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Posts posted by (PSN)Femocha

  1. 18 hours ago, DragonDude3010 said:

    Dansu and Octavia would make great BFF's 😛

    I would see two friends get on Discord make a song and just go in a mission and own the place!

    Don't forget Mirage and her Prism, the three together would make a perfect disco.

    Come on this gonna be epic!

    EDIT: we already have a necromancer, another would be redundant, i think you played too much diablo or wow like games before.

  2. Dansu

    A female or male warframe with power to hypnotize enemies though her/his moves while dancing.

    The name sounds male but in all honestly i prefer to see a female dancer rather than a male one (dansu means dance in japanese) but i think that a male dancer would be ok too. Btw since i’d prefer a female dancer i think a random female name would be ok no? Maybe of a well known/skilled dancer of our world.


    Health at rank 30: 300

    Shield at rank 30: 300

    Armor at rank 30: 45

    Sprint speed: 1.10

    Energy at rank 30: 200



    Naramon polarity for aura and 1 Madurai polarity and 1 Vazarin polarity.



    1st ability: Swing

    Dansu performs swing dancing moves and gives a strength boost to her/his allies.

    The ability should be affected by strength and range.


    Dance party: now her/his allies start dancing with her, the longest they dance the greatest the boost (to a set %).


    2nd  ability: Tip tap

    Dansu performs in a tip tap that unleash glowing rings on the ground on each “tip” or “tap” and all enemies caught in it’s radius can’t advance further.

    The ability should be affected by range, duration and strength (the stronger the skill the more  the enemies affected).


    Tip tap boom: now enemies getting touched by the glowing ring get a % blast damage.


    3rd ability: Stroboscopic dance

    Dansu exhibit her/himself in a hypnotic dance that forces enemies to stop attacking (lay down their weapons) and start dancing becoming vulnerable to attacks.

    The ability should be affected by range, duration and strength.


    Disco room: Enemies now gets a % armor reduction.


    4th ability: The dying swan

    Dansu performs in a ballet that when ends every enemy in the ability radius get damaged.

    The ability should be affected by range and strength.


    Keep dancing: every new enemy entering the ability radius now boosts his damage by % to a maximum of %.


    Dansu augments should be acquired trough Steel Meridian or The Perrin Sequence syndicates.


    Passive ability

    Everlasting dance: while dancing Dansu and her/his allies are immune to damage or get a great damage reduction from all incoming source of damage.



    Someone in another topic stated (hilariously) that a future warframe to be expected could be a dancing one then i immediately thought at para para brothers from dragonball and all this came out of my mind…

    This time i haven’t wrote any numbers because i don’t know anything about game balancing etc.

    And ok after this i stop suggesting warframes, i promise.

    Let me know what do you think guys.


    EDIT: i pretty much think DE already thought at something like this after Octavia.

  3. Wow thanks for the replies, i'm a drawer and i paint too so i think something of my work got mixed in the overall idea of the frame, Candy probably as you said her abilities should be more centered about origami rather than ink and the passive could definitely summon minions that interact with the 4th ability.

  4. Kami

    A female warframe made of paper (?) that resembles a origami and have powers to manipulate the 3 dimensions. Her blueprint was found in a forgotten orokin library/terminal. Nothing else is known about her.


    Health at rank 30: 150

    Shield at rank 30: 150

    Armor at rank 30: 20

    Sprint speed: 1.30

    Energy at rank 30: 250



    Naramon polarity for aura and 2 Madurai polarities.



    1st ability: Sketch

    Kami perform a horizontal gesture with both her arms in opposite directions and turns into a rough drawn line with a long range to go across areas without enemy detection or taking any damage.

    The ability should be affected by range.


    Refined sketch: casting the skill now also turns Kami invisible for 20 seconds and Sketch is now affected by her passive ability.


    2nd  ability: Shadow Strike/Study of Shadows/Shadow Work

    Kami slam the ground with her hand creating/turning into a big black shadow of ink which divide into smaller patches that sneaks to foes feet in the radius, turning them into drawings, greatly reducing their defenses and damage for the duration of the skill.

    The ability should be affected by range, duration and strength (the stronger the skill the more  the enemies affected and the enemy damage and defenses reduction).


    Shadows of despair: each new cast of the skill now stack the effects to a maximum of 3 times and increase the strength of the skill by 10-20%.


    3rd ability: Tissue paper

    Kami performs a circle with her hands creating a translucent circle barrier of tissue paper around her in a big radius that disable enemy hooks and turns every enemy projectiles into ammo drops when they touch the barrier, without damaging allies inside of it for the duration of the skill.

    The ability should be affected by range and duration.


    2D impedance: Enemies entering the tissue paper barrier turns into origami dealing halved damage and slowing down by 50%.


