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(XBOX)Anima Infinatas

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Posts posted by (XBOX)Anima Infinatas

  1. How many hours are in your profile? 2370 iirc

    Have you taken any long periods of breaks, and if so, how long and why? Not long breaks but time off,  life and work have a tendency to interfere just when you think you can chill out.

    When did you start playing warframe? December 2014

    How many clans in warframe have you been apart of? 2

    Were you apart of leadership in any of those clans? First clan I worked my way up, second I decided to become a warlord [Binary sun] and alliance warlord [Magister Mortalis legion].

    If so, aside from direct clan problems, how has the development of the game affected the members? Since the armistice was introduced  a fair few players have lost interest or are on less frequanently. Bring back the solar rails.

    Have your views changed over the years? Yes

    If so was it due to the community, or in game experiences? Both

    Were you an avid viver/draco player? No

    What is your favorite game mode, and what is your favorite part of the game? Survival, and favourite part of the game, breeding kubrow and kavats. Dojo building / upgrading / designing etc

    What is your least favorite? Capture... way to easy and to short, needs multiple targets or be overhauled.

    Do you prefer to play with clan members or public games? Clan and alliance, but I don't mind joining public Lobby's.

    What level missions are you most comfortable with without needing a team of super specific loadouts? Sortie level 60- 80

    Do you still have many things to complete/collect in the game? A few weapons,  codex entry's,  Dojo colours, a few oddities, MR...always something to do.

    What is your opinion on pvp/dark sectors? Ds, best for quick credit farm, and pvp is a lot better since the introduction of lenaro

    Have Youtubers been a large influence or source of your knowledge about the game? No self taught and use of wiki. Or word of mouth from other players. 

    Do you consider yourself a casual medium or a hardcore gamer?,  used to be hardcore but I'd say I'm casual to medium now 2-3 hours every other day, weekends. Maybe 5 hours.

    What is your background in gaming in general? (ie: fps, mmorpg, strategy, etc etc) PC mmos, mmorpgs, strategy , racing Sims and fps.

    Compared to other communities in other games, how does warframe compare? Informative springs to mind but it's Hard to compare a game like warframe as there's not another mmo out ATM that's like warframe however star trek online is out soon on Xbox and PS4 once that's out I'll RE review this question .

    What keeps you playing the game? Hard to describe but a sense of duty and responsibility to my clan and alliance a second kind of home only warlords will get what I mean. Love the lore, and the possibility of making platinum like a ferengi looking to make more gold pressed latinum.

    What do you hope for long term in future updates? Armistice to be lifted, Dojo to be integrated more fully into the main aspect of the game, and a possibility of liset space combat

    What things would you like to see given attention in the near future? Dojo,  feels like its long overdue a refit and upgrades, limited decorations, colours, rooms, etc feels left out.

    Without going into too many details, what are you opinions on any experiences with Warframe Support? Very helpful and generally respond quickly to address and fix issues. 

    Overall, what is your view of Warframe and its business model? Imo, it's a very interesting in depth f2p mmo definitely worth it's grinding time for players who don't wish to pay for their free content but equally worth the money for players who see the content as an investment. My only gripe would be the platinum prices being way to expensive both in the market and platinum via PC store.

    Imo, if the prices were altered to be a little more affordable and realistic more people would buy platinum.

    Example; add an offer to people who buy a prime pack or accessories pack to be eligible for a 50% price discount on platinum.  

    I don't know about other people but £60  is a lot for add on content especially when you consider a typical season pass costs between £25-£40. 

    Other than this minor inconvenience warframe is a fantastic game and continues to hold my interest 2 years on. 

    Thank you. Digital Extremes.

  2. Yes this is already implemented on your liset, and the prints can be traded. However As it is ATM it feels like an afterthought, with no thought given for the Dojo.

     Like many a warlord, and our members, we take pride in our Dojos and enjoy spending time there, an addition of a (dead end) room (which there are not enough of) with dedicated  kubrow/kavat breeding with trading and customisation would go a long way to improving the social aspect of the Dojo.

  3.  clan 'bank' (mods) + general items, frames, prints, consumables etc) this is something that already exists in other mmo's often referred to as a Guild bank, shouldn't be to difficult to implement. Definitely would be a great addition to the Dojo.

    If Digital extremes did implement this idea it might be an idea to add an alliance Bank, to build aswell. With access to (resources), those who have built a Dojo know how costly building one is, therefore having a helping hand from your alliance members for new clans would be a nice addition.

    Adding to the 'ranks option' for (Warlords / officers) with privileges,  should also have control of the quantity of items in the bank a clan member has access to per week, increasing with rank,  or decreasing with rank  ( with higher MR players become more self sufficient) this would help moderate what clan members actually need and not want for the sake of being lazy.


  4. Would be nice to see some 'Lifetime' achievements for dedicated tenno

    Multiple requirements;

    *Tenno Legacy* 150G achievement

    1.played for a total of 365 days accumulative logins.

    2.Every mission including raids (normal and nightmare) completed at least once.

    3.Clear Mastery Rank 20

    4.Lore; All oddities found.

    Achievement unlocked...

  5. Greetings fellow tenno warlords, having read the update details for u18, and 18.1.3, I see no mention of Dojo festive decorations to adorn our Dojo's with this holiday,

    Are we likely to receive decorations this year?

    If so what date with ref; to last year did they 'appear' if anyone has any information it would be much appreciated.

  6. Greetings fellow tenno warlords, having read the update details for u18, and 18.1.3, I see no mention of Dojo festive decorations to adorn our Dojo's with this holiday,

    Are we likely to receive decorations this year?

    If so what date with ref; to last year did they 'appear' if anyone has any information it would be much appreciated.

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