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Posts posted by LuftWaifu

  1. Idea 1 would be awful unless they added some superheavy enemies with small, vulnerable weak points to make it worth carrying such an awkward weapon. Like tanks or 12 foot tall mechs.


    Nerfing hipfire even more without doing that would make a crit build lex prime the best sniper rifle in the game and turn everything with a scope into mastery fodder garbage.

  2. That is NOT a fact, it's an opinion. Why are you using a Sniper Rifle point blank? Why not move, THEN fire? Why are you not using your secondary for the function is it was INTENDED to do, which is complement situations that don't fit your primary? You blame the tools because you chose to use them incorrectly. Not how it works.


    The correct use for the current form of this tool is not in the game.


    Fixing this could be done by massively reworking the level and enemy design, or by making hipfire effective again. The current situation is particularly absurd since tenno are able to accurately fire much larger, more cumbersome weapons (opticor, for example) from the hip.

  3. One thing that might help make sniper rifles a whole lot more satisfying is giving them a smoke trail (which is your weapon energy color on the first frame then rapidly fades to gray and expands) and making headshot kills explode heads.


    yeah but actually thats the intended use of a SNIPER Rifle.

    Im kinda sick that there are so many players who want the Call of Duty Sniping, thats not the intended use of a Sniper Rifle, thats why we have a Sidearm or a Melee Weapon, or we carry a Combat Rifle or a Bow instead to use them at close range


    There's nowhere to properly snipe in warframe. This is like adding a dragonslayer sword to the game then making it do 0 damage because you aren't fighting dragons. Giving some bonuses to scoped fire (guaranteed crits on headshot is a good idea) would be great, but it should still be able to noscope the smaller enemies without any trouble. After all, tenno are cyber ninja space wizards. Them being worse with a rifle than a CoD grunt would just be embarrassing.

  4. The quake railgun is the gold standard for sniper weapons in fast games. So I'd say the best way to improve warframe sniper rifles would be perfect hipfire accuracy, nicer looking shot trails and more consistent damage (maybe make the combo thing effect crit chance instead of damage?). Punchtrough is great too, although that can easily be added via modding so it doesn't need to be inherent to the weapons.

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