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Posts posted by Myamsa

  1. Finally i get my hands on sancti magistar.

    Decided to potato it, slap some mods and primed reach, but i noticed one thing seems off. It doesnt affected by primed reach or reach mod at all. Tested it with friends in Simulacrum and got same results. Everything is fine, except the range. Only heal on 10-13m-ish. Can someone confirm? or its just me?

  2. I like the weapon really, it was my first status weapon that i enjoy playing with. Further more with my oberon build and the scourge with corrosive and viral build, it was a blast to do an endless MOT.

    But dang sir you are right, it needs something to compensate its 60 corrosive damage, even Javlok which is same tier as the Scourge (both MR 6 weapon) has 235 heat damage. Yea i know its heat damage, has 0.30 charge time and its 2nd fire is kinda like self destruction of spear, but Scourge really have a problem with its damage output.

    Previously i forma it for heavy caliber and it works perfectly fine, yea sure it has problem for killing level 100+ enemies, but hey, it was fun and working as intended for status weapon. The fix arrived and my accuracy with Scourge drop down to WHOPPING 1.9, it cant even hit a point blank enemies because of the accuracy which mean i must remove the Heavy Caliber mod. But here's the thing, it emerges more problem than fixing it, using Scourge for lvl 75+ is already hard enough. I didnt mad or anything, but it feels like Scourge has lost something important to kick in the feeling, you know what i mean? That "UMPH" damage.

    We all know that in this game, Status and Crit weapon is like entirely diffrent thing, Status based weapon NEED BASE DAMAGE and status chance to proc more status, meanwhile Crit based weapon somewhat relies to crit chance and crit damage only. If u didnt belive me, take a look at the Scourge and good ol' king of crits Soma Prime:

    They both has same MR requirement, an MR6 weapon. But what makes it diffrent is how they mean to build

    Scourge is meant to build for Status, i mean cmon 2% crit chance and 1.5 crit multiplier is really a joke for crit damage build, which means we only need damage and status chance.

    Soma Prime on the other hand, is meant to build for crit, carrying over 30% crit chance, 3.0 crit multiplier, and 10% status chance is good.

    Here comes the problem

    Scourge needs all 4 Status mod to hit 100% status chance, and what does it achive with 100% status chance? Status chance proc everytime your projectile hits an enemies, thats it

    Meanwhile Soma prime only need (at least) 3 crit mod  to hit 100% crit chance, and what does it achive with 100% crit chance? A more doubled damage for the crit, which means not only your damage will be multiplied with 3.0 damage multiplier, and also your damage will be multiplied even further with 100% crit chance that resulted in  orange crit (post harrow update). Not to mention that Soma prime needs damage multiplier mod (in my case vital sense) will grant a total amount of 6.6 crit multiplier. Also worth to mention mods like Argon Scope and Bladed rounds that boost your crit even further.

    And how much total damage the unmodded soma prime wields? ONLY 12 TOTAL DAMAGE and its distributed to:

    1.2 Impact damage

    4.8 Puncture damage

    6.0 Slash damage

    And until today Soma prime still hold the title of crit monster, because its still viable to end game like sorties or endless run. The suffers now drawback to the status because there's literally no benefits of holding more than 100% status chance besides proccing every time you shoot, literally no damage boost or something to kick in the damage output. Same problem not only occurs in scourge but also on Ignis Wraith which is MR6 weapon, has roughly the same 30% status chance but only wield about 25 heat damage, its still viable to mid game, but on level 75+ they really suffer a lot.

    I suggest either buff the damage of the Scourge to 100 / 175 corrosive damage, or buff the reload speed to 2 / 1.75.

    but in exchange, increase its MR requirements.

  3. So... i equipped dex dakra and i rushed to the navigation console, and this happens











    for more infomation:

    i made the weapon invisible when didnt holestered

    use the normal holester animation

  4. We all know that equinox has (3) diffrent forms.

    Day forms, Night forms, and Both (?) forms that appears in liset, relay, and delay between switching forms

    And its stated that the colour of equinox energy determine how equinox will spawn in mission

    for example, if you choose white as energy colour, equinox will spawn as day form at the beginning of the mission. Reversal to that, if you choose black as energy colour, it will spawn equinox as the night form


    As the new updates, when spawning in mission, i always get the Both (?) form as visual, but as the abilities i get the night form (as i choose dark blue as energy colour), cast 1st skill and it will change to the day form normally, Simple right?

    and then the same problem occurs after casting the focus abilities (press and hold 5) as the operator get back to the equinox, equinox visual form is on Both (?) forms

    (sorry for my english)

    please fix!




