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Posts posted by (XBOX)KPanda7

  1. Now i normally don't make post in regards to changes to warframe. I actually don't think i have before, but its recently started concerning me about upcoming changes to many warframes but none so more than ash. now i have read what DE wants to accomplish with changes to him but these changes seem to be in the eyes of PC with console being thrown by the wayside half the time. Ash is becoming less and less enjoyable to play seeing as fun was the main reason for changes apparently i though it appropriate to start here. with his first change to Blade Storm is seemed as if this was an improvement however with a control its inconvenient to be aiming at single enemies just to get a similar effect now i do like it but its just not very usable due to the way aiming is handled on console. Now this change wasn't as big of a deal but i basically dropped ash aiming is already a hassle to use an ability but another issue arises.

    With this new change not only is this going to have this affect but now it will require two abilities for the affect of one just for the hopes of "engagement". you know my control setup requires me to switch my abilities to use them. so to get out of danger now not only will i need to use blade storm and target enemies but ill also need to switch abilities and target a marked enemy to get the invincibility frames. This is not just inefficient but slapping peoples choices and ways of playing. Frankly i don't care about Ash all that much he gets worse every attempt at fixing and with every new warframe outclassing him. But other warframes are getting this similar treatment and it worries me. An example being Saryn, now don't get me wrong i love Saryn and her rework but there are things that make this possible to play. she requires basically a spam of abilities in certain orders to get the best affect. which as i mentioned above is causing issues for a control setup i use, and before any critics are made about this control scheme this one is preset by DE that i and many find comfortable. The thing is at least Saryns kit is amazing and it doesn't hinder this setup. the main ability you start with is molt creating a decoy to avoid damage and with a certain beautiful augment healing herself, which is the main difference between these two.

    The main concern i have will regard these kinds of changes or additions to the game now i don't believe it will stop me from playing but it has the possibility to make me play less characters or less in general. And if DE is claiming to want to promote the fun of this game and change things the community doesn't find fun, i hope at least this is considered or the console community is considered for any changes made.

  2. For some reason every time i use this mod a lot of enemies just fly past me and the majority of the enemies are not affected now i have used this mod since its release and have not encountered this before now the mod is unusable. I dont know if this is an isolated case or just the mod being glitched.


  3. I have noticed a bug and it is making the game near unplayable in a lot of areas the damage on all weapons is getting extremely nerfed for example the dakra prime has a base slash of 48 my game is acting as if it was 12. Now at first i thought it was a visual glitch but after confermation from some sources one not having this problem and another with it i then decided to test this. And as i thought the damage was being affected i have tried quitting out and entering again to no avail now i would reset to see if that fixes it but two issues: one it to large of a download this takes to much time and has no gurantee of succes; two it exsits, even if it does work it can happen again and sorry but that is not worth the reset. Please find a solution i want to play this wonderful game but not in this state.

    edit: so apparently the extinguished key is the bugged aspect i did use one on a vault but it kept the reduction and yes i did not have another one it required building another equiping it and removing it again to fix this issue.

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