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Posts posted by MossyLithophyte

  1. In a game that's all about killing, sometimes I just don't feel like killing. So as a solution, can we get a riot gun that causes "long-term incapacitation"? One where the primary fire can toggle between a baton round and rubber buckshot, and preferably with an alt fire that shoots canisters of gas that covers an area in an AOE that puts enemies to sleep, leaving them open to finishers.

    I suppose the primary fire would primarily deal Impact, maybe low Puncture if any. And a high status chance since it's about inflicting incapacitation instead of lethal harm.

    If I think of anything else or suggestions, I'll add to the post. Thanks.

  2. Can Resonator function as a tap/hold ability where tap releases a Resonator that doesn't pick up Mallet and hold releases the current version that does seek out and pick up Mallet? If that is okay, in addition, could the verson of Resonator that doesn't pick up Mallet possibly bring charmed targets into range of Mallet? That would be wonderfully.

    Can Metronome, in addition to granting buffs on perfect synch'ing, grant buffs when partial percentage synch adds up to 100% from repeated attempts to activate buffs? Right now the percentage synch resets everytime you fail to synch properly and doesn't benefit much except to tell you how close you were to perfect synch.

  3. It seems with beam weapons, like the Amprex, which functions similar to Atomos, that the tracked accuracy under Fire Accuracy in the Progress & Rewards menu isn't meant to affected by them. Recently I noticed whenever I use the Atomos it causes the tracked numbers for Fire Accuracy to start going down rapidly. Not entirely sure if it's a bug, and it seems inconsistent for similar weapon types, so I wanted to bring it up.

  4. It use to be if the Show Level Map was turned on, the game would leave it on no matter what until it was turned it off. It was nice having it on because it showed more than the minimap. But recently the game doesn't retain the setting and the feature has to be turned on every mission if you want to leave it on.

  5. When you have sprint set to toggle on/off, the Quick Progress View display doesn't appear when you hold down the keybinding for it while sprint is toggled on. But toggle off sprint and the Quick Progress View display will work like normal. Also when sprint is not set to toggle, the Quick Progress View won't show up while you hold the sprint key.

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