  5. 16 hours ago, (PS4)True_Reclaimer said:

    Why are there Riven mods for brand new strong weapons (such as the Synoid Simulor) when DE originally promised to introduce a system to make old weapons as viable as the newer ones? Now the newer ones are even stronger than ever, the gap has become an uncrossable chasm.

    Totally agree with this, Riven mods should be for older weapon like burston, braton, or even stug. Power creep already became a thing on warframe since new weapon like tonkor make penta isnt viable again, why would you take full risk weapon when u can bring low to none risk with same power and damage? and im super upset when they introduced galatine prime and tigris prime... i mean come on, tigris already has 2 variant, sancti and normal one and now the primed one? Now's the chance to make old weapon viable again like paris or dread and they decided to screw it up GG DE.

    17 hours ago, (PS4)True_Reclaimer said:

    Why are there such gamebreakingly overpowered stats on some, such as this mod http://imgur.com/a/2Z4C7 , and yet others are so underpowered, downright useless (crit damage on non crit weapons, zoom, etc) , or even negative (such as -120% damage)?? This is complete bs and favors those lucky few lottery winners or plat P2W buyers, while punishing the majority of normal players. At this point I think we would rather have standardized stats for each weapon-unique Riven mod, as thats the only fair and balanced design.

    Ok now here's the thing:

    1) we didnt have any control for the stats given to the mod, like its totally random RNG. My solution is whenever you unveiled riven mods, you can pick up to 2 stats that carried to the mod. For example u can choose to bring 100% damage and 100% status chance or you can choose to bring 100% damage, 50% crit chance and 50% crit damage. 200% is the limit for total and 100% limit per 1 stats. See? that isnt hard... pretty balanced remembering that there's already mod for crit chance that surpass 100%

    2) it should be dual stats mod and heck its the first triple stats mod, pretty broken for 1 mod that already cover for 3 slots

    17 hours ago, (PS4)True_Reclaimer said:

    Why is there a limit of only 15 riven mods per account? Thats pretty much FORCING everyone to risk getting banned by making alt accounts to hold excess mods. There should be no limit to how many you can own.

    wait... there's already a limit for riven mod per account? now now, we look at the good side and the bad side:

    + preventing collector to became overpowered to just relying on riven mods

    + RNG always offer something more good if youre lucky enough... so more mods = more wealth

    - yep, encourage many people to make alternate account to hold their mods

    17 hours ago, (PS4)True_Reclaimer said:

    How can DE do anything to fix these mods now that heavy plat deals have been made? If they were account locked to begin with, DE couldve easily tweaked them or offered legendary cores. Now I fear its way too late. DE has broken warframe PVE and trading so badly with these mods. When harder content arrives they will be a necessity that many players simply wont have, and will suffer because of it.

    Now this is WF true problem, new content always bring stronger stuff while old update usually left behind. Solution? buff and nerf, make some good mod support for old weapon. like really DE, there's a lot of youtuber that covering a weapon and YOU SHOULD KNOW WHAT TO DO WITH THOSE WEAPON... SERIOUSLY MY FRIEND IN MY CLAN GET STRADAVAR RIVEN MOD WITH +CRIT DAMAGE WHILE GIVE - CRIT CHANCE?!?!?!?!?!?

  6. Now here's my opinion

    Crit weapon = good but suck facing high level enemies with lotta armor

    Status weapon = good at scaling but need to be proc first

    now onto the stance:

    Stance on warframe basically like combo on other games like DmC when you just need a right timing / some extra button like RMB. if u install mod like berserker onto crit weapon, you cant get the right timing pretty much cause of the fast animation, so melee just like pressing e-e-e-e-e-e-e-e all over again

    now onto the META:

    Shadow step Naramon actually kinda OP right now. I fully agree with you naramon or berserker need complete rework mechanic, on top of that, power creep weapon like Galatine prime is dominating right now


    Stradavar also MR7-8 weapon and its sucks a lot, at least DE please give some drawback to that weapon so every weapon or warframe has its own weakness like slower attack speed maybe?

