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Posts posted by Sinthetyk_Wolf

  1. Hi,

    The past week my Fiance and I have been having trouble playing Warframe, her pc crashed twice whilst playing but she was able to go back into the game, on the 3rd time her screen went green, then pink and finally white with black stripes and now that gpu is dead (R9 270x Windforce Edition) So whilst I was diagnosing her pc she hoped onto mine so she could play Warframe whilst I was taking a look at hers...30 mins later the exact same thing to her on my pc using (R9 380 MSI Gaming Edition), only difference is my pc went to a black screen. I was able to start my pc up again and use it but i have not logged back into Warframe since, due to not wanting to potentially lose another gpu.

    Where can I locate crash logs ?

    AppData\Local\Warframe\Crashes is empty so I'm assuming the logs are store elsewhere.

    I firmly believe that her gpu failure is due to the crashes cause by Warframe, because she was able to play ESO, CS:GO, The Division, Wildlands, Battlefield 1 without any problems during the same period of time.

    My pc has experienced the same symptoms as hers just prior to her gpu dying, I have been playing all my other games since the last crash just fine, but i won't log back into Warframe until i can see crash reports and see what is causing the issue.

  2. Thanks for the feedback guys! 

    I was playing Dark Sector again the other day and just had the urge to want to play the Warframe quests again.


    3 hours ago, (PS4)ATreidezz said:

    Why create another account? Soon we'll be able to replay quests

    They mentioned in one the Dev streams about the re-playability of quests but that was spoken of quiet some time ago and there is no mention of when this will actually take place, but we know it will.


    3 hours ago, LegionCynex said:

    If I was you I whuold just wait for replayable quests, instead of going trough the hole trouble of duel-accounting and what not 


    3 hours ago, (PS4)ATreidezz said:

    Replaying quests as a new account will take days, probably weeks, bcos there are requirements...you have to craft keys, scan stuff, etc...not ot mention some quests are difficult to do as low MR with limited armaments & mods... Some quest like second dream have cinematic scene in it, you wanna make sure that your frame looks good during that scene, but if you use new account, you have limited access to fashion frame stuff...no baroki goods, no special event stuff, no prime accessories, nada...i wouldnt replay these without fashion frame at the fullest.

      I have no problem in going through the whole thing over the next few weeks until the new quest lines arrive. besides what is there to do on my main profile other than grind for resources, primes and rank items until the quests become playable again or new quest.

    You don't need a end game build to enjoy the quests and i have played long enough to know where to get the required mods in order to still enjoy the play through again.


    ~You are a fire. As feared as you are respected.~

  3. Hi There,

    So my girlfriend and I are both MR13 and wanted to create a new account purely to play through the main quests again.

    We don't want to compromise our main accounts by doing this because she has 648hrs on record and I have 527hrs and we have put a few $'s into the game also.

    I have read a few threads where other members said it fine as long as the account is not used for trading or clan boosting, however 2 of those forum members appear to be banned so their words instill very little confidence in going ahead and creating another account.

    Could someone please verify if this is advisable to create another account for the quests or link me to a forum page that has an official state whether this is allowed or not.


  4. Iron Skin looks horrible now Rhino looks like he was dipped in a pot of paint. On the old system i had my Enegry Silver and my accents Gold, so that when i activated Iron Skin you would see just a few hints of that Prime gold surrounded by this alloy/silver. Now its all just 1 colour. please change it back or give us the option to choose if it uses the accent colour or energy colour. This was really a stupid idea to change and it doesn't look appealing at all. 

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