    4th ability: Butterflies of doom/Paperflies

    Kami performs an arc with her right hand in front of her that summons a huge hurricane of sharp butterflies of paper around herself that consume the vital energy of enemies in its radius and deals increased damage to unarmored enemies.

    The ability should be affected by range and strength.


    Leeching butterflies/paperflies: while active the skill now also convert 50% of the damage into energy and share it among Kami allies.


    Probably Kami augments should be acquired trough Cephalon Suda or New Loka syndicates.


    Passive ability

    Papercraft: if Kami doesn’t have any shield, health and quick thinking mods (probably including quick thinking is a bit too much but i’m thinking at a glass cannon warframe) her abilities get a damage, range and duration boost of 20%.



    I tried to sketch Kami but i’m not that good at warframe designing so i gave up (some times ago i tried to work on a skin but is just out of my skills), i just imagine her as very elegant yet fragile warframe.

    Let me know what do you think. Thanks

  5. Does anyone know how i can contact one of the Warframe composers, Keith Power?

    I googled his name but i found a keith power that probably have nothing to do with the one i'm looking for and another that is named keith powerS.

  6. While playing sortie and having very bad luck at getting decent rewards, me and my clan mates came to a conclusion: wouldn't be nice to drastically increase chances of getting rarer rewards after clearing a sortie if everything is done perfectly? Let me explain better.

    1 you clear the sortie with the same team +5%

    2 you clear the sortie without restarting any of his parts +5%

    3 you clear the sortie with no deaths or revives +5%

    and either: 

    4 you kill assassination targets in less than a minute +5%


    4 you clear the sortie with a perfect run in spy quests (not detection or triggering alarms) +5%

    Or add an item (phial or something else) similar to void traces that can be acquired only killing enemies/certain enemies in sorties or a set amount gained after finishing all three steps, that once you have enough you can use to boost the chances to get certain rewards during another sortie (similar to relic refinement, but in order for the bonus to work every player in group must choose the same phial) in which you can choose one of four lucky boost:

    1 bronze phial      20 of said item: increase the chances to get only bronze rewards

    2 silver phial     50 of said item: increase chances to get only silver rewards

    3 gold phial    100 of said item: increase chances to get only gold rewards

    4 purple phial     200 of said item: increase chances to get only purple rewards


    And about the new type of quest i was thinking at a Trial like quest (added via a new node on each planet) where you have to use only one specific warframe (or to make things even more harder only a specific ability), can be done in group once per week and you can gain one of four rewards:

    1 200k credits

    2 a rare event mod (among all past events)

    3 a riven mod

    4 a rare resource bundle of 50 units

    The quest should be available once per week and only doable while in a clan. Only one quest from one planet can be done.

  7. Hi,

    i'm looking for a group that meet frequently together to level up in dark sector defenses (preferred) to do 20 waves or long camp survival (30-40 mins) for big exp.

    I'm looking for both new players and vets, do mind that i am in clan but we have very different playtimes so we can rarely play together, mostly for sortie, so if you invite me and i don't join it's possible i'm playing with my clan leader or mates (i'll pm you back anyway to let you know). From vets i'd like to have always a speed nova in group, unless you have to level a frame of course.

    I'm writing there because when i have to forma my frames or weapons i can rarely do 15 waves defenses and leveling a frame is a chore.

    I'm MR17 and have most frames with proper builds missing just the last 5-6 normal frames. I have correct builds on prime frames (formaed multiple times) because i don't like to spend resources on non prime ones, so no good chroma, inaros, ivara etc...

    I'll be on mostly from 20.00-21.00 to 2.00 GMT.

    Add me on PSN writing Warframe exp farm so i know you're from the forums. Don't worry to add me even if you're more than 4, the more the better, i'll be always exp farming or resource farming.

    I don't use a mic because i'm not sure i'm fluent enough in english (i'm italian) so i'm limited to in game chat writing, if you have one feel free to use it, i will do my best to understand what you say, just speak slightly slow than usual and i'll be able to comprehend what you say.



  8. Not to be an ally to all the other posters, i have to say this skin is quite nice, i have to admit i really love the clothing of old style asia, instead of all the copy-pasta modern neutral/alternative style of clothes worldwide.


    Opinions are opinions TC, but remind this is a space ninja game, where does ninjas come from? Hopefully next skins may be more technologic/modern graphical looking. Don't forget the game isn't already completed, and most likely with the support/feedback from players and the passions of devs towards it, it will never be.

  9. Sorry if nekro (!) this post, i was thinking at him and i thought that a negative strength thing, like nova, could make some changes on his shadows of the dead, instead of reviving, he could deal an aoe life strike (with a visual effect of souls vanishing away from enemies), so giving him a real offensive role in teams.

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