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Posts posted by Jossiqua

  1. These changes make solo speed running the first two extractors on Triton significantly longer now, making core farming an even slower grind. And to add insult to injury, DE STILL hasn't fixed the delayed spawning bug (the one where the excavator doesn't deploy for a good while after you enter it's spawn perimeter), despite the fact this bug has been around for quite some time.


    So many primed mods, so little fusion cores. I hope Lotus makes a joke about Vay Hek's mum so he can send another Fomorian to attack a relay!

  2. Hi, couldn't find this particular Archwing bug in another topic.


    When I switch to melee (holding F), more often than not I become completely unable to melee and when I switch back to my Primary, I lose the ability to shoot. The only thing I can do is activate channeling and use powers. Being downed and revived does not fix the problem and neither does using the /unstuck command (worth a go!).



  3. A little background first...


    In my desperate need for R5 Rare Fusion Cores, I've been toying with ways of farming them as quickly as possible. This used to be solo runs on Triton using Frost by setting off the first two extractors (rotation A), snowglobing them, charging them both up and once the first is completed, running to the extraction location as quickly as possible and waiting for the second to complete before extracting, making full use of a mechanic where the enemies will despawn once you're far enough away from the extractors. A complete cycle of this (from hitting "Play Now" to completing the mission and hitting the "Play Now" button once again) took between 3:25 and 3:55 depending on the starting extractors location. This has proved to be quicker (at least in my experience) than doing excavations the conventional way of completing all extractors until approx 2000 cryotic (20 extractors, or 10 rotation A extractors).


    Out of boredom and because I was curious as to how "lucky" I was getting I decided to record how often I was getting packs of 5 R5 Fusion Cores. Out of 132 rotation A extractors I got 30 core packs and 102 credit caches (I didn't bother recording what type of credit cache as I quite frankly don't care). That's a pack of 5 R5 Fusion Cores from 22.7% of the rotation A extractors, which is a touch below the wiki's quoted 25%.


    With the fairly recent changes to excavation and rumour going around that Hieracon was dropping cores more often, I decided to check that out and after faffing around with a Vauban Repelling Bastille build and a few initial blown up extractors (those infested are tenacious little bastards!), I was able to perform the same technique as above just as quick. Now as far as I could tell from searching the wiki and the web, there are no quoted drop chances for Hieracon (or similar) excavations, so I thought I'd try and gather some data and work out what the odds were, at least in my experience. So what was the outcome? Well from 100 rotation A extractors I got 38 packs of 5 R5 fusion cores (the rest credit caches). 38%...a success!


    ...or so I thought...

    Encouraged by this Fusion Core gold mine, I continued. Well, the RNG gods have smited me as I'm now on 47 core packs from 152 extractors, that's knocked my overall success rate down to 30.9%, and only 9 from the last 52 extractors (17.3%!!!). The poor results coming from 3 near fruitless farming sessions in the last week. It almost feels as though it's been stealth nerfed....

    So what do you reckon? Are the initial promising results worth me striving on and hoping that I'm just in some RNG dip and my luck picks up or do I drop Hieracon and go back to Triton where it's known that it's a 25% chance? (despite me recording a 22.7% chance. Love you RNG!) Has anyone done any testing of their own or got any figures squirrelled away somewhere?



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