  7. 10 minutes ago, Kappatalist said:

    In retrospect, I now understand what's happening. Upon activation, the fissure steals 100 energy from all players. Still kind of strange imo.

    does only at the start? not per second line energy leechers?

    10 minutes ago, Kappatalist said:

    Doesn't apply to solo play, barely applies to groups since not everyone has to be using the same key as you. There's a 1/7 chance your teammates will even be rolling for the same loot as you. It's just like the old system with keyshares: come for the 1 thing you want, additionally get 3 pieces of crap you didn't want. Except now you don't get to keep the 3 pieces of crap.

    hm... now i get your point, nice statement. and 1 more thing, while old systems reward player for doing survival / interception / etc for long period of time with more loots, new system actually shortens the amount of time grinding, but only reward with 1 items.


    old: 1 key when u survive long enough = more loots

    new: 1 key for 1 item

  8. idea how to fix this

    1. capped the nullifiers spawn, like 2/3 max at a time
    2. give some delay like 10 second to recharge the bubble
    2. 2 hours ago, Kappatalist said:
      • Some of these enemies have WAY TOO MUCH ARMOR. If I have to sit there for 20-30 seconds pounding on a Heavy Gunner with a Rank 30, Formaed, potatoed Fragor Prime, in a T2 mission, something is SO SO WRONG.
      • This is too random. I have to pray for those Fragment things to drop when I'm up to the wire.

      yeah something wrong, i think its your build, i actually solo it and even on T4 its kinda easy to chop down enemies, even i only using oberon and tipedo.

    3. 3 hours ago, Kappatalist said:

      Why do Fissures take your Energy away?

      wat? fissures take energy? i didnt notice that ._.

    4. 3 hours ago, Kappatalist said:

      The Void offered several gametypes, to break up the action and keep things remotely interesting. This only has one game mode that you do over and over and over and over and over AND OVER AND OVER AND OVER AND OVER AND OVER AND OVER. "We want to reduce the grind." Sure.

      i agree and disagree at the same time, yeah i agree because lack of game mode. 

      3 hours ago, Kappatalist said:

      The drop rates probably still suck. Of course they don't show the %'s, because they're probably >25%, ~10%, and <5%. Willing to bet.

      i disagree because change drop system they applied, you know... that screen at the end mission when u pick reward, its good system and definietly shorten amount of grinding.

  9. Firstly im sorry for my english

    Where do i must start.....


    Well i start playing warframes like 2 years ago and i back to warframe a years ago.

    i was noob back then and researching like "what good frames?", and then i stumbled upon Limbo, i really like the look of this frame and the mechanic seems so fun. So i manage to pick up his mission blueprint from the store and play its mission. We all know Limbo mission is an archwing mission and i was noob back then, so i recruited some "pro's" on recruiting chat to help me out. Playing archwing, collecting more proof fragments, and then i just like "F**k it, imma just buy it" and then i buy plat via steam wallet and buy limbo all the way with the reactor and slot.

    he's my 3rd frame since started warframe and i really like him. Time passes away and i already has like 12th+ frame and want the 13th. i overlook the chroma mission and started it, it was alright at first and then BAM! SARYN CHASSIS (OR SYSTEMS I FORGOT) DROPPED BY KELLA DE THAYM REWORKED. And i just like "................... welp, gonna spend more plat again this time" and manage to buy chroma with plat. Now this is the most interisting part.

    The story jumps out to: 


    Defeating chroma which is the last part of the mission

    and then i just stare out as the transmission play in the liset between ordis and chepalon simaris and think "oh.... now they manage to change it, so when i buy frame's when i doing a mission, it will jump up to where i must continue".

    my request is... DE (or DEV'S) can you fix my limbo theorem mission? its still stuck on:


    gather more proof fragments

    at any point, i should jump to certain "part" right?

