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Posts posted by iFin

  1. Armour: It's fine, he's a melee frame and that requires him to be in the line of fire more than frames like Volt.


    Forced Finishers: I agree, SortaRandom has made several threads detailing a solution, i suggest you look for them.


    Ult: In one word? Opinion. Personally i love it and pretty much everyone else seems to love it. It doesn't need any changes.


    Armour : Aside from valkyr (whose focus is armour) he now has the highest base armour in the game, I'm reasonably sure. Frost and Rhino sit at 190.  Pre rework excal had 65. A buff was necessary to bring him into melee range but I think they overbuffed considering how strong radial blind is at all levels, cc wise.


    Forced Finishers : Why so rude? This is the excalibur megathread, started by DE to get player feedback, which I gave. If a dev is going to see anything it will be here. It's why I put effort into my post.


    Ult : That's your opinion too, and you're welcome to it, but you make the blanket statement that it doesn't need any changes, imply that I'm in the (anecdotal) minority and am thus wrong. See the problem? You're not attempting to discuss, you're attempting to silence. So I won't bother discussing either.


    Also OoOoh you phrased something the way I phrased it, but then used it against me.  Do you write bad Hollywood movies? If not you should look into it. 

  2. I .. don't think this was ready to be released. I mean sure, it's new and shiny but now DE is gonna be working on this instead of all the other things they should be working on, with the bugs and all. Did someone think of the E3 joke and you were just like yeah let's go? They should have at least waited until they were finished with Parkour 2.0 and stamina considering how they might affect this and how it works. Tbh I think channeling needs to be looked hard at as well as the melee system in general. And then there are the various in game bugs.  

    More than tripling his base armour seems like overkill to me, unless there's a universal armour buff around the corner for the other frames. I guess that's one way to make a frame more effective in melee situations. Slash dash going to enemies rather than through enemies could be mitigated by this, though still not a fan. Mobility and versatility suffers.  


    The forced finishers are awful tbh and take fluidity from gameplay as well as wasting precious blind time.  I don't like the finishers in normal gameplay either though fyi, so that could just be me.  They do not appear to be consistent or necessary most of the time.  A simple back attack mechanic would be absolutely fine, most weapons animations are solid anyway.


    I don't like the design of the ult because of one thing, mainly.  I like my melee weapons, and I like the stances that are on them. The thought of needing to track down or purchase a stance mod is annoying too. I don't think I want to slide to radial blind when I could just cast a better  and more reliable version of it. I don't want to use energy to make a sword when I have a perfectly good one, or use energy to shoot a wave when I have guns to shoot. So in one word? Redundancy.


    My suggestion would just to be to fully incorporate the melee weapon into the ult and make it glow or something.  That way you get to keep your chosen weapon and stance.  Leave the energy waves, it's still a cool idea, but it wouldn't be the awkward slashing anymore without a stance. Sort of meh on the blind for the reasons stated above. Circular energy wave on directional melee could be cool but I'm just brainstorming now.


    I love your game DE, but sometimes I can't help but think you're building on a cracked foundation.

  3. I just had a 35 minute survival where the host left on the stats page  before returning to ship. Warframe crashed and I had to restart it, no xp, no items. 

  4. My only issue is fighting him in enclosed areas, which he has spawned him anytime I've encountered him. You can't really avoid the slow.  I have the same issue with mutalist moas though tbh, if there are enough of them at once.  I ran out of bullets before the encounter in an exterminate mission (levelling prisma grakata w/o secondary) so I tried just wailing on him with my tipedo (potatoed, no forma, blast and corrosive damage) and it worked.  I was solo and very surprised that worked myself. Jugg was lv30 btw, no idea how he scales with levels so that might not work as you get higher up.

  5. Smoothing out the start of the Game: 

    Honestly I think MK1 weapons are kind of lame, along with damaged mods.  It's putting a grindwall right at the start for something that doesn't even matter in the scheme of things.

    New players aren't excited to go from a mk1 weapon to its' normal version and rightfully so. Slightly better numbers, which new players aren't even paying attention to for the most part, there's nothing exciting about that.    Also asking players to pick which starting weapons they want in the middle of the tutorial and locking the others sucks too. They don't know how the game works yet, that's why they're playing the tutorial.

    I think people would have a much better starting experience if they were given all the starting weapons to begin with so they could actually get a feel for what they like without investing a few hours into the game and then coming back tomorrow after building.  It's not realistic to expect that kind of time commitment from a new player who is likely on the fence about the game anyway.

    With regard to damaged mods, I didn't get my first drop of hornet strike until about 150 hours.  Without getting one from a clan mate I would have been waiting that long for something that is required to do sufficient damage with a pistol.  That's kind of crazy and I hate to think what it was like before trading and honestly, trading shouldn't be necessary to get basic mods. 

    If adding a spy mission to earth is your idea on helping new players get into the game, it sucks. I watched the primetime where they revealed that and it makes no sense in practice.  Rebecca and Megan barely made the timer before it got purged, and only made it because someone shouted that the console was behind the waterfall.  They had fully levelled gear and are both experienced players.  Clearly there is a need to make the game more friendly to newcomers but a new and shiny tileset isn't the answer. 

    Random suggestions:

    Have energy cost show actual energy cost rather than the base - Honestly it's crazy that no one mentions this. I guess people have gotten used to it.


    Small amount of base health and energy regen - Where's the harm really? Easily balanced with aura mods by toning down the mods which do that.  It would also stop aura mods from being as necessary to play some frames.


    Start missions with full/more Energy: In a game where preparation is key (with regard to elemental types / faction types), it just doesn't make sense that tennos drop into battle without much energy.  It's also pretty annoying dropping into a game in progress outside cover with no real means of defending yourself.

    Channeling - What's the point? Other than the cool lightshow and watering down rare mods with junk.  For the majority of the game energy is a finite resource that has better uses than adding damage to risky melee attacks.  Also it takes an important button away in melee form (M1).  You could reutilize this button to have another use along with current melee attack: hard/slow attack and weak/fast attack.  And then suddenly your 'combos' could be actual combos and getting those combos off wouldn't be so dependent on attack speed (once you get past a certain point of attack speed it's hard to do certain combos as the attack animations are too fast).


    Ordis - Two of his lines are in conflict with each other: The 'WAS THAT A PUN??' line and the 'Your chosen warframe suits you.' So does Ordis hate puns or love them? I need answers. :3

    So I think that's it, I've spent much longer on this than intended.  Oh and the Lotus is clearly evil. She refers to genocide as justice all the time.


  6. I disagree that the grind is great for newer players, specifically with regard to MK1 weapons and damaged mods.  Grinding for something you're excited about getting is fine, but grinding for an exact duplicate of faulty gear you've been given at the start is kind of a joke.  I don't get the reasoning behind this in the least.  It's not like the braton, paris, etc are really good weapons anyway, just serviceable. 

  7. I've sent two tickets now and heard nothing back from either.  Anyone else still having this problem? It's almost a week later and I've spent too much time on this already. Am I just being ignored since I'm in the minority now? Honestly I don't even care about the cores, but those missions were irritating to run and you charge 80p for 1 core in the shop. Shame on you for that btw, the only person who would go for that has no idea of the worth of things in this game and is either new or a child.  Have some respect for your community.

    So, according to your assigned value for cores, the reward I'm being deprived of has a worth of (25 X 80) 2000P.  

    I tried being pleasant and patient DE. Check my tickets if you don't believe me, the first of which also includes screenshots. Out of patience now.

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