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Posts posted by Nastumi

  1. Hello~

    So thanks to the lich, I didn't play much in the open maps the past couple of weeks, but today I went to do the sorties (with a free roam) and Profit taker, and when I jumped into my archwing.... OMFG...

    I really love DE for the game (well games actually :D ), and for what they did to me without even knowing, I owe all the team big time... but seriously, wtf is going on with the archwing controls ? who in his right state of mind decided to do that ?

    I've never been a huge Itzal user, so the blink "rework" didn't seemed too bad (even if having to use S#&$ to boost, then release S#&$ to tap it to blink to repress it is a huge design flaw) but that movement nerf is just awfull... and with Railjack, it means we'll have to use archwing a whole lot (well, I'll buy plat, get the pack from the market and forget that update happened)

    So no more afterburer, why ?  archwings had basically 3 modes : normal, "sprint" and afterburner, with the controls on afterburner allowing for barrel rolls, mouse movement and fast travel, while normal/static moves had space / ctrl to allow vertical precision moves. Now not only the speed is gone to that of normal sprint, but space is for freaking going up all the time...

    The game have a huge emphasis on movement and speed, and we have amazing archwing, made them feel fast and fun, not like driving a freaking mobility scooter. Was the previous movement good ? well, depends on the point of view, but it felt like flying. And to add insult to injury, thanks to habit and muscle memory, the few tries I did, I kept pressing space to go foward, and A / D to adjust trajectory, eating every walls and ceilings as a result, while insulting the game in languages I didn't know I could speak.


    So, if you excuse my language (but I'm french, you can say it's in my genes) those new controls suck and are a Fing aberation. If you're going to punish players that enjoyed archwing, at least give us an option to tweak controls, or to chose between different modes...

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  2. ok, so far that update is amazing except one little thing : nothing happens anymore when I keep the melee attack key pressed anymore. Like throwing the Sigma & Octantis shield, Redeemer dual shots, some combos (fists charged E attack was destroying any single target), Zenistar throw is now super short. 

    So, will the pressed E combos will be back, or forever gone ? if so what will happen for those moves ? (and will we still be able to throw Sigma's shield ?)

  3. Revenant is not horrendously OP, his ultimate is fun, dish a nice amount of damage on low to mid level ennemies, but that's not "OP" as people say.

    At the same level, take a dps frame like Saryn, Volt, Equinox and not only they deal more damages (or even, on a single target) but on a larger zone while staying mobile. I spent the whole weekend playing with Revenant, and even with builds with max strength/efficiency to spin forever I get easily outdps by specialised frames, and the terrain layout make it more usefull to use as a turn on/off when needed.

    Add to that his 1 is really wonky due to the limit of 4 thralls (and yeah, 4 isn't a horde 😕 ), his 2 is ok, but seeing how the game work can be depleted in a second, and while his 3 could be really nice, I find the cast time making it less usefull when you're in a pinch and need a quick dash to get back on tracks. The energy use is ok tho, as we're not here to spam as crazy.

    That leave us with the Danse Macabre (and thanks for the french name by the way, it's really fun to listen to people trying to pronounce it), a nice damage ability, fun to use at start especially with some background music (Dead or Alive "you spin me round" is wonderfull with him), doing the job while not being broken. I did not had time to test it fully yet, but his 4 can also synergise nicely with other frames, and so far I find him great as a tanky frame jumping in the frontline (if we could make more thralls he would even more fit that role).


    People should stop listening to youtubers nonsens spitting on every new frames because they are bad/op... Revenant needs some tiny tweaks to proudly join the lineup.

  4. Well, I'll join the train, the new UI looks really nice, you see they put some effort to it, but as soon as you enter menus, it's a real headache.

    Now you have to hover over everything to have the slightest idea... when you press escape, the party is just icons, sure it's looking nice, but it's totally bad... no more quick look before / during mission, inventory is just... I don't even know how to describe it.... and Baro is the cherry on top... poor guy is already bringing crap, but with the total lack of information, I actually feel pity for him.

    Text is not bad, text is actually good, letters are our friends, and it allows players to gather needed informations fast. Previous UI was doing it nicely, so why going backward ?

    Keep the visuals, I'm totally ok with that, but add informations, and lower the hovering; or had an option to choose between both. I'm feeling like it's a new version of Windows™, were people actually work hard to make it less intuitve each time.


  5. Well, I haven't done that much testing on the new resonating quake so far, but I noticed something : after doing a couple of Hydron to quickly re-level some frames (yeah, I'm guilty for going the boring way to xp) I noticed the "new" Banshee is managing to make Hydron more boring than before...

    Now it's just constant spam of 4, the repeating cast noise is really tiring on the nerves, and it actually makes things slower. I don't think it's the fault of the mod, mainly because people keep spamming, but oh Gods it's awfull ^^


  6. Bonjour,

    jouant a Warframe principalement solo depuis quelques temps, j'aimerai trouver un clan sympa dans lequel passer un peu de temps et découvrir ce que le jeu a à offrir en groupe. Ma dernière expérience s'est résumé à un clan "poubelle" ou l'ambiance était au niveau zéro et l'entre-aide proche du néant, du coup j'aimerai bien retenter le coup, mais cette fois d'une façon plus agréable.

    J'ai dépassé la majorité depuis un bon moment, j'ai une connaissance décente du jeu, et je suis du genre sociable; par contre, je ne me sers pas de Discord ou autres Teamspeak, et le seul moyen d'entendre ma voix douce et voluptueuse est en vrai autour d'une bière. Vous pouvez me contacter IG, je suis online souvent en soirée et le weekend.



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