  10. actually i didnt mind about bless 50m limit, about LOR or JV raid is now more tactical than before. Usually LOR or JV full of "oh u trin, please spam blesssssssssss even 3 of our team AFK on the starting point" it didnt make any sense. Now Oberon renewall have more function than before. Usually "why bring oberon while trin can heal instantly? oberon heal just for health and trin shield and health also." its not called nerf, its called rebalanced.

  11. 5 hours ago, thantounderscore said:

    so much this

    I think we need a system where people can create voice packs and release them as packaged mods.

    hm.... you know what? WARFRAME TENNOGEN! THATS IT! Cmon DE!

  12. Ok now Limbo is nerfed again FOR ONCE MORE! (limbo now vulnerable to orokin laser and some grinner laser on some tileset) so here's my solution:

    1) remove rift surge and combine rift walk with his rift surge, or even make rift surge passive at all, the option is:

    - If limbo activate rift walk, riftsurge become active and benefits all of his allies

    - Change rift surge effect that enemies in the rift has reduced armor, damage, and defense


    3) Console can be hack while inside the riftplane or in other words in the cataclysm because its in the same dimension!

    4) limbo can banish the datamass or the orb but banished datamass cant be put into the object

    5) Idea to replace limbo's rift surge:

    - Rift Stabilizer V1: When toggeled, energy regen while in the rift are disable and drain energy per second instead, it heals Limbo and any allies while in the rift (basically, drain energy per second to heal) 

    - Rift Stabilizer V2: When activated, Limbo gain boost that he is invulnerable with knockdown while in the rift

    - Rift Stabilizer V3: When toggeled, limbo gain sprint speed (like volt speed but its toggled abilities)

    - Rift Resemblance: Banish all allies in the radius of the skill to the rift (basically team saver)

    6) Idea for his new augemented mod:

    - Cataclysm Overtime: Cataclysm didnt shrink overtime, basically hold is range while duration is active

    - Cataclysm Blaster: Enemies that enter the cataclysm get blast damage and being knockdown

    7) Still didnt confirmed yet, it may be a bug, plz fix DE:

    - Limbo cant pierce Grineer Eximus bubble (ice bubble) even limbo and the eximus itself is in the rift (im playing limbo with rubico and banish eximus, when im gonna shoot the eximus, no number appeared and the bubble didnt broke at all, i wasted my entire single clip)

    - Limbo vulnerable to Hyekka master ignis and molotov, and some enviromental damage




  13. Sorry for my english cause english are not my native language


    So, i like the idea but the skill set order are completely wrong

    1) divine olifant should be placed in 4th skill and i think its should be his ultimate / signature ability

    2) 12 weapons is too much, you didnt have any time on tight situation while selecting the weapons

    3) now days there's many warframe that using weapon as theyre ultimate, for example:

    • Excalibur (Exalted Blade)
    • Ivara (Artemis Bow)
    • Wukong (Primal Fury)
    • Valkyr (Histeria)

    so its kinda mainstream that warframe has such weapon ultimate, make them kinda "nah, just another weapon based warframe again"

    4) Hallowed Ground IMO should in 3rd or 2nd skill, make kinda aura hallowed ground that follows oberon everywhere (the animation like a chroma elemental ward but with hallowed ground animation", here's what hallowed ground gives:

    • more armor
    • more damage (optional that paladin in some MMORPG only gives armor
    • health regen (like hydroid augmented mod curative Undertow)
    • shield regen
    • MOAR ARMOR!!!
    • some proc resistance

    5) Ideas for his ultimate


    (10M, 20M, 30M, 40M, RADIUS) (TOOGLE ABILITIES)

    Gives oberon and his allies damage resistance and damage amplification. If his teammates dies / downed while in this skill radius, his teammates will be fully regenerated (health and shield) while add some invicibility overtime, meanwhile oberon take some damage / energy reduction as a penalty (20%, 15%, 10%, 5%,). If oberon dies while in this skill active, all of oberon energy will be drained and transfered to all of his teammates that in this skill radius / effect, also all of his teammates that in this skill will be invicible for a brief period of time. If oberon can be revived with his teammates, Oberon will be get 25, 50, 70, 100 his energy back.

    That way IMO will give Oberon some presence on team that makes his team stick to him like some MMORPG that paladin jobs are give buff to his allies but in AOE radius


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