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Posts posted by Philbo

  1. Interesting stuff...  Especially like the idea of squad tactics, although I suspect that might be one of the harder things for DE to implement.


    We need to remember though, it didn't always feel so easy did it?  I'm thinking of someone new coming into warframe here, i know i didn't find it so easy progressing through Mercury with my Mk1 Braton, level 0 frame, and no idea what to do with "those funny little trading cards I keep picking up in game".  Now with level 30 frames a strong array of mods at my disposal and clan tech weapons, sure the low to mid level stuff is a total breeze & an easy pain free way to farm... but then it gets harder again in the higher level missions with the crazy armour.  Maybe that's where folk should look for the harder challenges...

  2. Totally agrre with OP.  Would love to see add on armour and the like.  Even full alternative body parts! Torso, arms & legs!


    Like the other poster there are a few frames i don't play or haven't built cause I don't enjoy watching them on screen, and would rather use a frame more aesthetically pleasing to my eye.  Banshee - funny feet, Ember - MC hammer jodhpers, Trinity - lobster tail.  


    Before anyone else says it, i know there are more pressing issues, but I would still like to see this in the game at some future point.

  3. Cool skins!  


    Will there be any alternative "frames" for the warframes?  (Probably the wrong terminology!)  Would love to see options that change the whole look of the frame just as the alternative helmets are completely different, and the Brokk "skin" is a completely different "model" to the Fragor, not "just" a skin.


    Hope that makes sense!

  4. Thanks DEMegan!


    Regarding the market, is this going to be a purely player trading with player format?  What about a "transmutation" type option? Or a trade with AI option?  Finding someone with a spare reaper blade is going to be damn difficult, and that's the one item I would hope to gain through trading.  I'm tired trying to get it through the void, been working on it for too long now.



  5. Thanks for all the replies guys, I'm starting to warm to it now its got a forma in and a has shred and multishot fitted, but still just a little bit dissapointed.  Would love a harder, sharper sound from it more than anything else now.


    that mindset is the first problem.

    Video Game players have been broken down for so long with instant gratification in games and in the real world, that they expect everything to be instant gratification and anything they work for to be superior to anything else. 



     Wow, didn't see that one coming...and there was me thinking i'd written a relatively tame and inoffensive post...


    Just for the record taiiat, i'm a 39 year old Design Engineer, I don't see myself as this "generation now" person you seem to be talking about.  As someone who works "in the real world", i can exclusively reveal that most people expect to be rewarded for hard work, in the real world.  If i work hard through the year I expect a decent bonus come appraisal time.  Rightly or wrongly I have similar expectations in the virtual world, If I spend XX hours, Y void keys, and Z materials to find and build a Prime weapon, my expectations are that much higher than when I buy dual latos from the market.  That was and is the main thrust of my post, that and "they should be more than just hard to get".



    However I do accept that it is what it says on the tin, an upgraded Braton.  After adding a forma and starting to level up again it's starting to shine, but then so did the regular Braton.  In fact I went back to my regular 4 forma braton for a comparison and had a hoot using it again.  Thats the thing though, stick enough forma in and most weapons will shine, Prime or not.


    Totally agree that the addition of a polarised mod slot or two would have helped the BPrime feel more special straight out the box.


    Really like the idea of Prime weapons being completely unique, that would be pretty cool.


    Anyhoo, thanks for the replies!

  6. Hi guys,

    Before I start complaining i'd like to praise the art guys, they have done an amazing job with this gun, I love the look of all the Prime weapons, and especailly the Braton Prime.  Fekin gorgeous.


    Anyway, anyone else a little dissapointed by the braton prime?  When the second batch of void Prime weapons came out there were only 2 that I really wanted, Braton Prime and Orthos Prime.  I was so excited when I finally got the last part to build this that I rushed it through the foundry.  Having tried for so long to get a reaper blade from the previous Prime weapons list, I didn't have high hopes of getting either of the weapons I actually wanted any time soon.  But my joy was short lived, as the in game performance is just not that good.  Maybe I need to stick a couple formas in there to get the best out it, but it puzzles and frustrates me that a Prime weapon can dissapoint like this.  


    Prime should mean something other that "hard to get", it should mean "Best weapon in class", or as near as damn it.  Granted it looks damn fine, but it plays "meh", and sounds like my old 1980s 2-stroke RGV250 on idle.  And that's not a good thing for a bad &#! assault riffle.  The Soma, which I have and love, is just so much better when modded correctly and i bought that in the market with no effort or void keys.  (update 10 bundle was awsome BTW).


    I'm just hoping that the armour scalling review helps.


    P.S. still dont have a reaper blade btw...  just glad the stalker popped up and left a BP for his reaper  :D

  7. I've noticed my carrier just wont pick things up from time to time.  Not spotted any pattern to the behaviour, just sometimes works, sometimes doesn't.  Seems to want to wait for items to stop moving before vacuming...?  No idea why.  I've been standing next to items in empty rooms for 10 to 15 seconds waiting to see if carrier will pick them up, then I end up having to pick up manualy...  Pain in the &#!.

  8. Hmmm, need to go take another look with this mind..  Not convinced though, would seem a bit of a pointless mod if it needs a cooldown period.  Its only a convenience mod after all and doesn't deel any damage.  It drives me daft having to make a detour back because the vacum stopped working again.


    If this is a deliberate cooldown issue as suggested then what's point?  You still have to go pick things up the old fashioned way, and you don't know when it's going to work and when it wont!


