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Posts posted by Norbac-

  1. 51 minutes ago, giantconch said:







    DE makes Ash an even more P42W frame, while taking away squishy frames survivability powers...


    Waiting to see what you "fix" next...


    Hopefully frosts globe, walls, roofs, floors can at some point in the future stop explosions and flames from magically passing through their surface...

    Don't worry, ash will get ̶r̶e̶w̶o̶r̶k̶e̶d̶ dumpstered soon™.

  2. Ok after a lot of testing these are my results:

    It is a bit hard to explain.

    The bubble will not explode unless you can deal a certain amount of damage before the time runs out.

    The explosion deals a RIDICULOUS amount of damage, but you don't want to be waiting 10-20s for the bubble to explode. It would take longer than killing them normally.

    So there are a few things to be aware of:

    You need an INSANE AoE burst. What you saw in the video is not possible with some other weapons like quanta, twin grakatas, staticor, etc etc.. (not even the tonkor).

    If there are too few enemies or grineer you will need at least 5-6s at best to get an explosion like that, since the damage taken by them will be lower and you won't even get an explosion. 

    This need a lot of further testing with some other weapons and mods, but unfortunately I have very few. This might also work with the ignis btw.


    EDIT: The explosion only happens when the magnetized target dies.


    This is the build I was using:


    Keep in mind that the r7 transient fortitude and r4 fleeting expertise are intended. Otherwise magnetize would probably not last long enough with maxed mods.


  3. 9 minutes ago, HelioXanos said:

    ¡Muchas gracias!


    Una cosa, @Norbac-, ¿dónde se consigue el quanta? Recién he visto en la tienda de planos y no, no hay. Sólo en armas con platinum, ¿la única manera de obtenerlo es mediante compra inmediata o no? 



    Necesitas replicar el plano del laboratorio que hay en los dojos del clan. Necesitas clan en resumen. Creo que puedes replicarlo en un laboratorio ajeno, simplemente siendo invitado a al dojo sin que pertenezcas al clan (creo repito). También necesitas replicar los 7 fieldron en dicho laboratorio, bastantes créditos y tiempo para hacer todo:

    15.000*7*2 = 210.000 créditos + 15.000 + 25.000 = 250.000 créditos en total. Y cada fieldron tarda 12 horas en crearse.

    Es muuucho más fácil comprar la vandal directamente si puedes, debe costar unos 100-150p supongo,

  4. Como ha dicho ricardo los mods son lo más importante.


    Dejando eso a parte Boltor prime es un buen arma que sólo requiere mr 2. Es una de las más comunes entre los que están empezando y necesitan algo para ''ir tirando''.

    Quanta/quanta vandal sólo requiere mr 4. Es una de las mejores armas en general, con gran eficiencia de munición, daño sostenido, burst si hiciese falta, hitscan, cadencia, disparo secundario que hace AoE y fácil de usar. La quanta normal es un poco puñetera de fabricar (1 forma y 7 fieldrons) así que te llevaría bastantes días conseguirla. Si puedes comprar la vandal mucho mejor.

    Soma prime se te queda un poco lejos de momento (mr 6) pero también es un arma que vale la pena. Con buen daño sostenido, un burst muy grande, hitscan y mucha cadencia, lo malo es que es poco eficiente respecto a munición. 

    Tonkor es posiblemente el arma más rota del juego, más común y sólo requiere mr 5. Tiene un daño extremadamente alto y una gran eficiencia de munición. Lo malo es que no tiene cadencia de fuego y es terrible contra nulificadores, además sus projectiles que se ven afectados por la gravedad.

    Átomos tiene buen daño, cadencia de fuego, eficiencia de munición y es un excelente arma AoE para matar grandes grupos. La pega es que tiene rango limitado (necesitarías el mod ruinous extension).


    Si lo todo esto está fuera de tu alcance podrías fabricar latron o karak. Yo fabriqué ambas y me quedé con la karak hasta que pude fabricar quanta.


  5. 40 minutes ago, PikeOrShield said:

    GMag was nerfed because it resupplied warframes using toggle abilities (unlike EV), specifically Mesa using Peacemaker.  It also does not require a target and provides near endless CC.  EV should probably get some form of a nerf though.  Getting max energy all the time and being able to spam insane amounts is unhealthy for the game since it removes the need to actually play the game a la RJ Excal.

    And with EV all you have to do is toggle off and on any ability with drain to get instantly 200~ energy that also will last a few minutes on most warframes


    It also does not require a target

    In fact, that makes EV way better. I can spam the living crap out of any ability without any limitation, whereas back in the day with mag there was a balance between kills and energy.

    I can spam globe non-stop, cc non-stop and do whatever I want regarding energy thanks to the infinite supply.

    Who cares if we are struggling vs lvl 100 enemies, I can still spam everything. That was not the case with gmag. The cc meta wouldn't exist if gmag were the only option.


    provides near endless CC

    Yeah that needed a nerf, but not anymore I guess. Thanks DE.


    She's never coming back (not to mention energy conversion is now a thing). But hey, EV is ok and should remain untouched.

  6. I wonder what would happen if EV disappears AKA nerfed to an absolute garbage like gmag.

    I don't understand why EV is ok for most of the community but gmag was unhealty as F*** and bla bla bla. I still remember threads and threads crying all over the forum begging for mag nerfs. Un-nerf gmag or give trinity the same treatment goddammit.

  7. 14 hours ago, izzatuw said:

    I mean. That's how most if not all dual weapons are made and 5K plastids is generally easy to get once you become more experienced with the game.

    MR 17, 800h+ played, less than 1k plastids. 

    I understand some of you have enough mats to craft the whole game twice, but most of the players don't.

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