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Posts posted by warthas1980

  1. 3 months of profit taker phase 2 farm, one hour daly, the mission take me 2 or 3 mins, i have almost 1k of toroids, and 100+ of all rewards...but 0, yeah, 0 atmo systems, is not a bad rng, the atmo do not drop, i am tired of this farm, i do like 4 profit taker hunts daly too, i did every phase like 100 times, and no atmo drops...i hope DE fix this soon, i rank everything in the game, and this is an insane farm, i love the farm in this game, i log only to farm stuff, and is fun for me...

    Atmo farm is not fun wen you do the 4 phases every single day for 3/4 months and do not get any atmo...

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  2. hace 6 minutos, (PS4)Hopper_Orouk dijo:

    I hope i get to feel the same

    I am from the era where cinematic adventures did not exist, where you could not combine elements, where the only content were warframes and tenno, reinforcements, and a grind much higher than today, so I am very used to this, newer people(I'm not saying you're new) do not know what the game was like before the second dream.

    but at the same time I respect the way you feel right now.

  3. hace 4 horas, (PS4)Hopper_Orouk dijo:

    Since i get bombarded with negative comments by trolls when i express my feelings towards some laziness And lack of communication the community receives 

    I decided to turn the question towards players, the intent is to understand the community's feelings about warframe today?


    So, are you satisfied?

    Are you satisfied for getting frequent and constant release of cosmetics, skins, deluxe skins? While getting constant delays for more hyped content that otherwise turn out to be average?

    Are you satisfied for getting recycled content without new exciting content like events that balances the game's content drought?

    Are you satisfied for getting yearly(sometimes more) short lived quests or expansions that end in a few hours?

    Are you satisfied for the lack of communication between the devs(i've played other games and the devs there were more talkative and reply with detailed and lengthened texts providing feedback to our feedback)

    Are you satisfied for how unorganised and messy this forum turned out to be?

    Are you satisfied with some updates or overhauls/changes not getting a second look even if players stated their dissatisfaction for said changes


    If you can answer some of these please do, we'd like to know


    Very, since 2013 i am very satisfied

  4. me gustaria ver que cuando la faccion consciente llegue al sistema origen, ellos ataquen un planeta, como en una invasion, la faccion de ese planeta, nos pide ayuda, como un gran alerta, la flota conciente se traslada a la orbita de dicho planeta. si perdemos la alerta, la faccion que controlaba ese planet lo abandona y pasa a estar en control consciente, ente evento activa una alerta de guerra por el control del planeta, las tres facciones restantes enloquecen y tratan de retomar el control del planeta para ellos mismos, todos los nodos del planeta estarian lleno de grineer, corpus, infestados y conscientes perleando entre si, similar a las invasiones regulares, pero nosotros estariamos obligados a apoyar al antiguo dueño del planeta, para seguir manteniendo el balance de poder justo como lotus siempre dice. en la alerta de guerra por el control del planeta, podriamos mover los dojos al vacio y asi evitar ataques aleatorios de los conscientes a algunos dojos de los los clanes, si algun dojo es invadido, perderiamos el control de el, teniendo que eliminar a todos y cada uno de los conscientes dentro, incluido un mini jefe tipo juggernaut, oculto de manera aleatoria en alguna habitacion de dojo. al final los tenno ganarian la alerta de guerra y la flota consciente volveria a ocultase en el espacio esperando al proximo dia para una nueva incursion a algun planeta aleatorio. es una pequeña idea para la llegada de hunhow.

  5. i like to see whe the sentient arrive to the origin system, they attack a planet, like an invasion, the faction on that planet, ask for our help like a big alert, the sentient fleet move to the orbit of the planet, and if we lose the alert, the faction in the planet run and that planet go to sentient control, and this event trigger, a war alert for the planet, all factions go crazy and try to take the planet for them self, all nodes go to be full of grinner, corpus, infested and sentient fighting all in  the same time, like the regular invasions, but we go to support to the old owner of the planet, in order to maintain the balance of power for the three factions. in war alert, we can move the dojo into the void, evading sentient random invasion in the dojo of the every clan, if a dojo is undder attack, the tenno need to fight and kill all the sentient invader force, including a mini sentient boss like juggernaut hide in a random room. in the end, the tenno win the war alert and the sentient fleet return into the shadows of the space, waiting for the next day for a new planet incursion. is only a small idea for the arrival of hunhow.

    thanks DE for the amazing game

  6. hola queria saber si alguien me puede responder una duda, cada vez que intento volver a descargar el juego, descarga bien, pero en cuanto se interrumpe la descarga vueve a iniciar desde cero, porque? esto jamas me pasaba antes y no es problema del firewall, que esta desactivado o del antivirus (hasta intente la descarga desinstalando el antivirus) la descarga llega a 70% o 90% y se interrumpe, con el msj que dice que la descarga continuara en breve...pero cuando continua empieza desde cero...y ya van varios dias de intentar descargar todo, pero antes la descarga volvia a continuar en el mismo porsentaje en el que habia quedado antes de la interrupcion, ahora vuelve a cero, en general lo bajo en 4 hs al juego pero ni a eso llega y se interrumpe, si alguien conoce una solucion de antemano se lo agradesco.

  7. xTiTnn8SczQTBJiCt2.gif




    warthas1980, si no te gusta mucho Sabotaje 3 o Captura 3, como te recomendaron los demás, o no tienes de esas llaves, prueba a jugar Supervivencia 2, la rotación A las da bastante fácil, ahí voy yo en solo para conseguir formas.

    Como funcionan las rotaciones (solo en caso de que no sepas):

    cada 5 minutos es una rotación, y el patrón es este: AABC luego se repite, siguiendo "interminablemente" de esta forma, AABC-AABC-AABC.

    Entonces en 1 hora las rotaciones A serían en el minuto 5-10-25-30-45-50.


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