    I could kind of understand if it's being interupted by another sentinal ability, but i've been standing next to ammo drops in empty rooms for 10 to 15 seconds waiting to see if the vacum mod will pick it up for me.  Then i end up walking over it to pick it up.  At one point I thought it was dependant on what way the sentinal was facing, but again this didn't work out with the empty room test.

  9. It's a bug in the display, pretty sure it has no impact on actual play.


    Still, needs to be fixed.

    Hmmm, will need to log back in and take a look.  For Saryn I normally rely on modded shields, and her high base armour.  But a couple times this morning I felt like she didn't have any armour.  Toxic clouds from ancients, (which i believe bypass the shields), just seem to have her on the floor with one sniff...

  10. Hi, 

    The Vacum mod for the new carrier sentinal seems a bit broken to me,  Sometimes it works great, does exactly what it says on the tin, but other times I can be standing right next to a mod or ammo drop for 10  or 15 seconds and it does nothing.  I've fused it several times, so it shouldn't be a "strength" issue, besides it works great sometimes...


    Hotfix Please!

  11. Hi,

    Noticed my Saryn was a bit squishy, one sniff of toxin and she's down...  Then I noticed that the Amory page shows her having 25 Armour!  Then I looked through and noticed all my frames, including the level 30 ones all show as having level 25 Armour!  Is this a true reflection of the armour raings right now or a display bug?  Either way it's not good!



    Hotfix Please!


  12. Please tell me the scarves are optional, not very space ninja, more space fabulous...There is a picture online of Liza Minnelli wearing Volts scarf.  Also worried that the flapping around may prove annoying to other players...well me if i'm playing with someone wearing one!


    Why not consider adding "Physics" effects to existing frames, as done in the second series helmets?  e.g. Volts kilt and Trinitys lobster skirt thingy?  That would get my vote.


    Also contradicts the "fix the broken stuff before new content" comments, stuff like trading.  What about extending the Transmibob-doda to include blueprints and parts?


    Looking forward to the glaive review though, really enjoyed it as it is.  Also looking forward to the new Necro frame, looks good already!

  13. While i'm really excited at the prospect of the new prime weapons, i'm a bit frustrated that my "four forma" Braton doesn't look so shiny any more.  


    How about an option to upgrade your existing base weapon to Prime instead of making a brand new one.  There are loads of options here...


    Maybe just a straight swap between standard and prime versions, with the new weapon being given the number of polarity slots from the base weapon, or whichever had the most? 


    Perhaps we could be given the choice during the build to trade in and recieve a certain amount of materials toward the new build.  


    Or a simple everyday recycle centre, where you can get some resources, cash and formas back in exchange for your weapons.  


    I know we can sell stuff just now, but credits are a bit underwhelming as a trade in, and the amount offered can be really poor compared to the time and effort or hard cash/plat put in to the weapon.


    Anyone else like the idea?  Any opinions or alternatives?



  14. To the original poster, I have to disagree.  The concept of being able to buy foundry materials is great in my opinion.  There may be room for tweaking cost and exactly what materials should be made available, but i'd suggest that's part of the Beta test process.


    Sometimes, I can't be arsed farming...and im my opinion forcing people to farm is to the detriment of the game.  When i'm playing I like to kill things, look for any hidden rooms, generally enjoy the game.  While I enjoy a steady pace of gameplay, I hate this "run-jump-slide, avoid all enemies, only kill the boss, run straight to exit" crap encouraged by a farming only policy.


    I do sympathise with folk who have worked hard for something and then a change comes and you feel your efforts have been in vain or somehow devalued, but everyone needs to remember this game is in open Beta and will go through changes.


    To the folk who think only the holy "runny-jumpy-slidey repeat until dead" diehards who farm all there materails should be able to make use of the blueprint system, get over yourselves.  

  15. Hi,

    When I set my options to full resolution for my system, 1680x1050, I get good sharp graphics and no probs.  But, when I start the game with this setting the game is very "jumpy" almost laggy in performance, even when playing solo.  If I go into settings and set the resolution down to any other resolution, save it, then put the resolution back up to full the performance is good.  Not had this with any other games, not that i'm in the habit of chaning resolution off of default/suggested settings...

  16. As to not draw too much heat from the majority of people who favor this weapon, I'm a bit underwhelmed. First, I really was not expecting it to be a heavy weapon. It just doesn't look heavy, it looks sleek and streamline. I feel like Hate and Reaper had the heavy "polearm" role filled, and lets not forget about the Amphis. I expected this weapon to be much faster, granted weaker to compensate, but much faster. I just don't get that martial arts monk feel I expected with the weapon because its attacks chain together too slow to keep up with a crowd of moving enemies. 


    All that said, it is obviously a very effective weapon and perhaps with modding I can get it to do more what I expected. It also looks freaking awesome!



    Agree with the sentiment above, I'm not underwhelmed as such as i didn't have any expectations of it, but I would have liked something more... like the Bo with bite. Something fast, not another heavy weapon. Perhaps something with smaller blades too, like in the animation the Devs showed on the Livestream.


    The one thing I think needs changed regardless of any "what I would have preffered" comments, is the slide attack animation. it's a bit, erm, well...different! I thought my Warframe was spinning around on a witches broom stick at first! Would love to see that animation change to something that looks like the warframe is actually sliding. Perhaps a regular dual sidearm slide animation, but with the Orthos being spun overhead? I dunno, it just looks a bit odd to me as it is!


    Also agree that you don't always hit the target in the cross hair when you attack...  and no it's not a range thing, there is one or two animations in the cycle that don't hit the target, and the others are fine.


    All that said, i'm loving it! XD

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