor : 400 
    Energy : 250 


    Costs 25 energy 
    Frame becomes invisible for 2 seconds and if , while activated , there will be an enemy in your sight (particulary in aim center) 
    frame will take outfit of that enemy (just become an enemy,if thats more understandable) 
    Mechanics are kinda similar to Ivara's third ability-you start firing-you lose the camo 

    Everytime you use the ability to "become" an enemy you accumulate one charge,that increases passive bonus to the stats. 

    2) Spectacle 
    50 energy 
    Mim creates self-projection for 25,that attracts enemy fire on it and absorbs all damage within first 5 seconds,and after it becomes active. 
    If projection kills an enemy,it gains 100% of killed enemy back to itself as bonus to base hp. While active-armore of Mim is increased by 100%. 
    When projection dies it gains 1/4 of HP back to Mim as bonus to base HP. 
    If Frame dies , while Spectacle is active , it will will flow into it with 50% hp. 
    If Mim became an enemy,while Spectacle active,projection will not touch copies of that enemy. 

    3) Rehersal 
    50 energy + 0,5 for every buffed Tenno. 
    Increases any type of damage to any fraction (again,using scope,aim etc.) for 50%. 
    If there is installed any "Bane of" etc. mod in the weapon,then teammate will have a buff according to skill. Example. 
    Weapon deals 100 damage. Owner installed "Bane of <Faction>" , that increases damage on faction for 30%. In begining , when skill is used , skill is buffing mod 
    - 30+50=80%,that gives 100*1,8=180 damage,then skill is increasing WEAPON damage. 180*1,5=270. 

    4) Pantomima 
    100 energy + 4/sec 
    Mim creates a wave of energy,that pervades minds of enemies,making enemy's allies-his enemies. 
    When there is an enemy in aim , all of it's copies becomes allies for the Tenno and gets Buffs of Mim. 
    If while Pantomima is active frame was using first abilitie , and was the enemy, then every copie of that type enemy becomesan ally. 
    But if Mim was in body of enemy ,on which Pantomima was used,then every copy of that enemy will gain 2x buff to stats and buffs. 
    If enemy left the range of Pantomima,he will still be ally of Tenno for 15 sec (can't be increased or decreased by duration mods) 

    Kind of Lore. 

    Naf Enyo is experimenting with camo technology for it's Index warriors and testing in on Grineer. Alad V steals this technology and improves it with 
    technocyte. Then this Virus (Memetik) becomes an uniform form and you have to face it. When you win it,you have to destroy Alad"s labs and steal the blueprints. 
    There could be needed special resource for crafting, similar to "Javlok Condensator" or smth. And Ferliac Pod already built.




  3. 5 hours ago, zsNULLsz said:

    Единственно, что пока мона скть, так это: "Посмотрим-посмотрим".

    Обещают все эти мегакрутые пивовары как всегда - горы. Что в итоге будет - ну скоро увидим.

    You god damn right.


  4. 1 hour ago, -RS-Max_HitmaN said:

    откуда инфа что До событий 1 части? Я слышал что до событий 3 части, значит между 2 и 3.


    Косяк, услышав про "до 3 части" мне подумалось, что могло быть и до 1-ой... На вики ясно написано, что в 85 году запущена экспедиция, правда даже в этом случае про жнецов ни слуху, ни духу. Ни кто не верит, что они есть и все дела о них пускают на тормоза :\

  5. 58 minutes ago, --VLP--Ijenius said:

    Да это еще терпимо на фоне общей тупости задумки. "Нас едва не нагнул один-единственный Жнец и не факт, чтотна нем все закончилось, флоты сильно потрепаны, а на периферии вовсю орудуют пираты и коллекторы? Действительно, надо же вбухать кучу денег и ресурсов в непонятно кому нужную экспедицию в другую галактику!" Как-то по сравнению даже тупизм сюжета третьей части (отказ от идеи, мол Жнецы периодически выкашивают всю развитую жизнь, дабы звезды Млечного Пути не повзрывались к хренам; в пользу банального "убить всех человеков!") или дыры в сюжете Фрейма смотрятся более здраво и логично.

    Если "общая тупость задумки" главная причина недовольства, то скажу, что экспедиция была организована до инцидента на Иден Прайм и всяких жнецов как бэ)

  6. 18 minutes ago, --VLP--Ijenius said:


    Актуально что для Фрейма, что для Эффекта Мимо Кассы :laugh:

    Ахах, позабавило, но ведь трейлеры и должны быть кричащими, разве нет? :D

    В МЕ конкретно что напрягает - это в геймплей видео показали унылость. От этого и идёт большая часть сомнений....

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