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Posts posted by Njanno

  1. - Router theoretisch so eingestellt das es gehen soll (vgl. Screenshot: http://i.imgur.com/WvWqUPC.png?1], im oberen Bereich habe ich Prts per Hand eingestellt, im unteren Bereich sieht man aber das der Router die UDP-Ports von Warframe automatisch weitergibt)



    Mach bitte einmal ein DMZ / Exposed Host test. Wenn die Meldung dann nicht mehr auftritt ist es ein Port Einstellungsproblem. Falls die Meldung immer noch auftritt liegt es an deinem Internet Anbieter. Eventuell benutzt dein Internetanbieter schon eine IPV6 Leitung (siehst du auf der Fritzbox Übersichsseite), dann müsstest du entweder ein VPN benutzen oder dir eine IPV4 Option dazu buchen.

  2. By the way. Maybe you can take a look into the new void mission key drop rate. It's quite hard to get one of the NEW keys. We tried to get one of the new keys out of an endless defense mission for about 3h hours today and we had bad luck and got none. Only tonns of for us usless raid and exterminate II keys. I know you want to get rid of the grind factor (new alert system), maybe you can do something on the defense mission reward system in the future too.

  3. Hi Steve, 

    my clan has the same issue like many others here. We build a Great Hall and now we jumped a full tier without knowing it. We just destroyed the hall but are still in the second clan tier. My clan boss just sent a ticket to the support, but last time it took a couple of weeks till i get an (nice and friendly and helpfull) answer. Hope this time it will not take weeks ;). Is there no way to "code in" a tier check after you destroyed a hall? 


    But anyway keep your great work up, you are an amazing studio! Such things just happens if you are pushing content so fast. Just fix it for me :P



    I'd rather have something like... converting junk ammo into sweet, hard, credz. That way it's not totally mega-OP.


    Everyone would use sniper/shotgun scavanger and use a rifle for credits only ;)

  5. "G" Love it! Converting 40k of crap in some sort of mod fusion or into Alloy Plates via a blueprint is a great concept.  


    "H": Sounds good to me!


    "I": Those 2k credit alerts are really annoying. Some extra rewards make it more worth playable..

  6. Interesting, this didn't occur to me since I always play with friends and one of them is always host, with them always saying something like "I don't know what your problem is, it works for me" (coincidentally being the most unhelpful reply to any question posted on the internet, ever).


    Very strange. I've hosted all games yesterday and i was able to do both challanges but this time my friend could not finish them. I have this problem since i start playing Warframe. Still only those two challanges (Uber and the 5 ability stuff) are an issue. We tested it with 6 diffrent warfames. I believe this must be some sort of hosting or connection issue.

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