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Posts posted by Nylea21Nylea

  1. 12 hours ago, (PS4)Ghost--00-- said:

    I'm sorry, its so dull... it offers little to no new enjoyable play style in missions. Taunting enemies to attack you verses everyone else though is pretty good, but not for an ultimate ability. Some people like to play solo. Cease is wayyy to boring, almost every warframe has an ability to get a moment of breath but at least it's cool verses making enemies just stop like a cartoon while you gasp for air 😂😂😂. natures gift is boring too, we got healers.

    Rush however, thats not to bad, its new and interesting! Make it a passive where the longer you Sprint the faster your frame will move until you use a melee swing. At max Sprint speed it doubles your crit.

    the idea is a tanky suportive warframe so if you have an idea to replace those abilities let me hear would love to

  2. this concept doesn't have art yet if someone could make it that would be awsome.


    A centaur tank supportive warframe i got this idea when i looked at some concept warframes and oberon


    Hitpoints 150 at start to 450 at max

    Shield 150 at start to 450 at max

    Armor 200 at start to 350 at max

    Energy 100 at start to 300 at max

    Movement speed 1.5




    you rush forward inceasing your movement speed by 3 times first melee attack you make double crits automatically

    1. primal nature

    self buff

    increasing all demage done with 10/15/20/25%

    decreases demage taken by 5/10/15/20%

    for 2/4/6/10 seconds

    2. come at me

    is a taunt for every enemy to attack you not your fellow warframes

    duration 30 seconds

    you gain more armor 50/75/100/150

    3. natures gift

    converts your enery into hitpoints for every warframe

    toggle drains 10/20/40/80 energy at every tick

    heals every warframe every 2 seconds 

    10/20/40/80 hitpoints every tick

    4. plains knowledge

    makes you of radar for a duration of time if you attacked no one in that time everything is back as if start game

    20/15/10/5 seconds



    this warframe has a second layer on top made out of wood and leaves and has four legs and hooves

    art made by jruva


    so what are you guys opinions this is my first warframe i have thought of would like some featback


    after some feedback i changed some abilities let me hear if it is better like this


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